
Welcome to the official Ordinances page of the Town of Marana. This resource provides access to the codified laws and regulations duly enacted by the Marana Town Council. These ordinances govern various aspects of community life, including public safety, development, and the use of public spaces. To view the Town Code, where ordinances are codified, please click here

We invite residents, business owners, and visitors to explore these regulations to stay informed and ensure compliance with the standards that sustain the quality of life and growth within our community.



Ordinance No. 2025.001(PDF, 239KB)

Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately five acres of land located at 13049 n. Coyote Howl Road, approximately one-quarter mile north of the intersection ofMoore Road and Coyote Howl Road, from AG (agricultural) to R-36 (single-family residential)

Ordinance No. 2025.002(PDF, 366KB)

Relating to land development; adopting amendments to Marana Town Code Title 17 "Land Development"; amending sections 17-4-2 (use matrix) and 17-4- 3 ( use conditions matrix) to allow up to 6 chickens to be kept on a single- family detached residential lot that is one- half acre or less in size and prescribing development regulations related to the keeping of chickens.

Ordinance No. 2025.003(PDF, 5MB)

Relating to finance; amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule to add various fees related to the Marana Aquatic and Recreation Center (MARC); defining resident and family; authorizing membership gifts; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2025.004(PDF, 903KB)

Relating to development; amending development impact fees for water resources and wastewater facilities; and providing an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2025.005(PDF, 1MB)

Relating to procurement; revising marana town code title3 (administration), chapter 3-4 (procurement), sections 3-4-5 (definitions) and 3-4-23 (cooperative purchasing) to authorize the town to participate in national purchasing cooperatives; and designating an effective date

Ordinance No. 2025.006(PDF, 4MB)

Relating to Mayor and Council; Amending Marana Town Code Title 2 (Mayor and Council), amending Chapter 2-1 (Council) Section 2-1-4 (Vacancies) to provide for the filling of Council vacancies consistent with Arizona state law; Amending chapter 2-2 (council elections) section 2-2-8 (automatic recount) to clarify when an automatic recount is required under state law; amending chapter 2-3 (mayor and vice mayor) section 2-3-1 (vice mayor) to add a provision for appointment of a vice mayor when the seat is vacant; and designating an effective date







Ordinance No. 2024.029(PDF, 13MB)

Relating to land development; adopting amendments to marana Town code title 17 " land development"; revising section 17-1- 6 Definitions), to add a definition for " data center"...

Ordinance No.2024.028(PDF, 4MB)

Relating to development; amending marana town code title 17 Land development), amending chapter 17-6 ( general and Miscellaneous development regulations) by adding new section 17- 6- 14 entitled accessory dwelling units...

Ordinance No. 2024.027(PDF, 2MB)

Relating to development; amending marana town code title 17 Land development), chapter 17-3 ( administration and Enforcement), section 17- 3- 1 ( amendment and rezoning) to add Provisions establishing time frames for review of zoning Applications; and declaring an emergency

Ordinance No. 2024.026(PDF, 2MB)

Relating to administration; revising Marana Town code title 3 Administration), chapter 3- 5 ( claims and settlement), sections 3- 5- 1 Claims administration) and 3- 5- 2 (settlement authority) to clarify Roles, responsibilities, and authority related to claims and Settlements; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.025(PDF, 2MB)

Relating to land development; Adopting the Town of Marana Drainage Manual.

Ordinance No. 2024.024(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2021.16, which rezoned approx 49 acres of land located approx one-quarter mile south of Ina Road, West of Silverbell Road, to revise a provision of the ordinance that required all utilities outside of the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) easement to be located underground. 

Ordinance No. 2024.023(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to business regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations), Chapter 9-14 (Short-Term and Vacation Rentals), Section 9-14-9 (Compliance with laws, prohibited uses) to provide that accessory dwelling units may only be used for short-term rentals if and while the owner resides on the property that contains the accessory dwelling unit.

Ordinance No. 2024.022(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Development; approving an amendment to the Rancho Marana West Specific Plan to rezone approximately 249 acres of land located between Barnett Road and Moore Road, and west of the I-10 Frontage Road, to create the Monarch at Rancho Marana West Specific Plan Amendment as a separate planning area. 

Ordinance No. 2024.021(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Business Regulations, revising Marana Town Code Title 9 to provide that youth businesses, as defined in Arizona State Law, are exempt from business licensing requirements. 

Ordinance No. 2024.020(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Animal Control; Adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control)...

Ordinance No. 2024.019(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Special Events; amending Marana Town Code title 10 (health and sanitation), chapter 6 (Special events); revising Section 10-6-4 (Permit required; non-transferable) to add language clarifying that compliance with all conditions set forth in an issued special event permit is required and revising section 10-6-8 (grounds for denial) to add language clarifying that failure to meet a condition set forth in a previously-issued special event permit constitutes grounds for denial; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.018(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to offenses; amending Town Code Title 11 (Offenses). Chapter 11-10 (Penalties); adding new section 11-10-4 (violations of Section 11-5-4; Classification; Enforcement’ Continuing violations) to designate construction noise violations as civil infractions; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.017(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to traffic and highways; revising Marana Town Code Title 12 (Traffic and Highways), chapter 12-7 (Construction in town Rights-of-way), section 12-7-12 (Fees; late fees) to delete a provision requiring the town engineer to maintain a copy of the town’s fee schedule; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.016(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Business Regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (BUSINESS REGULATIONS), chapter 9-13 (Mobile Food Vendors), section 9-13-7 (Operational requirements) to clarify that the parking requirements provided in Section 9-13-7(G) apply only to mobile food vendors parking in the right-of-way; and designating an effective date

Ordinance No. 2024.015(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Administration; revising Marana Town Code Title 3 (Administration), Chapter 3-1 (Officers and Employees). Section 3-1-1 (Town Officers) to clarify that the duties of a town officer may be assigned to a town employee serving in another position and that a Town officer may designate other Town employees to fulfill some of the Town officer’s responsibilities; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.014(PDF, 6MB)
Relating to Land Development; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code (“MTC”) Title 17 - Land Development…

Ordinance No. 2024.013(PDF, 5MB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule.

