Marana named one of the state's top-10 cities to live in

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For the fourth straight year Marana was named one of Arizona's top-10 cities to live in by, a website that uses recent data to paint a picture of what’s happening in a region.

Marana was ranked as the No. 10 Best City to Live In by the website. Marana was also ranked at the No. 8 Richest City in Arizona and the No. 13 Safest City in Arizona.

The website ranked each place in Arizona across a number of criteria from one to 54, with one being the best. Next, they took the average rank across all criteria, with the city posting the lowest overall score being crowned the winner of the title “Best Place To Live In Arizona”.

The criteria they used were:
Median Home Values
Median Income
Population Density (Higher better)
Unemployment Rate
Commute Time
Education Levels
Health Insurance Coverage
Poverty rates

Sources of criteria include the New Census Data and FBI Crime Data.

According to the website, “In Marana, everyone loves to call Marana home.”

The Town also earned an 8.5 SnackAbility Ranking, which looks at eight different metrics and scores then on a 1-10 score. Marana scored 8.0 or better in seven of the metrics, and earned 9.0’s for Diversity and Education. The score of 8.5 puts Marana in the top-20 percent of all communities in America. tries to paint a picture of what it's like to live in places across America. To do that, they gather data from around the web to help determine a wide array of factors about where people live including safety, desirability, and culture.

Full story

Egg Nog Jog kicks off a year of great races + Photo Gallery


Every year the Town of Marana kicks of the new year with their January 1st Egg Nog Jog, and every year the Town’s Parks and Recreation Department invites residents to #RunMarana.

The Town offers a variety of ways to run and hike. Whether you like 10Ks, fun runs, or running on the trails, Marana has a race for you.

The Egg Nog Jog is just one of three holiday themed races. May will bring the Mother’s Day 5k and Fun Run, while next November will see the Town host the next installment of the Turkey Trot.

This year we are adding a few new events to the slate. On March 9 Marana will host the first Cape Chase, which the first of its kind Superhero Adaptive fun run. This is a race for anyone and everyone who is ready to reveal their secret identities and conquer our course full of obstacles.

On May 9 the first Marana Meltdown will take place. The Meltdown is a Mountain Bike Time Trial on the Tortolita Preserve.

In addition to the races, there are other great opportunities to take in the great trails in Marana. There are monthly guided hikes and horseback rides and on March 2 the MOVE Across 2 Ranges, where hikers are invited to hit the trails and experience the challenge and beauty of Southern Arizona's premier hiking destinations in the Tortolita and Catalina Mountains all in one day.

For more information on these and all of the Marana Parks and Recreation events and activities CLICK HERE.

Town seeking event photographer for 2019

Every year, Town of Marana opens a request for quotes (RFQ) process for event photography and videography services for the calendar year.

Click here to learn how to apply and submit your quotes for the 2019 event series.

Interested parties should submit their formal quotes by end of day Thursday, January 31, 2019 to Communications Manager Vic Hathaway by email: to be considered.

Photos by JD FItzgerald.

Photographs from events will be used in marketing materials including webpages, social media, digital advertisements, newspaper print advertisements, and the annual special events book.

Learn more about Town special events.

Flashing lights bring holiday joy at Banner-Diamond Children's Medical Center


Region-wide public safety agencies teamed up Thursday, December 27 to bring flashing lights to the children at Banner-Diamond Children’s Medical Center. Many of these children were unable to make it home to spend Christmas with their loved ones.

Officers parked on the top deck of the parking garage, and the children could look outside and see the light show from the medical tower. Additionally, officers were able to visit with children in their rooms and pass out police patches, stickers, and chat with the families. Thank you to the Banner child life specialists and Banner security for navigating officers through the hospital and from room to room.

Sergeant Chriswell Scott was in the hospital with the children during the light show.

“The look of pure delight in the children’s eyes as they looked out the window of the medical tower to the array of police  and fire emergency lights below will never be forgotten,” said Scott. “In that moment in time, it didn’t matter to them that they were hooked up to an IV or battling cancer or some other disease or injury, they got to be children again. The parents’ eyes lit up as well when they saw the joy that their children were experiencing. I was really a special moment.”

