Town Code
What is the Town Code?
The Marana Town Code is the codified version of all adopted ordinances or local laws defining the rules of conduct relating to the corporate affairs of the Town of Marana. Adopted Ordinances can amend, repeal, or add conditions to the Marana Town Code. The full text of the Marana Town Code is available at the link below. Because updates to the digital version of the town code are not immediately reflected, the most recent ordinances amending the town code are also provided for your reference.
Read the Marana Town Code
Know the Code & How It Affects You
Ordinances Related to the Town Code
Ordinances Scheduled for Public Hearing
Draft Ordinance Relating to Accessory Dwelling Units(PDF, 93KB)
Draft Ordinance Relating to Time Frames for Zoning Applications(PDF, 75KB)
Draft Ordinance Relating to Ordinance Data Centers(PDF, 236KB)
Draft Ordinance Relating to Backyard Fowl(PDF, 138KB)
Ordinances Pending Codification
Ordinances Recently Codified
Ordinance No. 2025.002(PDF, 366KB)
Relating to land development; adopting amendments to Marana Town Code Title 17 "Land Development"; amending sections 17-4-2 (use matrix) and 17-4- 3 ( use conditions matrix) to allow up to 6 chickens to be kept on a single- family detached residential lot that is one- half acre or less in size and prescribing development regulations related to the keeping of chickens.
Ordinance No. 2024.023(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to business regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (Business Regulations), Chapter 9-14 (Short-Term and Vacation Rentals), Section 9-14-9 (Compliance with laws, prohibited uses) to provide that accessory dwelling units may only be used for short-term rentals if and while the owner resides on the property that contains the accessory dwelling unit.
Ordinance No. 2024.021(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Business Regulations, revising Marana Town Code Title 9 to provide that youth businesses, as defined in Arizona State Law, are exempt from business licensing requirements.
Ordinance No. 2024.020(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Animal Control; Adopting revisions to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control)...
Ordinance No. 2024.019(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Special Events; amending Marana Town Code title 10 (health and sanitation), chapter 6 (Special events); revising Section 10-6-4 (Permit required; non-transferable) to add language clarifying that compliance with all conditions set forth in an issued special event permit is required and revising section 10-6-8 (grounds for denial) to add language clarifying that failure to meet a condition set forth in a previously-issued special event permit constitutes grounds for denial; and designating an effective date.
Ordinance No. 2024.018(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to offenses; amending Town Code Title 11 (Offenses). Chapter 11-10 (Penalties); adding new section 11-10-4 (violations of Section 11-5-4; Classification; Enforcement’ Continuing violations) to designate construction noise violations as civil infractions; and designating an effective date.
Ordinance No. 2024.017(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to traffic and highways; revising Marana Town Code Title 12 (Traffic and Highways), chapter 12-7 (Construction in town Rights-of-way), section 12-7-12 (Fees; late fees) to delete a provision requiring the town engineer to maintain a copy of the town’s fee schedule; and designating an effective date.
Ordinance No. 2024.016(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Business Regulations; revising Marana Town Code Title 9 (BUSINESS REGULATIONS), chapter 9-13 (Mobile Food Vendors), section 9-13-7 (Operational requirements) to clarify that the parking requirements provided in Section 9-13-7(G) apply only to mobile food vendors parking in the right-of-way; and designating an effective date
Ordinance No. 2024.015(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Administration; revising Marana Town Code Title 3 (Administration), Chapter 3-1 (Officers and Employees). Section 3-1-1 (Town Officers) to clarify that the duties of a town officer may be assigned to a town employee serving in another position and that a Town officer may designate other Town employees to fulfill some of the Town officer’s responsibilities; and designating an effective date.
Ordinance No. 2024.014
Relating to Land Development; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code (“MTC”) Title 17 - Land Development…
Ordinance No. 2024.011(PDF, 6MB)
Relating to land Development; Adopting revisions to Title 17 “Land Development” of the Marana Town Code, including miscellaneous revisions to Chapter 17-5 “Subdivisions,” Section 17-5-4 (Performance guarantee), Chapter 17-13 “Standards for Grading and Related Site Work,” and Chapter 17-15 “Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Management Code;” and designating an effective date.
Ordinance No. 2024.010(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-4 (Zoning), Section 17-4-11 (Blended-Use (BU)) and Section 17-4-12 (Downtown Marana Overlay (D)) to correct erroneous cross references; and declaring an emergency.
Ordinance No. 2024.009(PDF, 1MB)
Relating to Police; amending Marana Town Code Title 4 (Police Department), Chapter 4-1 (Police Department); revising Section 4-1-5 (Duties of Chief of Police) to remove from the Chief of Police’s duties the duty to collect license fees levied within the Town.
Ordinance No. 2024.008(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Municipal Court; amending Marana Town Code Title 5 (Marana Municipal Court), Chapter 5-6 (Fees); revising Section 5-6-1 (Fee Schedule for Court Costs) to allow the Town Treasurer to invest court improvement fund monies instead of mandating such investment.
Ordinance 2024.007(PDF, 2MB)
Relating to Administration; amending Town Code Title 3 (Administration), Chapter 3-2 (Establishment, Compensation, and Powers and Duties of Town Officers); Revising Section 3-2-4 (Town Clerk) to provide that the Town Clerk shall delegate the duties of Treasurer to the Town’s Finance Director.
Ordinance 2023.040(PDF, 3MB)
Relating to Business Regulations; adopting revisions to Title 9 “Business Regulations” of the Marana Town Code; including revising section 9-2-7 (License Renewal) to allow the Town to conduct investigations on business license renewals; revising section 9-2-10 (Grounds for Denial, Suspension, Revocation, or Nonrenewal of License) to add an additional ground related to solicitors; adding new chapter 9-15 (Soliciting in Residential Areas); and designating an effective date