Tangerine Phase I officially complete


The Town of Marana, the Town of Oro Valley and Pima County, along with the Psomas design team and contractor Tangerine Corridor Constructors (TCC) - a Granite Construction/Borderland Construction joint venture, are pleased to announce the completion of Phase I of the Tangerine Corridor Project.

The completion of the five-mile segment of Tangerine Road from Dove Mountain Boulevard/Twin Peaks Road to La Cañada Drive was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 21, 2018.

The newly constructed roadway has delivered to the public:

  • A four-lane roadway with landscaped medians 

  • The elimination of dip crossings and upgraded culverts to provide 100-year flood access

  • Pedestrian and bicycle facilities

  • The installation of additional turn lanes and signalization at key intersections

  • Wildlife linkages for wildlife corridors along this stretch of roadway

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your constant support and patience while we worked to complete this project. It did not go unnoticed.

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Marana Holiday Festival cancelled, encore tree lighting viewable Dec 2- Dec 31

Due to the November 29 rain and inclement weather, Marana Holiday Festival is unfortunately cancelled. Town staff worked hard to try to save the event, but most of the parking lots and entertainment zones are on saturated grounds and cannot accommodate foot and vehicle traffic for the thousands of people anticipated to attend the event.

The public is still invited to enjoy encore presentations of the Christmas Tree light show every night Dec 2 - Dec 31 located at the Marana Municipal Complex (11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, AZ 85653) at the following times:

Mon - Thurs / 7:00 P.M.

Fri - Sun / 6 & 7:00 P.M.

For event information, visit www.MaranaEvents.com

Marana Reclamation Facility and Recharge Project Grand Opening ceremony

Marana Water Director John Kmiec speaks at the grand opening ceremony.

Marana Water Director John Kmiec speaks at the grand opening ceremony.

On Tuesday, November 27, Marana Water held the Marana Reclamation Facility and Recharge Project Grand Opening ceremony. The facility opened earlier this fall and is the culmination of two years of hard work by Marana Water staff.

“This celebration has been a long time coming for the Town,” said Marana Water and Reclamation Director John Kmiec.  “For over ten years the Town has embarked on this journey [to control] its own destiny as far as water resource management.”

The new wastewater facility can treat triple its previous capacity, equating to a total of 1.5 million gallons per day. Marana can now handle up to 10,000 new homes or businesses coming into the area.

“Our day here is about the future,” Kmiec said. It is about the future of the Town of Marana, in particular the north part of Marana where we have these water resources. “Where we are the wastewater provider for the community, and throughout the whole Marana Water system that will be benefitting from the resources that will be managed out of this facility.”

The new facility uses a process known as conventional activated sludge treatment. The process uses bacteria and biological matter to break down waste and help purify the water. The facility utilizes two separate treatment trains that can treat up to 750,000 gallons per day each. The two treatment trains also allow for redundancy should maintenance be required. This expansion was designed to allow further expansion with room for additional basins, which was another reason that Council selected this process.  

In addition to making improvements on the facility, Town Council decided to enter the sewer business to enhance Marana’s water portfolio. The recharge facility is able to recharge 100 percent of the effluent from the new water reclamation facility. Marana will receive recharge credits for 100 percent of the water stored in the facility from the Arizona Department of Water Resources. These credits allow the town to provide safe, reliable and sustainable resources for its customers.

“For a successful community in the state of Arizona to be enduring…we have to have proper resource management of our local water supplies,” said Kmiec. “It is critical, and that is what today is about.”

Marana took over the previous facility from Pima County in 2012 with the ability to treat 500,000 gallons per day. The Town Council voted to fund the expansion in 2016, and the project went on line two years later this June. 

“This celebration has been a long time coming for the town,” Kmiec said. “For over 10 years the Town has embarked on this journey of its own destiny.”

Marana Mayor Ed Honea spoke at the ceremony and reminded everyone that Marana incorporated in large part as a way for area residents to control their ground water, so it was only fitting that the plant will help Marana continue to grow.  

“We’ve come a long way and we have a wonderful staff and I am proud of all of them,” Honea said.

KVOA TV came out and did a nice feature on the facility and what it means to Marana:

Make Marana 2040: Second round of workshops seek input from the public

Building a town or city isn’t just an idea. Be a part of building your own community with the Town of Marana General Plan 2040. 

Town of Marana is hosting the second round of Marana 2040 General Plan public workshops on December 12 at Marana Municipal Complex and on December 13 at Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Library. Attendance is not required for both nights. Participants can choose between the two options to attend.

For the second round of workshops, attendees will have the opportunity to provide their input on future growth and development in Marana through interactive scenario planning and transportation planning exercises.

Interested in seeing the results of the first workshop and survey? Click here.