Ordinance No. 2024.012(PDF, 3MB)
Approving a rezoning of approximately 19.6 acres of land generally located approximately one-half mile west of the intersection of West Grier Road and North WEntz Road from Zone A (Small Lot Zone) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC)…

Ordinance No. 2024.011(PDF, 6MB)
Relating to land Development; Adopting revisions to Title 17 “Land Development” of the Marana Town Code, including miscellaneous revisions to Chapter 17-5 “Subdivisions”, Section 17-5-4 (Performance guarantee), Chapter 17-13 “Standards for Grading and Related Site Work”, and Chapter 17-15 “Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Management Code”; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2024.010(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-4 (Zoning), Section 17-4-11 (Blended-Use (BU)) and Section 17-4-12 (Downtown Marana Overlay (D)) to correct erroneous cross references; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance No. 2024.009(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Police; amending Marana Town Code Title 4 (Police Department), Chapter 4-1 (Police Department); revising Section 4-1-5 (Duties of Chief of Police) to remove from the Chief of Police’s duties the duty to collect license fees levied within the Town.

Ordinance No. 2024.008(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Municipal Court; amending Marana Town Code Title 5 (Marana Municipal Court), Chapter 5-6 (Fees); revising Section 5-6-1 (Fee Schedule for Court Costs) to allow the Town Treasurer to invest court improvement fund monies instead of mandating such investment.

Ordinance 2024.007(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Administration; amending Town Code Title 3 (Administration), Chapter 3-2 (Establishment, Compensation, and Powers and Duties of Town Officers); Revising Section 3-2-4 (Town Clerk) to provide that the Town Clerk shall delegate the duties of Treasurer to the Town’s Finance Director.

Ordinance 2024.006(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to development; approving a modification to Ordinance No. 99.02 which requires developers of land within the lower Santa Cruz River Levee Benefit Area to enter into a development Agreement with the Town for payment of the Lower Santa Cruz River Levee Fee to remove the requirement for a development agreement.

Ordinance 2024.005(PDF, 134KB)
Relating to development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance no. 2009.02.

Ordinance 2024.003(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 1.5 acres of land located northwest of the intersection of West Ina Road and North Oldfather Drive from Neighborhood Commercial to Village Commercial.

Ordinance 2024.002(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana ordinance no. 2021.016.

Ordinance 2024.001(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 3.9 acres of land located at 9996 N. Silverbell Road.


Ordinance 2023.040(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Business Regulations; adopting revisions to Title 9 “Business Regulations” of the Marana Town Code; including revising section 9-2-7 (License Renewal) to allow the Town to conduct investigations on business license renewals; revising section 9-2-10 (Grounds for Denial, Suspension, Revocation, or Nonrenewal of License) to add an additional ground related to solicitors; adding new chapter 9-15 (Soliciting in Residential Areas); and designating an effective date

Ordinance 2023.039(PDF, 857KB)
Relating to Parks and Recreation; revising Marana Town Code Title 13 (Parks & Recreation), Chapter 13-1 (Parks and Recreation Regulations); Section 13-1-1 (Domestic Animals and Pets) to refer to Dog Park Definition and Regulation in Title 6 (Animal Control); and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023-038(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); revising Section 6-1-1 (Definitions) to add new definition for dog park; revising Section 6-4-1(c)(4) (Dogs at large prohibited; exceptions; classification) to revise Dog Park Exception; adding Section 6-4-4 (Dog Park Regulations) to add Dog Park Regulations; Revising Section 6-7-2 (Evaluation fo Animals) to add exception to vicious, aggressive or destructive animal evaluation or investigation in dog parks; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.037(PDF, 6MB)
Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); adding new Chapter 6-10 “Pet Stores” to regulate pet stores by establishing requirements and authorizing enforcement; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.036(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to administration; amending Town Code Title 3 (Administration), Chapter 3-1 (Officers and Employees); revising Section 3-1-3 (Position Status) to revise the max employment time for short-term temporary positions; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.035(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Finance; retroactively waiving the Park Rental Bundle Fee for an event held by HM3 Advocate, Inc. on August, 5, 2023; and waiving the Park Rental Bundle Fee for an event to be held by HM3 Advocate, Inc. in the Fall of 2023.

Ordinance 2023.034(PDF, 943KB)
Relating to Finance; retroactively waiving the Park Rental Bundle Fee for the October 1, 2023 Paws and Patches Fundraising Event

Ordinance 2023.033(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule by adding fees related to the Marana Public Art Policy and a General Plan Map Minor Amendment, in conjunction with a translational or non-site analysis rezoning; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.032(PDF, 7MB)
Relating to Land Development; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code (MTC) Title 17 “Land Development”; revising MTC Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to revise definitions for “Single-Family Dwelling” and Transitional Housing”; revising MTC Section 17-4-2 (Use Matrix) to revise the permissiveness of Transitional Housing Uses in Several Zoning Districts…

Ordinance 2023.031(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-4 (Zoning), Section 17-4-3 (Use Conditions Matrix) to clarify that for home occupations, the use of amenities customarily incidental to a residential use is permitted subject to conditions; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.030(PDF, 4MB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 4.1 acres of land generally located approximately 800 feet south of the intersection of Ina Road and Silverbell Road, on the west side of Silverbell Road, from R-144 (single family residential) to VC (Village Commercial); and approving a minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from low density residential (LDR) to commercial (C).

Ordinance 2023.029(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Development; approving modifications to rezoning conditions of Marana Ordinance No. 2006.29, which rezoned approximately 9.95 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ina and Silverbell Roads, to delete zoning conditions that were intended to only allow a retail shopping center on the site and to remove zoning conditions related to the now-completed Silverbell Road Improvement Project.

Ordinance 2023.028(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to clarify descriptions of the park rental bundle and special event permit fees; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.027(PDF, 11MB)
Relating to annexation; annexing into the corporate limits of the Town of Marana that territory known as the Post Marana Pumpkin Patch Annexation, approximately 370 acres of land located southeast of the intersection of W. Hardin Road and N Trico Road in Section 14, Township 11 South, Range 10 East; approving a plan to provide the annexed territory with appropriate levels of infrastructure and services to serve anticipated new development; and establishing original Town of Marana zoning.

Ordinance 2023.026(PDF, 15MB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 162 acres of land generally located east of Mandarina Boulevard and north of Tangerine Road in Section 31, Township 11S, Range 12E, from Zone (Transportation Corridor Zone) to SP (Specific Plan), creating the Mandarina South Specific Plan…

Ordinance 2023.025(PDF, 5MB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 1.75 acres of land, generally located on the west side of Camino Martin, approximately 400 feet south of the Ina Road and Camino Martin Intersection, from VC (Village Commercial) to HI (Heavy Industrial); and approving a minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from Commercial (C) to Employment (E).

