EPA awards Arizona $30.8 million for drinking water and wastewater projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded more than $30.8 million to Arizona for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure improvements.

“These funds will be used for numerous local projects that will boost the economy while improving water systems,” said EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Mike Stoker. “EPA is committed to investing in local infrastructure to benefit the communities we serve.”

The state’s Clean Water SRF, also administered by WIFA, received almost $11 million to support a variety of water infrastructure improvement projects, including The Town of Marana project to design and construct a new lift station and force main to convey sewage from the Adonis Neighborhood to the existing Town of Marana municipal system. Currently the sewage flows into two over-capacity lagoons, running the risk of overflowing in wet weather, potentially causing an environmental and health hazard. Once the project is completed, the sewage from the neighborhood will be treated at the recently completed Marana Water Reclamation Facility, allowing Marana to reuse the water in various ways.