11555 W Civic Center dr. / (520) 382-2570


Welcome to the beginning of your process to build a new home, business or large development in the Town of Marana. This page will help determine if we are the water provider for your parcel. There are a few tools below to help with that determination. The maps and search tool below are intended for reference only, please complete the request form so we can begin the review process.

Search by address or parcel number

Below is a search tool we have developed to help determine which water provider serves an address or parcel. By searching the address or parcel number below, be sure to include the address directional (N,S,E,W), it should tell you the water service provider for the property. For confirmation or to request a water availability review, please complete the request form by clicking the green button below. Not all properties have infrastructure available to provide service. Marana Water will review and respond within 10 business days.

For any other questions about water service from Marana Water, please contact WaterAvailability@MaranaAZ.gov.

If your search results comes up with “no results,” please complete the availability request form.

**The Town of Marana Provides this map information “As Is” at the request of the user with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user. In no event shall the Town of Marana become liable to users of these data, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from the uses or modification of the data.