Ordinance 2023.024(PDF, 4MB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 8.7 acres of land, generally located on the north side of Sagebrush Road, approximately 825 feet west of Wentz Road, from Zone A (Small Lot) to R-144 (Residential) and approving a minor amendment to the Marana General Plan amending the land use category from Traditional Neighborhood to Rural Residential.

Ordinance 2023.023(PDF, 112KB)
Relating to traffic and highways; amending Town Code Title 12 (Traffic and Highways), Chapter 12-7 (Construction in Town Rights-of-way); revising Section 12-7-5 (Permit Process; Grounds for Denial) to revise permit application requirements; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2023.022(PDF, 145KB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to revise various fees related to right-of-way permits; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2023.021(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to land development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-5 (Subdivisions), Section 17-5-4 (Performance Guarantee) to add permit hold forms of assurance as an acceptable form of substitute assurance to guarantee the completion of subdivision improvements.

Ordinance 2023.020(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule by modifying the Vacation Service Fee Note to eliminate the six-month requirement for the vacation disconnect period and to clarify that monthly water and sewer base rate fees still apply during the vacation disconnect period; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.019(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 1.7 acres of land, generally located approximately 300 feet northwest of the intersection of w. Ina Road and n. Oldfather Road, from MR-2 (multi-family residential) and NC (neighborhood commercial) to VC (village commercial)

Ordinance 2023.018(PDF, 4MB)
Relating to Offenses; revising Marana Town Code Title 11 (Offenses), Chapter 11-5 (Noise), Section 11-5-4 (Construction Noise) to revise procedures for obtaining a special permit for extended work hours, and making other various revisions to Section 11-5-4; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.017(PDF, 7MB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.015(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Special Events; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 10 (Health and Sanitation), Chapter 6 (Special Events); revising Section 10-6-2 (Definitions) to add a major/minor event distinction to the definition of “Special Event”; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.14(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to elections; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 2 (Mayor and Council), Chapter 2-2 (Council Election); revising Section 2-2-1 (Primary Election; Date; Declaration of elected candidate) to amend Paragraph B to expressly refer to A.R.S. 9-821.01, which determines how to calculate a majority of votes cast; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.013(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Finance; retroactively waiving all water meter monthly base rate and wastewater monthly service fees required under section 14-6-1 of the Marana Town Code, along with any associated fees, for all Marana water and wastewater customers that have been included on the water department's vacation disconnect list beyond the six-month vacation disconnect period from the time these customers exceeded the six-month vacation disconnect period up until may 2, 2023

Ordinance 2023.012(PDF, 165KB)
Relating to land development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-4 (Zoning), Section 17-4-5 (Residential zoning Districts…) to increase the maximum allowable building height for the main building in the R-180, R-144, and R-80 zones, and Section 17-4-7 (Commercial Zoning Districts) to provide that the required minimum site area in the Village Commercial (VC) Zoning District may be less than 10 acres in certain circumstances; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.011(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to business regulations; continuing the occupational licensing requirement for managers of massage establishments as set forth in Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations), Chapter 9-5 (Massage Establishments), Section 9-5-7 (Manager License required; non-transferability) and finding that the licensing requirement is necessary to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2023.010(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule by adding fees for business licenses for short-term and vacation rentals; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.009(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to business regulations; adopting revisions to Title 9 “Business Regulations” of the Marana Town Code, including deleting Section 9-2-4 (Vacation Rental or Short-Term Rental contact information) and adding new Chapter 9-14 “Short-Term and Vacation Rentals”; and other various revisions to Title 9 of the Marana Town Code; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2023.008(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Finance; exempting contracted, non-profit youth sport organizations from paying special event permit fees for their annual opening and closing ceremony events.

Ordinance No. 2023.007(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to development; approving an amendment to the Rancho Marana West Town Center Specific Plan Amendment, approved by Ordinance No. 2008.14, which rezoned approximately 99 acres generally located north of Barnett Road, South of Grier Road and West of Lon Adams Road, in Section 27, Township 11S, Range 11E, creating the Rancho Marana West Town Center Specific Plan, to revise certain development and architectural standards in the specific plan.

Ordinance No. 2023.006(PDF, 132KB)
Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (animal control); revising section 6-1-1 (definitions) to clarify definitions related to aggressive animals, destructive animals and vicious animals, including new definitions for aggressive manner, destructive manner, and vicious manner; revising section 6-7-2(a) (evaluation of animals) to clarify an animal control officer may conduct an evaluation and / or investigation; revising section 6-7-5(a) (hearing regarding declaration; findings after court hearing; rules of hearing; costs) to add provision allowing court to conduct a hearing within 30 days when the animal is not impounded; revising section 6-7-6(a) (prohibited acts; classification; defenses; findings and orders) clarifying a violation occurs when the animal is “declared” a vicious animal, aggressive animal or destructive animal; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2023.005(PDF, 207KB)
Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-3 (Administration and Enforcement), Section 17-3-1 (Amendment and Rezoning) to add provisions relating to a citizen review process for rezoning applications; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2023.004(PDF, 806KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 165 acres of land located east of Interstate 10, east and west of Adonis Road, and approximately 1.2 miles north of Tangerine Road from Zone E (Transportation Corridor) to R-4 (Residential), R-5 (Residential) and MR-1 (Multi-Family Residential); and approving and authorizing the mayor to sign the development agreement regarding streets development impact fee credits for the Stonegate Development Project.

Ordinance No. 2023.003(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Finance; temporarily waiving the fee required under section 14-6-3(J) of the Marana Town Code for late payment of water rates, charges, or fees, beginning retroactively on January 1, 2023 and continuing until March 7, 2023

Ordinance No. 2023.001(PDF, 315KB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 154.5 acres of land generally located between Marana Road and Grier Road, east of Wentz Road from Zone A- Small Lot Zone to R-4 Residential; and approving and authorizing the mayor to sign the development agreement regarding streets development impact fee credits for the Wentz 154 Development Project.


Ordinance No. 2022.029(PDF, 399KB)
Relating to development; adopting development impact fees for street facilities, parks and recreation facilities, water facilities, water resources, and wastewater facilities… (click for more details)

Ordinance No. 2022.028(PDF, 151KB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately .53 acres of Block C of the final Block Plat for Willow Ridge… (click for more details)

Ordinance No. 2022.027(PDF, 134KB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to reduce the Signature Event Vendor Fee - Non Food Vendor - Single; approving and authorizing a retroactive, partial waiver of the Signature Event Vendor Fee - Non Food Vendor - Single for the 2022 Fall Festival and the 2022 Holiday Festival Signature Events; and establishing an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.026(PDF, 94KB)
Relating to Development; adopting revision to Title 17 “Land Development” of the Marana Town Code, including adding definitions for solar energy systems and energy storage to section 17-1-6 (definitions), adding zoning provisions for solar energy systems and energy storage to Chapter 17-4 “Zoning,” revising Chapter 17-6 “General Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-11 (Solar Energy Systems and Energy Storage Facilities); and other various revisions to Title 17 of the Marana Town Code; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.025(PDF, 142KB)
Relating to development; approving a modification to Marana Ordinance No. 2003.19, which rezoned approximately 40 acres of land located generally at the Northeast Corner of Sanders Road and Moore Road, to delete a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to install dual water lines.