Thank you to Marana PD, Tucson PD, Oro Valley PD, Pima County Sheriff’s Dept, Pima Community College PD, University of Arizona PD, Union Pacific Railroad PD, Tucson Airport Authority PD, Tucson Fire, and US Border Patrol and Customs for their participation in this worthwhile endeavor. Marana PD Ofc. Gabe Tapia and Tucson PD Ofc. Leticia Parris took lead in coordinating the event.

“it really puts the concept and practice of “public servant” in perspective,” said Scott. “If we aren’t seeking out ways  to serve and help our community, we are doing policing wrong.”

Photos credit: JD Fitzgerald viia Tucson PD Air Support

RELEASE: Public Works crews to de-ice bridges in preparation of freezing temperatures

MARANA - In preparation of freezing temperatures, crews from the Town of Marana Public Works Department Streets Division have initiated de-icing of Town bridge decks to make sure they are free of ice, and are safe for motorists to drive over. Due to frequent weather changes, there will be no scheduled traffic alerts throughout the season, but motorists should always be aware of their surroundings and of crews working around the bridge deck crossings. Motorists are also advised to always drive with caution when the possibility of ice exists on the bridge.

Town crews will place “Wet Road Ahead” signs at bridge entrances and spray magnesium chloride on the bridge decks. Magnesium chloride lowers the freezing temperature of water and prevents ice from bonding on a bridge deck.  A light coating of magnesium chloride produces no negative effects on ground water, surface water or vegetation.  Magnesium chloride is an effective ice suppressant agent lasting for approximately 10 days. Rainfall diminishes its effectiveness.  

When temperatures warrant, six (6) Town bridge decks are sprayed and monitored throughout the evening and into the early morning to make sure ice has not formed at the bridge crossings.

Bridge Spraying Areas:

  • Cortaro Road. at Santa Cruz

  • Twin Peaks Road at Santa Cruz

  • Ina Road at Santa Cruz

  • Avra Valley Road Box Culvert West of Clayton Rd

  • Sanders Road at Santa Cruz River

  • Thornydale Road at CDO Wash

Town of Marana receives $15 million from WIFA to build treatment plants

On December 12th, the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (AZWIFA) approved the offer of a $15 million loan to the Town of Marana to address the issue of unregulated compounds.  The final loan agreement documents with AZWIFA will be brought to the Marana Town council most likely in January 2019 for final acceptance.

Marana Water has selected and is currently negotiating a contract with a design engineering firm to begin the process of design for the two advanced water treatment plants.  Each water system (Picture Rocks and Airline/Lambert) will have a treatment plant designed and constructed to significantly reduce or remove the discovered unregulated compounds (PFAs and 1,4-Dioxane).


Town Council approved Resolution No. 2018-091 on Tuesday, September 25 authorizing the creation of the Picture Rocks water treatment campus capital project and the Airline/Lambert water treatment campus capital projects. View the proposed project timeline here.

Learn more about unregulated compounds and Marana Water quality.

Visit the Project Water capital project page.


Two upcoming opportunities to meet your Town Council


Marana residents have two opportunities to meet their Town Council in early 2019 as part of the Council Connections event series. The public is invited to meet and mingle at two fun locations:

Home Plate Marana

Date: Wednesday, January 9

Time: 5-6:30 P.M.

Address: 8579 N. Silverbell Road | Marana, AZ 85743

Light refreshments will be provided.

Brought to you in partnership with Home Plate Marana.

Ora Mae Harn District dog park

Date: Saturday, February 9

Time: 1-3 P.M.

Address: 13250 N. Lon Adams | Marana, AZ 85653

Featuring Doggy Ice Cream Social

  • Free rabies vaccinations for Marana resident dogs

  • On-site dog licensing

Brought to you in partnership with Humane Society of Southern ARizona

EPA awards Arizona $30.8 million for drinking water and wastewater projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded more than $30.8 million to Arizona for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure improvements.

“These funds will be used for numerous local projects that will boost the economy while improving water systems,” said EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Mike Stoker. “EPA is committed to investing in local infrastructure to benefit the communities we serve.”

