A message from Mayor Ed Honea to citizens, businesses, faith-based groups, and voluntary organizations

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  • Emergency phone calls: 911

  • General phone calls: 520-382-1999


Mayor Ed Honea

Mayor Ed Honea

Originally published March 18, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are advising all citizens to avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. I strongly urge you to consider using alternative options for group meetings, including meetings by telephone or teleconference. In any in-person group setting, social distancing should occur to prevent spread. Social distancing is maintaining six feet of distance between persons to reduce transmission of the virus from person to person. I recommend following these guidelines and I encourage churches, faith-based groups, and other voluntary organizations to adhere to these guidelines. 

Additional recommendations: 

  • Avoid eating or drinking at bars, restaurants, and food courts – Use drive-through, pickup, or delivery options

  • Avoid discretionary travel, including shopping trips and social visits

  • Do not visit nursing homes or retirement/long-term care facilities unless to provide critical assistance

Continue to practice good hygiene by:

  • Washing hands, especially after touching any frequently-used item or surface

  • Avoid touching your face

  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow

  • Disinfect frequently-used items and surfaces as much as possible

In addition, please read these guidelines provided by the White House.

The health of you and your families are important. While these days will be challenging, I know that we can work together toward a brighter future. Please follow the Town of Marana on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to the Town of Marana Newsroom for updates.