Ordinance No. 2022.024(PDF, 379KB)
Relating to development; approving an amendment to the Sanders Grove Specific Plan, including comprehensive revisions to the Land Use Plan, an increase in the maximum number of residents permitted, and a change of the name of the plan to Ranch House Specific Plan, for the 841-acre specific plan area located north of Marana Road, east of Wentz Road, and West of Sanders Road; and approving a minor amendment to the Marana General Plan to amend the future circulation map as it applies to the specific plan area.

Ordinance No. 2022.023(PDF, 199KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to modify police extra-duty rates, to clarify fee for traffic impact analysis, to add sewer and water tap fees, and to clarify fee for commercial activity permit; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.022(PDF, 85KB)
Relating to Development; adopting revisions to Title 17 “Land Development” of the Marana Town Code, including miscellaneous revisions to Chapter 14-7 “Zoning”, Section 17-4-2 (Use Matrix) and Section 17-4-7 (Commercial Zoning Districts), Section 17-6-8 (Medical Marijuana Dispensary), and Chapter 17-10 “Signs”, Section 17-10-15 (Classification; Enforcement; Removal); and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.021(PDF, 123KB)
Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2004.07, which approved the rezoning for the 104-acre Willow Ridge Development, to delete a condition that prohibits two-story construction within 300 feet of Cortaro Farms Road as it applies to Block B of Willow Ridge, a 3.60-acre parcel located at the southwest corner of Cortaro Farms Road and Sandy Desert Trail.

Ordinance No. 2022.020(PDF, 110KB)
Relating to Municipal Court; revising Marana Town Code Title 5 (Municipal Court), Chapter 5-2 (Magistrate Department), section 5-2-1 (Town Magistrate) to provide that the Town Magistrate’s term of office shall be for a minimum period of two years; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.019(PDF, 120KB)
Relating to Mayor and Council; revising Marana Town Code Title 2 (Mayor and Council), Chapter 2-2 (Council Election), section 2-3-4 (Powers and Duties of the Mayor) to provide that the Mayor’s emergency powers do not include the power to close businesses; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.018(PDF, 113KB)
Relating to business regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations); revising section 9/13/7 (Operational Requirements) to authorize mobile food vendors selling shaved ice to operate on public rights-of-way in areas zoned for residential use; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.015(PDF, 114KB)
Relating to transaction privilege tax; rescinding ordinance no. 2022.011; amending the Town tax code by decreasing the tax rate on the sale of manufactured buildings under Town tax code section 8-427 by one-half cent; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.014(PDF, 312KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 50.92 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Thornydale Road and Tangerine Road from R-144 (residential) to SP (Specific Plan), creating the SWC Tangerine & Thornydale Specific Plan; and approving a minor amendment to the Marana General Plan Land Use Designation from Commercial (C) to Master Plan Area (MPA)

Ordinance No. 2022.012(PDF, 307KB)
Relating to Utilities; Amending Town Code Title 14 (Utilities) by adding new Chapter 14-11 (Non-Potable water service within Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District boundaries)

Ordinance N. 2022.011(PDF, 105KB)
Relating to Transaction Privilege Tax; amending Marana Ordinance No. 2021.022 to exempt the sale of manufactured buildings, pursuant to Town Tax Code Section 8-427, from the one-half cent tax increase approved by ordinance No. 2021.022; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.010(PDF, 109KB)
Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2014.026, which created the Riverside at Silverbell Specific Plan, to delete a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to design an construct eastbound right-turn (deceleration) lanes at each of the projects three driveways on Ina Road.

Ordinance No. 2022.009(PDF, 157KB)
Relating to Finance: Amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.008(PDF, 256KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 6.3 acres of land located east of Twin Peaks Road and South of Camino De Manana from R-36 (Residential) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC)

Ordinance No. 2022.007(PDF, 93KB)
Relating to Finance; exempting HM3 Adovcate, Inc. from the special event permit fee for an event on April 24, 2022 at Continental Reserve Neighborhood Park.

Ordinance No. 2022.006(PDF, 263KB)
Relating to Development; adopting revisions to Title 17 “Land Development” of the Marana Town Code, including misc revisions to section 17-3-1 (amendment and rezoning), chapter 17-4 “Zoning” section 17-11-7 (landscape requirements), Chapter 17-15 “Floodplain and erosion hazard management code”, and Chapter 17-16 “Stormwater Management”; revising chapter 17-6 “general development regulations” to add new section 17-6-10 (height of buildings and structures); revising chapter 17-14 “hillside development” to add new section 17-14-5 (average cross slope calculations), and making other various revisions.

Ordinance No. 2022.005(PDF, 72KB)
Relating to Development, revising Marana Standard Detail 740-1 for Wayfinding Signs and establishing an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.004(PDF, 110KB)
Relating to Development, revising section 4.2 “Cul-de-sacs” of the Marana Subdivision Street Standards Manual; and establishing an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.003(PDF, 196KB)
Relating to Land Development; Revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-2 (Administrative Bodies and Officers), Section 17-2-2 (Board of Adjustment) to provide that the members of the Planning Commission shall serve as the Marana Board of Adjustment; dissolving the sitting Board of Adjustment; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance No. 2022.002(PDF, 97KB)
Relating to Finance; Exempting the Nighthawk-72 Marana Marine Corps League Detachment 1344 from the Special Event Permit fee for the Annual Nighthawk-72 Memorial Service.