The state’s Clean Water SRF, also administered by WIFA, received almost $11 million to support a variety of water infrastructure improvement projects, including The Town of Marana project to design and construct a new lift station and force main to convey sewage from the Adonis Neighborhood to the existing Town of Marana municipal system. Currently the sewage flows into two over-capacity lagoons, running the risk of overflowing in wet weather, potentially causing an environmental and health hazard. Once the project is completed, the sewage from the neighborhood will be treated at the recently completed Marana Water Reclamation Facility, allowing Marana to reuse the water in various ways.

MPD FOCUS: Lock it or Lose it


As the holiday season kicks off, be extra mindful of your surroundings and your belongings. Here are a few safety tips to help you through the holiday season safely:


  • REMOVE your valuables from vehicles

  • Don't leave packages visible through vehicle windows

  • Secure packages in the trunk when possible

  • Pay attention to your surroundings when walking to your vehicle

  • Don't leave your purse unattended in your cart (use purse strap to secure purse to cart)

  • ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings

  • ALWAYS lock your vehicle

  • DO NOT leave valuables or firearms in vehicles

  • Be mindful of boxes that can be seen from an open garage door indicating new purchases

  • Verify ALL outside lighting is functional

  • Report ANY and ALL suspicious activity

  • Non-emergency (520)682-4032

  • TAKE Your keys


  • ALWAYS secure your garage door and close it at night

  • Do not leave your vehicle open when unloading items

  • Schedule delivery of internet purchases when someone is home

  • Make sure vehicles parked on the property are locked and free of tempting items

  • Trim the vegetation to the front of the house

  • Leave the porch light on

  • Let a trusted friend or relative know when you're out of town so they can check your residence

Volunteers help keep Marana safe for shoppers


The Marana Police Department is doing a number of things to try and make this Holiday Shopping Season a safe one for shoppers, workers, and businesses. They recently launched their “Lock It or Lose It” campaign, have increased patrols on heavy shopping days, and begun utilizing their Volunteers in Police Service  (VIPS) to add an added law enforcement presence.

“The whole point of the program is to build a stronger partnership with local businesses,” said Officer David Danielson of the Community Resource Unit. “We already have a great relationship, but this will provide a stronger one-on-one relationship.”

The VIPS have been going on foot patrols in retail areas and their presence serves many purposes. By being visible they want to make sure shoppers feel safe and act as a deterant for would-be criminals.

The foot patrols walk both inside and outside of businesses, talking to customers, employees, and business owners. Their primary job is to serve as the eyes and ears of the Marana Police Department. If they see something suspicious in the store they can report it to store employees, or if the suspicious party leaves the store, they can radio Marana Police Officers to interact with the suspect.

“If we do see something suspicious we report it,” said Tom Cox, a member of the VIPS Foot Patrol.

The VIPS members are also introducing business owners to the Coalition Against Retail Theft  (CART) program, which aims to reduce shoplifting by educating retailers, consumers and perpetrators about our community’s intolerance for organized retail theft.

“It helps the business community curb shoplifting,” Cox said.


The VIPS Foot Patrol is a new unit and so far the program has been a hit with local businesses. The idea was to utilize these trained volunteers to create an added police presence, without having to take actual Marana Police Officers away from their other duties.

With every VIPS member having a radio connected to police dispatch, an MPD officer is just a call away.

Cox said to date “100 percent” of the businesses have embraced the program and welcome the added law enforcement presence in the area.

Although this version of the VIPS Foot Patrol program is new, the VIPS have been patrolling neighborhoods and businesses for years.

“Our VIPS has been a tremendous asset for the Marana Police Department,” said Danielson. “

This story originally ran in 2017.

MPD Holiday Patrols


The Marana Police Department is working hard this holiday shopping season to keep people safe. For over two decades MPD has increased their holiday patrols to help keep shoppers, as well as those working over the holiday shopping season, safe.

Until December 26, MPD has increased their patrols in high traffic shopping areas, as well as utilizing their VIP’s. The idea is that the presence of law enforcement officers will deter would-be criminals, as well as remind shoppers to utilize safe shopping practices.

