• Any person or entity providing goods or services within the Town of Marana. Regardless of business physical location being inside or outside of Marana Town limits.

  • The Town of Marana requires a business license for anyone conducting business within the Town of Marana. The application and requirements will vary depending on the business type.

  • If your business doesn’t fit any of the listed business license categories above, please apply for a Standard Business License.

  • The Town of Marana offers specialized as well as Standard business licenses. Based on the descriptions below, choose the type that matches your business activities. If none of the specialized licenses apply to you, a standard license will typically be the option.

  • Mobile food vendor means any person who owns, controls, manages, or leases a mobile food unit or contracts with a person to prepare foods and vend from, drive, or operate a mobile food unit.

    Marana Town Code

    If you fit the description above, click here to go to the Mobile Food Vendor portion of our website to start the application process

  • Town Code 9-5-2: Massage establishment means any place of business or establishment where any of the subjects or methods of treatment listed in paragraphs J or M are administered, practiced, or used, or from which is dispatched a person for the purpose of administering, practicing, or using any of the subjects or methods of treatment listed in paragraphs J or M. Please refer to the Marana Town Code for details on section J-M.

    Manager means an individual authorized by the massage establishment licensee to exercise overall operational control of the business, supervise employees, or fulfill any of the functions required of a manager by this chapter.

    If you fit the description above, click here to go to the Massage Establishment/ Massage Manager portion of our website to start the application process

  • Any individually- or collectively-owned single-family or one-to-four-family house or dwelling unit or any unit or group of units in a condominium or cooperative that is also a transient public lodging establishment or owner-occupied residential home offered for transient use if the accommodations are not classified for property taxation under section

    If you fit the description above click here to go to the Short Term/Vacation Rental portion of our website to start the application process

  • A federally exempt organization doing business within the town, including soliciting money, donations of money or property, or financial assistance of any kind, or selling or distributing items of literature or merchandise to persons other than members of that organization, shall register with the license inspector on a form provided by the license inspector for that purpose. (Marana Town Code.)

    A Federally Exempt/ Non-Profit business does not need a business license but must fill out a registration form as well as provide additional documentation supporting the exemption.

    Click here to be directed to the Federally Exempt/Non-Profit section of our website to start the application process.

  • 1. Peddler is an individual, natural person, also commonly known as a “solicitor” or “transient merchant,” who travels from door to door, from place to place, from house to house, from street to street, or from business to business engaging in any of the following activities:

    a. Carrying, conveying, or transporting goods, wares, merchandise, edible foodstuffs, or provisions, offering and exposing the same for sale, or making sales and delivering articles to purchasers;

    b. Taking, attempting to take, or soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise, or edible foodstuffs or provisions for future delivery;

    c. Taking, attempting to take, or soliciting orders for services to be furnished or performed in the future;

    d. Promoting or advertising any product or service where no sales or orders are taking place at the time of promotion or advertisement.

    2. Does not include vendors who sell goods wares, merchandise, edible foodstuffs, or provisions at temporary locations such as arts and craft fairs, trade shows, special events, and similar events, as long as those vendors do not travel from door to door, from place to place, from house to house, from street to street, or from business to business as described in subparagraph A.1 of this section.

    {Marana Town Code)

    If you fit the description above, click here to be directed to the Peddler section of our website to start the application process.

  • A sexually oriented business means an adult arcade, adult vending machine, adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, escort agency, nude model studio, adult novelty store, and sexual encounter center.

    (Marana Town Code)

    If you fit the description above, click here to be directed to the Sexually Oriented Business section of our website to start the application process.

  • A standard business license application and transitional housing supplemental application must be completed and submitted prior to conducting business.