Ordinance No. 2022.001(PDF, 86KB) Effective Date: 2/19/22

Relating to Procurement; Revising Marana Town Code Title 3


Ordinance No. 2021.025(PDF, 498KB)
Relating to Public Nuisance and Property Preservation; Amending the Marana Town Code by Adopting Title 18

Ordinance No. 2021.024(PDF, 250KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land Generally Located at 8380 N. Silverbell Road

Ordinance No. 2021.023(PDF, 157KB)
Relating to Development; Approving an Amendment to Marana Ordinance No. 2005.02

Ordinance No. 2021.012(PDF, 137KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Modification of Marana Ordinance No. 2011.19

Ordinance No. 2021.022(PDF, 196KB)
Relating to Transaction Privilege Tax; Amending the Town Tax Code

Ordinance No. 2021.021(PDF, 776KB)
Relating to Development; Amending Marana Ordinance No. 2004.23

Ordinance No. 2021.020(PDF, 353KB)
Relating to Development; Approving an Amendment to the Gladden Farms II Specific Plan

Ordinance No. 2021.019(PDF, 330KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land on the Northwest Corner of Barnett Road and Sandario Road

Ordinance No. 2021.018(PDF, 827KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land Along the West Side of Interstate 10 Northwest of Tangerine Road

Ordinance No. 2021.016(PDF, 85KB)
Ordinance No. 2021.016 - 2(PDF, 4MB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land South of Ina Road and West of Silverbell Road

Ordinance No. 2021.015(PDF, 245KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land East of Camino de Oeste and North of Tangerine Road

Ordinance No. 2021.014(PDF, 102KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2021.013(PDF, 248KB)
Relating to Development; Approving the Final Plat for Summerstone

Ordinance No. 2021.011(PDF, 492KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of 38 Acres of Residential Land

Ordinance No. 2021.010(PDF, 800KB)
Relating to Development; Adopting Comprehensive Revisions to Marana Land Development Code Section 05.01

Ordinance No. 2021.009(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Special Events; Adopting Revisions to Marana Town Code Title 10, Chapter 6

Ordinance No. 2021.008(PDF, 964KB)
Relating to Finance; Adopting the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2021.007(PDF, 13MB)
Relating to Building; Adopting by Reference the 2021 Town of Marana Outdoor Lighting Code

Ordinance No. 2021.006(PDF, 673KB)
Relating to Development; Rezoning Approximately 1.16 Acres of Land at 4201 W. Jeremy Place

Ordinance No. 2021.005(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Animal Control; Amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); Revising Section 6-1-1

Ordinance No. 2021.004(PDF, 410KB)
Relating to Land Development; Amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development Code), Chapter 17-2

Ordinance No. 2021.003(PDF, 9MB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Marana Town Code, Title 17 (Land Development Code)

Ordinance No. 2021.002(PDF, 71KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Approximately 1.84 Acres of Land at 4535 W. Ina Road

Ordinance No. 2021.001(PDF, 74KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of 40 Acres of Land Located East of I-10


Ordinance No. 2020.022(PDF, 49KB)
Relating to Utilities; Rescinding Marana Ordinance No. 2020.006

Ordinance No. 2020.021(PDF, 53KB)
Relating to Development; Amending Town Code Chapter 17-5

Ordinance No. 2020.020(PDF, 73KB)
Relating to Utilities; Amending Marana Town Code Title 14, Chapter 14-4

Ordinance No. 2020.019(PDF, 60KB)
Relating to Offenses; Revising Marana Town Code Title 11 Relating to the Regulation of Recreational Marijuana

Ordinance No. 2020.018(PDF, 88KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Approximately 63.8 Acres of Land on Avra Valley Road

Ordinance No. 2020.017(PDF, 57KB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Continental Ranch Specific Plan Chapter V.

Ordinance No. 2020.016(PDF, 65KB)
Relating to Development; Amending Ordinance No. 2018.023

Ordinance No. 2020.015(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land North of Moore Road

Ordinance No. 2020.014(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning of Land on Tangerine Road

Ordinance No. 2020.013(PDF, 66KB)
Relating to Finance; Exempting two Habitat for Humanity Tucson, Inc. projects

Ordinance No. 2020.012(PDF, 352KB)
Relating to Development; Adding Marana Standard Detail 100-7 for “Ranchette Street”

Ordinance No. 2020.011(PDF, 493KB)
Relating to Annexation; Annexing into the corporate limits of the Town of Marana

Ordinance No. 2020.010(PDF, 683KB)
Relating to Development; Approving an amendment to the Pima Farms North Specific Plan

Ordinance No. 2020-XXX(PDF, 103KB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Infrastructure Improvements Plan

Ordinance No. 2020.009(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Development; Approving a Rezoning from ‘NC - Neighborhood Commercial’ to ‘F-Specific Plan’

Ordinance No. 2020.008(PDF, 519KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2020.007(PDF, 463KB)
Relating to Utilities; Amending Marana Ordinance No. 2020.006

Ordinance No. 2020.006(PDF, 524KB)
Relating to Utilities; Temporarily suspending enforcement of Marana Town Code Section 14-5-4

Ordinance No. 2020.005(PDF, 962KB)
Relating to Development; Amending Marana Ordinance No. 2017.008

Ordinance No. 2020.004(PDF, 397KB)
Relating to Elections; Revisions to Marana Town Code Title 2

Ordinance No. 2020.002(PDF, 692KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2020.001(PDF, 634KB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Uptown at Marana


Ordinance No. 2019.024(DOCX, 31KB)
Relating to Development; amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development)

Ordinance No. 2019.023(DOCX, 27KB)
Relating to Finance; exempting the Sol Dog Lodge Development Project from certain Town of Marana development and building fees

Ordinance No. 2019.022(DOCX, 31KB)
Relating to Development: amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development)

Ordinance No. 2019.021(DOCX, 23KB)
Relating to Utilities; amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule

Ordinance No. 2019.019(DOCX, 27KB)
Relating to Development; revising Marana Standard Detail 740-1 for wayfinding signs and establishing an effective date

Ordinance No. 2019.018(PDF, 46KB)
Relating to Development; amending Title 17 (Land Development)

Ordinance No. 2019.017(PDF, 96KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; and designating an effective date

Ordinance No. 2019.016(PDF, 67KB)
Relating to Business Regulations; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations)

Ordinance No. 2019.015(PDF, 63KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; and designating an effective date

Ordinance No. 2019.014(PDF, 114KB)
Relating to Personnel; Approving and Adopting Amendments to the Town’s Personnel Policies and Procedures

Ordinance No. 2019.013(PDF, 83KB)
Relating to Business Regulations; repealing Town Code Chapter 9-9 (Cable Television) and replacing it with Town Code Chapter 9‑9 (Video Services)

Ordinance No. 2019.012(PDF, 53KB)
Relating to Business Regulations; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations)

Ordinance No. 2019.011(PDF, 131KB)
Relating to Building SAFETY; adopting by reference THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (ibc)

Ordinance No. 2019.009(PDF, 75KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to reduce certain Park Facility Rental Fees