It is a proactive approach that MPD believes deters crime, as well as makes businesses and shoppers more aware of their surroundings during the Holiday Season. Just because there are more officers on the street, shoppers are also advised to do their part.

“Be aware of your surroundings,” said Sgt. Chriswell Scott, who also encouraged people to report anything suspicious.

Extra officers will be patrolling popular shopping areas like the Arizona Pavilions, the Tucson Outlet Mall and the Ina/Thornydale corridor. Officers will be visible in marked cars, but will also be in unmarked cars, keeping an eye on last-minute shoppers.

The patrols will continue until the 26th of December, to help keep shopper safe as they make returns and exchanges the day after Christmas.

Tucson News Now had a good story on the patrols, as well as safety efforts shoppers can take.

KGUN 9 profiled MPD’s efforts in 2017 for their news broadcast.  

Fun and family at the first Winter Waterland


Marana Parks and Recreation host their first Winter Waterland event on Friday night and it was a success. The event was held at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park and utilized the park’s two newest features, the splash pad and the solar/shade structure over the basketball courts. 

While the splash pad is closed for the winter, the nightly light shows continue. Winter Waterland was the debut of the new holiday colored light show. Jets of green and red water shot up in interesting patterns that elicited a few “oohs” and “ahs” from those in attendance.

The new solar/shade structure over the basketball courts not only provides shade for basketball players during the day, but the lights illuminate the courts at night. On Friday night one of the courts provided a perfect place for many of the features of the event. Both food vendors were set up in the area, and there were plenty of picnic tables set up to enjoy the tasty BBQ and ice cream. The Marana Police VIP’s handed out stuffed animals to every child in attendance, while the Marana Senior Program’s Elf Shoppe also found a home on the courts. The Elf Shoppe raised over $550 for the Marana Community Foodbank by selling handmade crafts and Christmas ornaments.

Santa showed up. He dropped in from the North Pole to kick off the water light show countdown and then stayed around to hear Christmas wishes and take pictures with the families.

The VFW and Boy Scouts handed over 200 cups of hot cocoa in less than 20 minutes. All 325 parking spots were filled and the crowed enjoyed free crafts, food vendors, an outdoor Christmas movie and stage entertainment that included the Silver Steppers Flash Mob, Girl Scouts Carolers, and the Point of Grace Dancers.

Overall, it was an evening jam-packed with holiday cheer.  One attendee took to Facebook to comment, “Thank you for putting on such an amazing family friendly fun event. You guys never cease to amaze me.”

Overnight lane closures set for I-10 on Dec. 16

Overnight lane closures set for Interstate 10 near Ina Road on Dec. 16

Motorists who use Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect overnight lane closures in both directions the night of Sunday, Dec. 16.


I-10 will be reduced to a single lane in each direction between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. so crews can move temporary concrete barriers.

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.

An end is in sight for Ina construction projects

This is a Manager’s Message from Marana Town Manager Jamsheed Mehta that originally ran in the Marana News/Foothills News.

There has been increased construction activity on Ina Road lately, but the benefits will far outweigh the costs once the dust clears and the Ina interchange opens back up in early 2019. Until then, there’s much to be excited for and much to still see from area businesses as we head into the holiday shopping season.


When complete, the project will ease congestion near Interstate-10 and the Union Pacific railroad, diverting traffic onto the bridge and over the interstate and tracks. The Town of Marana is also making a number of improvements to the area, including resurfacing Ina Road and arterial streets with new pavement and improving the landscaping, sidewalks, and lighting around the area. Project Ina will result in a safer and more attractive corridor, and will be more accessible for those with special needs thanks to new sidewalks with ADA ramps.  

We are entering the home stretch of the project, and area businesses need support more than ever as we begin the holiday season.

While many of the businesses in the area have seen only the smallest of impacts since the construction began, others are struggling to make through the final months. Even with moving dirt and construction vehicles, Ina Road is still open for business.

There are great places to eat, drink, and shop during the holiday season. You can go bowling and take a gymnastics class. There are hardware stores, tire stores, and auto mechanics for your various maintenance projects. Want to start your morning right? Enjoy one of several breakfast options. From a nice sit-down brunch to handcrafted sweet rolls or breakfast burritos, you can even just grab a box of dozen donuts for the office.

Even with the combined efforts of Town of Marana, Arizona Department of Transportation, Regional Transportation Authority, and Marana Chamber of Commerce, businesses can always use additional support from the community. If you take the time to explore the great businesses in the area, we know you’ll be thrilled with what you find.

It’s been a long couple of years of road construction in the area, and we understand the challenges everyone has felt with the traffic delays. However, when this project is completed early next year, Ina Road will become a real commercial destination with easy access from the freeway and brand-new road surfaces to drive on.

We are very excited for the completion of the project and have already started the planning stages for how we will celebrate. The Town of Marana will be partnering with area businesses and the Marana Chamber for a grand opening celebration that will be open to the public.

In the meantime, Ina Road is still open and we encourage you to support your local economy and Shop Ina. You will be glad you did.

Jamsheed Mehta is the Marana Town Manager

Things to do in Marana in December and beyond

The holidays are almost upon us, but there are still some fun and productive activities around Marana over the next month or so. There are ways to have family holiday fun, get rid of old/unwanted electronics, and kick off your New Year’s fitness goals in style.

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Download the 2019 Events Program and Engagement Opportunities Book, and learn how you can be involved in Marana events as a sponsor, vendor, entertainer, and more.

Click to download.

On The Horizon

Mar 15-17 - Marana Blue Grass Festival
Apr 6 - Free Music In Marana: Caiden Brewer
Apr 27-28 - Camping Under the Stars/Free Movie in Marana

Mayor's Message: Promises made, promises kept


This Mayor’s Message originally ran in the Marana News/Explorer News.

Construction of the new Marana Police Facility has reached completion at the Marana Municipal Complex, and last month celebrated its grand opening. This project is a perfect example of local government delivering exactly what was promised to the constituents. This new police facility was built debt-free thanks to a temporary half cent sales tax that will be repealed on January 1, 2019.

Our police department and community can now welcome a state-of-the-art facility that will further support our Marana Police Department’s mission of unparalled service, unwavering protection and uncompromised integrity.


The increase went into effect with full community support on July 2015 after nearly a year of public outreach and research. Marana Police Chief Terry Rozema, senior staff, and Town Council members met with local residents and business leaders to garner the necessary support to build the project, including public meetings, direct business outreach, media interviews, survey cards, and open houses to show the need for the new facility. As Marana continues to grow and our police department expands, the existing facilities within the Marana Municipal Complex and at the Marana Operation Center were no longer meeting the safety needs of a responsive law enforcement agency.

Marana residents and businesses overwhelmingly supported the project and the use of a temporary sales tax increase as its funding source. They trusted us to implement and repeal the tax, as well as to use the money for what we said it was for. We did just that. In December we will collect the final portion of the $18,000,000 needed to build the police facility, and Marana Town Council has already instructed Town staff to lower the sales tax at the start of the new year. Per the original resolution, every dime raised went into a fund to pay specifically for the facility, including design, construction, and furniture. 

Our citizens and business leaders supported the project because of the great relationship our police department has forged with the community. The Marana Police Department has earned the trust and respect of Marana and the public was all too happy to endorse the project.

We made a promise to the people of Marana, and we kept that promise. With this new facility, you can be rest assured that our Marana Police Department will continue to provide great service to the community, and is now equipped to keep Marana safe as our Town moves into the future.  

Ed Honea is the Mayor of the Town of Marana

Go Full Steam This Spring

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Where did the fall go? It seemed like just yesterday the Marana Parks and Recreation staff were gearing up for a busy fall after a very busy summer. Now we are excited to “Go Full Steam Into Spring.”

In November we held our first Art Expo at the Marana Community Center, and it was so successful we are bringing it back. This time we are going to feature some of the amazing student artists who live in the town. 

Marana continues to be a certification destination as we once again partner with the American Red Cross to provide first aid, lifeguarding, and babysitting classes.