Ordinance No. 2019.008(PDF, 69KB)
Relating to Traffic and Highways; Amending Marana Town Code Title 12 (Traffic and Highways)

Ordinance No. 2019.007(PDF, 78KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to eliminate certain vehicle storage fees

Ordinance No. 2019.006(PDF, 60KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 5.47 acres of land located north of Cortaro Farms Road and west of Cerius Stravenue

Ordinance No. 2019.005(PDF, 60KB)
Relating to Animal Control; Amending Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control)

Ordinance No. 2019.004(PDF, 61KB)
Relating to Development; amending Title 17 (Land Development) of the Marana Town Code by adding new Chapter 17-10 (Signs);

Ordinance No. 2019.003(PDF, 80KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to add fees for Park Facility Rentals for Commercial Filming and Photography

Ordinance No. 2019.002(PDF, 67KB)
Relating to Marana Regional Airport; Amending Marana Town Code Title 15

Ordinance No. 2019.001(PDF, 42KB)
Relating to Business Regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations) by adding a new Chapter 9-12 (Commercial Filming and Photography Permits)


Ordinance No. 2018.023(PDF, 94KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 17.3 acres of land from ‘R-80’

Ordinance No. 2018.022(PDF, 56KB)
Relating to Utilities; amending Marana Town Code Title 14 (Utilities)

Ordinance No. 2018.021(PDF, 50KB)
Relating to Development; confirming The Villages of Tortolita Development Agreement and The Villages of Tortolita Specific Plan

Ordinance No. 2018.020(PDF, 512KB)
Relating to Transaction Privilege Tax; Amending The Town Tax Code By Decreasing The Rate On Certain Activities By One-Half Cent

Ordinance No. 2018.019(PDF, 663KB)
Relating To Development; Amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development Code)

Ordinance No. 2018.018(PDF, 471KB)
Relating To Finance; Amending The Town Of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2018.016(PDF, 73KB)
Relating to Animal Control; Amending Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control)

Ordinance No. 2018.015(PDF, 66KB)
Relating to Development; approving the final plat for Gladden Farms Block 35

Ordinance No. 2018.014(PDF, 77KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2018.013(PDF, 82KB)
Relating to Parks and Recreation; Amending Marana Town Code Chapter 13-1 (Parks and Recreation Regulations); Amending Section 13-1-4 (Model Aircraft Operation)

Ordinance No. 2018.012(PDF, 62KB)
Relating to Development; revising the Marana Subdivision Street Standards Manual

Ordinance No. 2018.011(PDF, 249KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule

Ordinance No. 2018.010(PDF, 65KB)
Relating to Development; amending Title 17 (Land Development) of the Marana Town Code

Ordinance No. 2018.009(PDF, 56KB)
Relating to Development; extending the time for signing The Villages of Tortolita Development Agreement and for submitting The Villages of Tortolita Specific Plan

Ordinance No. 2018.008(PDF, 58KB)
Relating to Traffic and Highways; revising Marana Town Code Title 12 (Traffic and Highways)

Ordinance No. 2018.007(PDF, 68KB)
Relating to traffic and highways; amending Town Code Title (Traffic and Highways), Chapter 12-7 (Construction in Town Rights-of-Way)

Ordinance No. 2018.006(PDF, 127KB)
Relating to Development; amending the Gladden Farms II Specific Plan

Ordinance No. 2018.004(PDF, 78KB)
Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control)

Ordinance No. 2018.003(PDF, 153KB)
Relating to Health and Sanitation; Amending Marana Town Code Title 10 (HEALTH AND SANITATION)

Ordinance No. 2018.002(PDF, 63KB)
Relating to wireless communication facilities; adopting comprehensive revisions to the Town’s wireless communication facilities regulations

Ordinance No. 2018.001(PDF, 59KB)
Relating to Development; approving an amendment to the Saguaro Springs Specific Plan


Ordinance 2017.029(PDF, 323KB)
Relating to Development; Adopting development impact fees for street facilities, parks and recreation facilities, water facilities, and wastewater facilities

Ordinance 2017.028(PDF, 117KB)
Relating to Development; extending the time for submitting waivers under Marana Ordinance No. 2017.023, which adopted amendments to The Villages of Tortolita Specific Plan

Ordinance 2017.027(PDF, 323KB)
Relating to Development; amending Title 5, Section 05.11.03.C of the Marana Land Development Code to include micro-hospital as a permitted use within the Village Commercial (VC) zoning district

Ordinance 2017.026(PDF, 221KB)
Relating to Development; amending the Marana Spectrum Specific Plan

Ordinance 2017.025(PDF, 318KB)
Relating to Animal Control; Amending Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control), Chapter 6-3 (Vaccination and Licensing of Dogs); revising Section 6-3-7 (License fees; rebate; delinquency penalties) regarding the assessment of penalty fees

Ordinance 2017.024(PDF, 336KB)
Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to eliminate certain penalty fees for dog licenses

Ordinance 2017.023(PDF, 128KB)
Relating to Development; amending Marana Ordinance No. 2007.09, which adopted The Villages of Tortolita Specific Plan, governing land uses on approximately 1,780 acres of land

Ordinance 2017.022(PDF, 118KB)
Relating to Procurement; Amending Title 3 (Administration) of the Marana Town Code by replacing existing Chapter 3-4 (Purchasing) with new Chapter 3-4 (Procurement); and designating an effective dat

Ordinance 2017.021(PDF, 135KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a rezoning of approximately 79.1 acres of land located near the southeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Tangerine Road

Ordinance 2017.020(PDF, 128KB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning OF approximately 28.22 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Tangerine Road and Camino de Oeste

Ordinance 2017.017(PDF, 14KB)
Relating to Development; revising Marana Standard Detail 720-1 for pavement striping for turn lanes; and establishing an effective date

Ordinance 2017.016(PDF, 32KB)
Relating to finance, Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to eliminate certain fees relating to Dog Licenses and Water.

Ordinance 2017.015(PDF, 169KB)
Relating to Marana Regional Airport; Amending Title 15 (Marana Regional Airport) of the Marana Town Code by replacing existing Title 15 with a comprehensive rewrite of Title 15; And designating an effective date

Ordinance 2017.014(PDF, 152KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town Of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; And Designating an Effective Date

Ordinance 2017.013(PDF, 133KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a rezoning of approximately 103.2 acres of land located at the west terminus of Pima Farms Road, west of the Scenic Drive Alignment, from RR (Resort and Recreation) to F (Specific Plan) for the purpose of establishing the Lazy K Bar Ranch Specific Plan; Approving a minor amendment to the general plan; And approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign the Lazy K Bar Ranch Development Agreement.