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You want races? We’ve got races. Kick off the New Year with the Egg Nog Jog. Like to hike? Then the M.O.V.E. Across 2 Ranges Hike Challenge is something you’ll need to check out. In March we present our Cape Chase Adventure Fun Run, which is an inclusive superhero themed event for everyone. We’ll again celebrate Mother’s Day with our annual 5K and Fun Run, while those who like to mountain bike will have to check out the Marana Meltdown, a mountain bike timed trial on the Tortolita Preserve Trailhead. 

Have kids that love the outdoors, but want something more mentally stimulating? We’ve created our Nature To You Garden Education Series at the Marana Heritage River Park. Those who want to be inspired artistically may want to take in one of our Paint Nights in the Park. 

Pickleball continues to be one of our most popular sports and we’ll have leagues all spring. The first one runs from Feb-April, while the second runs from April until late June.

We’ll also continue to offer Coed Softball League, open gym for volleyball and basketball, and two sessions for Adult Tennis Lessons.


For the kids, there are also tennis lessons, basketball and football clinics, Pee Wee Soccer in north and south Marana, another speed and agility clinic, another Itty Bitty Open Tot Golf outing, and a brand new Mini Me – Sports Edition. 

This spring we partner with Northwest Medical Center to provide health seminars. Other new programs include Tots & Me Story Art Class, STREAM Afterschool Club, Park & Stroll – Playground Explorer Club, and kids and teens Marana Police Academies. Of course all of your favorite classes, concerts, and activities will also be available.

As you can see, there is so much to do, so please “Go Full Steam” this Spring with Marana Parks and Recreation

Jim Conroy, Marana Parks and Recreation Director

December 8 Dispose-A-Med


The Dispose-A-Med event that will be taking place Saturday, December 8 , 2018 at Fry's Food & Drug Store located at 7870 N. Silverbell Road, from 10am-Noon.

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The Marana Police Department, in partnership with the Marana-Foothills Optimist Club, Marana Prevention Alliance, and Vistoso Funeral Home, encourage citizens, businesses and schools to join us in sharing information about drug awareness and preventive measures.

The Police Department provides this opportunity for the proper disposal of unused and/or expired prescription drugs. Prescription and over-the-counter tablets and capsules will be collected. For safety and confidentiality reasons, any items turned over for collection cannot be returned. We cannot accept drugs from commercial organizations. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.


Traffic shift for westbound Interstate 10 near Ina Road on Dec. 8

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Lane closures, traffic shift set for westbound Interstate 10 near Ina Road on Dec. 8

Motorists on westbound Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect overnight lane closures and lane shifts the night of Saturday, Dec. 8.

Crews will shift all westbound traffic to the newly-paved lanes between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following morning.

During those hours, westbound I-10 will be reduced to a single lane while crews move temporary barriers and place new striping.

In addition, the ramp from Orange Grove Road to westbound I-10 will close from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. to help facilitate the traffic shift. Drivers should enter westbound I-10 using Sunset or Cortaro roads during the overnight hours.

All ramps between I-10 and Ina Road will remain closed following the traffic shift.

The current schedule shows the I-10/Ina Road interchange beginning to open in March, with the entire project wrapping up in June.

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.

Marana Town Talk Episode 5 Special Edition: Marana Water


Town of Marana has released its fifth episode of "Marana Town Talk", a new government podcast that balances education and entertainment with thoughtful commentary on local current events. This special edition episode focuses on water quality in Marana Water.

Communications Manager Vic Hathaway and Communications Specialist Brad Allis kick off the episode with a brief summary of Marana Water quality before sitting down with Water Director John Kmiec to talk about next steps for the Picture Rocks and Airline/Lambert water treatment campus capital projects.


  • Correction at 11:30: Adonis neighborhood is south of Grier Road

Additional Resources

Town Council approved Resolution No. 2018-091 on Tuesday, September 25 authorizing the creation of the Picture Rocks water treatment campus capital project and the Airline/Lambert water treatment campus capital projects. View the proposed project timeline here.

Learn more about unregulated compounds and Marana Water quality.

Visit the Project Water capital project page.