Ordinance 2017.012(PDF, 122KB)
Relating to development; Approving the final plat of Gladden Farms Blocks 7 & 13 Lots 1 – 76, Block A & common areas “A-1”—“A-9”, “B-1”—“B-4”; Approving an exchange of the real property dedicated by the final plat in exchange for any right, title, and interest the Town may have in the subdivision plat it replaces; And authorizing the town engineer to sign a quit claim deed to be recorded in the Pima County Recorder’s Office immediately prior to the recording of the final plat.

Ordinance 2017.011(PDF, 191KB)
Relating to animal control; Amending Title 6 (Animal Control) of the Marana Town Code by replacing existing Title 6 with a comprehensive rewrite of Title 6; And designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2017.010(PDF, 118KB)
Relating to Marana Regional Airport; Authorizing camping and parking of motor homes and recreational vehicles on the airport during the U.S. Flight Expo event May 3-6, 2017; And declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2017.009(PDF, 163KB)
Relating to Personnel; Approving and adopting amendments to the Town’s Personnel Policies and Procedures, revising Chapter 2 – Employment Process, Policy 2-8 “Fingerprinting”, Section 2-8-1 “Affected Positions”.

Ordinance 2017.008(PDF, 131KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a rezoning of approximately 34 acres of land located east of Twin Peaks Road and north of the Lambert Lane alignment from R-144 (Single-Family Residential) to R-6 (Single-Family Residential).

Ordinance 2017.007(PDF, 564KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; and declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2017.006(PDF, 652KB)
Relating to Parks and Recreation; Amending Marana Town Code Chapter 13-1 (Parks and Recreation Regulations); Amending Section 13-1-3 (Use and Occupancy Rules and Regulations) to exclude regulation of model aircraft; Adding new section 13-1-4 entitled "Model Aircraft Operation; Definitions; Prohibitions; Exceptions"; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2017.005(PDF, 116KB)
Relating to Development; amending Marana Land Development Code Title 5 (Zoning) to reduce the minimum lot width for the R-16, R-12, R-10, R-8 and R-7 zones by five feet; and designating an effective date

Ordinance 2017.004(PDF, 130KB)
Relating to Finance; Adopting the Amended Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule; And designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2017.003(PDF, 444KB)
Relating to Development; Approving an amendment to the Foothills Specific plan including comprehensive revisions to development standards and design guidelines, and a name change of the plan to Tapestry Specific Plan, for approximately 395 acres of property located west of Thornydale Road and approximately one quarter mile north of Moore Road.

Ordinance 2017.002(PDF, 65KB)
Relating to Development; Amending Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-5 (Subdivisions), Section 17‑5‑2 (Procedure) of the Marana Town Code by re-inserting an accelerated procedure and modified improvement requirements for subdivisions with ten or fewer lots.

Ordinance 2017.001(PDF, 519KB)
Relating to Health and Sanitation; Amending Town Code Title 10 (Health and Sanitation), Chapter 10-6 (Special Events); Revising Section 10-6-6 (Application Review) to amend insurance requirements for special events on Town property; Revising Action 10-6-8 (Grounds for Denial) to amend the grounds for denial of special event permit applications; And designating an effective date.


Ordinance 2016.022(PDF, 318KB)
Relating to personnel; Ratifying the approval and adoption of the Policy 3-11 (“Severance Benefits”) of the Town’s personnel policies and procedures as previously adopted by Marana Resolution No. 2016-015.

Ordinance 2016.021(PDF, 334KB)
Relating to development; Amending the Marana Land Development Code Title 16 (Signs), Section 16-14-37, adding provisions for road construction area signs, temporary signs for existing land uses located within a commercial or industrial zoning district and within an area subject to long-term or substantial roadway construction activity; And establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.020(DOC, 41KB)
Relating to Building; Adopting by reference local amendments to the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code to designate the Board of Adjustment as the appellate review body for property maintenance actions enforced by the Town; And declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2016.019(DOC, 46KB)
Relating to Health and Sanitation; Amending Marana Town Code Title 10 (Health and Sanitation); Revising Section 10-2-6 (Appeal) and Section 10-2-7 (Removal by Town; Costs Assessed; Appeal; Recording of Assessment) to designate the Board of Adjustment as the appellate review body for property maintenance actions enforced by the Town; And declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2016.018(DOCX, 26KB)
Relating to Finance; Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to eliminate certain drainage report review fees; And declaring an emergency.

Ordinance 2016.017(DOCX, 25KB)
Relating to General; Amending Town Code Title 1 (General) by revising section 1‑3‑2 (Definitions and interpretation), paragraphs 5 (“Fire chief”) and 6 (“Fire department”).

Ordinance 2016.016(PDF, 397KB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Continental Ranch Specific Plan revising the authorization and procedures for the interpretation of unclear regulations, approving administrative changes, determining the suitability of proposed additional permitted uses within the land use designations, and specifically including low-intensity medical related uses as permitted uses in the commercial land use designation; And establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.015(PDF, 661KB)
Relating to Development; Amending the Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-5 (Subdivisions), Section 17-5-2 (Procedure), revising the provisions and procedures for processing subdivision plats including the pre-application conference and the submittal, review, and approval of preliminary subdivision plats; And establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.014(PDF, 853KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a rezoning of approximately 72 acres of land located a quarter mile north of Cortaro Farms Road, bordered by Hartman Lane and Camino de Oeste, from “C” Large Lot Zone to “R-6” Single-Family Residential.

Ordinance 2016.013(PDF, 923KB)
Relating to Development; Approving a rezoning of approximately 36.79 acres of land generally located on the northeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Oasis Road, from 'R-144' residential to 'F' Specific Plan for the purpose of creating the Twin Peaks Oasis Specific Plan; And approving a minor amendment to the general plan.

Ordinance 2016.012(PDF, 388KB)
Relating to Mayor and Council; Amending all previous Town of Marana ordinances that adopted a code or public record by reference pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-802 to conform to the current requirements of the statute regarding the number of copies of the code or public record that must be maintained by the Town; And establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.011(PDF, 530KB)
Relating to development; adopting to the 2016 Marana Subdivision Street Standards and the 2016 Marana Standard Details; and establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.010(PDF, 505KB)
Relating to business regulations; amending Town Code Title 9 (business regulations) by revising section 9-4-9 (massage establishment license application; separate license; husband and wife; additional requirements) to amend requirements for proof of land ownership in massage establishment license applications; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.009(PDF, 404KB)
Relating to building; amending Town Code Title 7 (Building) by revising section 7-5-1 (sewage disposal) to update and clarify wastewater utility and regulatory review references.

Ordinance 2016.007(PDF, 567KB)
Relating to finance; exempting the Community Food Bank, Inc.'s Marana Community Food Bank expansion project from certain Town of Marana development and building fees.

Ordinance 2016.006(PDF, 350KB)
Relating to finance; amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule, and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.005(PDF, 6KB)
Relating to traffic and highways, amending the Marana Town Code, Title 12, by repealing Town Code Chapter 12-8, entitled "solicitation of employment, business or contributions from occupants of vehicles traveling on town streets and highways"; and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2016.004(PDF, 646KB)
Relating to annexation; Annexing into the Corporate Limits of the Town of Marana that territory known as the Pioneer Landscaping Materials Annexation, approximately 8.4 acres of land generally located near the southeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Tiffany Loop; And establishing original Town of Marana zoning.

Ordinance 2016.003(PDF, 14KB)
Relating to the transaction privilege tax; Adopting "The 2012-2014 Amendments to the Tax Code of the Town of Marana" by reference; Establishing effective dates; Providing for severability; And providing penalties for violations.

Ordinance 2016.002(PDF, 469KB)
Relating to Town finance; exempting Town-owned projects from certain Town of Marana fees.

Ordinance 2016.001(PDF, 755KB)
Relating to development; approving a rezoning of approximately 155 acres of land located on Linda Vista Boulevard about a mile east of the Interstate 10/Twin Peaks Road Interchange from "R-6" residential to "R-8" residential, "C" large lot zone, "F" Cascada specific plan and "F" Marana Spectrum specific plan to "F" Linda Vista Village at Cascada specific plan; approving a minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from low density residential to master plan area; and approving and authorizing the mayor to sign the "Agreement to Terminate the Talavera Development Agreement" for a portion of the rezoning area.


Ordinance 2015.021(PDF, 809KB)
Relating to development; adopting comprehensive revisions to and reformatting and consolidation of Marana Land Development Code Title 1 (Title, intent, and purpose); Title 2 (Administration); Title 3 (Definitions); Title 4 (Planning); Section 05.04 (Nonconforming structures and land uses) and all of Section 05.05 (Relationships to streets, other structures, and other property) except Subsection 05.05.08 (Manufactured homes in zone A, B, & C); all of Title 8 (General Development Regulations) except Section 08.06 (Residential design) and Section 08.07 (Commercial design standards); Title 9 (Administration and enforcement); Title 10 (Procedures); Title 11 (Prohibition of illegal and nuisance uses); Title 12 (Conflict of interest); Title 13 (Penalty); Title 14 (Severability); Title 15 (Repeal of other ordinances and effective date); Title 21 (Flood plain and erosion hazard management code); and Title 25 (Stormwater Management) into Title 17 (Land Development) of the Marana Town Code.

Ordinance 2015.020(PDF, 158KB)
Relating to utilities; amending Town Code Title 19 (Utilities) by revising Chapter 14-6 (rates and charges) to add new section 14-6-4 (bill adjustment for excessive water leak).

Ordinance 2015.019(PDF, 331KB)
Relating to development; Amending the Land Development Code of the Town of Marana Title 5 (Zoning) revising the minimum lot width for the R-6 zone from 55 to 50 feet and correcting formatting issues with section 05.10.12.G and Title 22 (Offstreet Parking and Loading) replacing the handicapped parking space minimum dimensions found in Table 1 with those of the current Americans with Disabilities Act; And establishing an effective date.

Ordinance 2015.018(PDF, 510KB)
Relating to Transaction Privilege Tax; Amending Section 8-110 (definition: income-producing capital equipment) of the Town Tax Code by adopting Local Option A of the Model City Tax Code, adding new agricultural machinery and equipment to the list of exempt "income capital and equipment"' and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2015.017(PDF, 344KB)
Relating to Development: approving and authorizing the mayor to executive the amendment of the Willow Ridge development agreement as it applies to Willow Vista.

Ordinance 2015.016(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 508 acres of land located one mile north of the north terminus of Thornydale Road from 'RD-180' rural development to 'F' Specific Plan for the purpose of establishing the Saguaro Ranch Specific Plan.

Ordinance 2015.15(PDF, 406KB)
Changing the name of the Marana Utilities Department to the Marana Water Department.

Ordinance 2015.014(PDF, 109KB)
Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule to increase dog licensing fees.

Ordinance 2015.013(PDF, 4MB)
Approving an amendment to the Sanders Grove specific plan to decrease the area of medium-low density residential land use category.

Ordinance 2015.012(PDF, 11MB)
Relating to finance, amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule.

Ordinance 2015.011(PDF, 486KB)
Amending the Town tax code by increasing the tax rate on certain activities by one-half cent for the design and construction, and fixtures, furniture and equipment, for a new police department building.

Ordinance 2015.010(PDF, 541KB)
Annexing Tiffany Loop and Twin Peaks into the Town of Marana.

Ordinance 2015.008(PDF, 894KB)
Approving a rezoning of approximately 30.6 acres of land located south of Cortaro Farms Road and east of Sandy Desert Trail from R-16 to 4-6 and approving minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from low-density residential to medium residential.

Ordinance 2015.009(PDF, 154KB)
Approving an exchange of real property located on the east side of Big Sky Ranch Drive

Ordinance 2015.007(PDF, 1023KB)
Designating the Marana parcels generally located in the floodway on the west side of the Santa Cruz River known as the El Rio Open Space Area as a Town preserve.

Ordinance 2015.006(PDF, 669KB)
Amending Marana Town code Chapter 13-1 (Parks and Recreation) amending section 13-1-2 (Intoxicants and disturbing the peace).

Ordinance 2015.005(PDF, 366KB)
Amending the Town of Marana Comprehensive Fee Schedule and designating an effective date.

Ordinance 2015.003(PDF, 487KB)
Amending Marana Ordinance No. 2002.19 by increasing the maximum number of residential units from 41 to 56.

Ordinance 2015.002(PDF, 796KB)
Approving a rezoning of approximately 3.2 acres of land located on the southeast corner of the Twin Peaks Road and Tangerine Road intersection from "C" (large lot zone) to "NC" (neighborhood commercial).

Ordinance 2015.004(PDF, 407KB)
Amending Town code Title 14 (Utilities) by adding Chapter 14-10 (industrial wastewater ordinance).

Older Ordinances

To request ordinances from before 2015, please complete a public records request.