Traffic Alert: Coachline Blvd & Twin Peaks

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START DATE: 11/26/2018                                       END DATE: 5/31/2019

Sunland Asphalt & Construction, Inc., in conjunction with The Town of Marana, will be performing road construction including concrete pavement in low water areas, milling, paving, striping, ADA ramp removal and replacement on streets and sidewalks.

During the milling and paving operations, heavy equipment and large trucks will be present. There may be some driveway access restrictions while crews are working in front of homes. Pedestrians may experience short duration sidewalk closures while we upgrade the crossing ramps and add pedestrian crossing signals. Any cars left in the area of construction will be towed at owner’s expense. For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit MaranaAZ.gov, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Another successful Marana Segment of El Tour de Tucson

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Over 1,000 cyclists and their supporters showed up at Heritage River Park on Saturday, November 17 for the 25-Mile Marana Segment of the El Tour de Tucson Event. It was the third year Marana has hosted their own segment of the race, and the shorter distance has proven to be an attraction for less experienced riders, or those riding with their families.

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Marana Parks and Recreation helps to put on the event and believes it helps represents the Town’s strategic goals of Community and Recreation.

“This was an outstanding event,” said Marana Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy. “It is exciting to see so many people getting out and exercising.”

The Town also believes that the race is not only a great way to get residents to experience the Marana Heritage River Park, but is also a great attraction for people to visit Marana.

“It was a perfect day for our visitors to enjoy Heritage River Park and learn a little more about our great community,” Conroy said.  

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The first two years of the event saw the race begin near the playground and splash pad portion of the park. This year the race began in front of the farm portion of the park and actually had riders leaving the area in the opposite direction. The idea was to create more room for the riders and spectators.
Marana Parks and Recreation staff worked with Perimeter Bicycling Association of America Inc. (PBAA).staff to organize this event at Heritage Park, while Marana Police Department and Town Traffic Engineering staff did an outstanding job with traffic signage, signals and point control keeping cyclist safe while riding on Marana roads.  

“As always it was a total team effort by Town of Marana staff to execute this exceptional community and fitness event,” Conroy said.

Marana Water Festival teaches students about water conservation


On Thursday, November 15 the Town of Marana participated in the third annual Marana Water Festival at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park. The event was put on by Arizona Project Wet and staffed by Marana Water and other Town of Marana employees, as well as Tucson Water and the University of Arizona.

Over 800 Marana Unified School District fourth-graders attended the event and learned about the watershed, water conservation, groundwater, and the water cycle. The idea behind the event, and events like it all over the state, is to give students a greater understanding of where their water comes from and why water conservation is so important. 

“Once they learn about these concepts at the Marana Water Festival, they will take this information home and apply it there,” said Marana Water Director John Kmiec.

Kmiec noted that water conservation is always very important in Southern Arizona, but even more so with drought conditions impacting the Colorado River, from which Marana receives a lot of its water.


The students attended the event in two separate shifts and went through four different stations. Each station focused on a different aspect of the program and allowed the students hands-on activities to reinforce the ideas.

The volunteers at the event went through a training program to aid them in teaching the program’s lessons.

The Marana Water Festival is one of many Arizona Water Festivals. The hope is that they will  instill a deeper understanding of water in the earth system and Arizona’s water resources through a community water festival event, teacher professional development workshop, and extensive volunteer and community involvement.

Interstate 10 lane closures near Ina Road set for Nov. 17

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Motorists on Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect overnight lane closures the night of Saturday, Nov. 17.

Westbound I-10 is scheduled to be reduced to a single lane from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. between Orange Grove and Ina roads for paving.

This work is in addition to a previously announced lane closure on westbound I-10 scheduled between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20.

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email Projects@azdot.gov. For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at www.az511.gov, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.

Marana Police Facility Dedication Ceremony

MARANA - The Marana Police Facility has been operational for a few weeks, but on Wednesday, November 14 the Marana Police Department held a formal dedication ceremony in celebration of its completion.

“This building is a tribute to this community’s unwavering support and to the support and teamwork of all the Town’s departments,” said Marana Deputy Chief Ruben Nunez, who served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. 

Ground was broken on the $23 million project in June of 2017, but it has been in the works since 2011. Police Chief Terry Rozema said that he saw the need for a new facility prior to accepting the job, and he got the ball rolling for the project shortly after becoming police chief.

Now that the project is complete, the police station is even better than Rozema envisioned.

“I had an idea of what this facility would be like,” said Rozema. “I had this vision of what it was going to be like and how it would work…nothing could have prepared me how amazing this facility is when you actually walk through it.” 

The bulk of the facility was paid for with a temporary half-cent sales tax that will be repealed on January 1, 2019. The tax had the support of the public and the business community.

Marana Mayor Ed Honea spoke on the public outreach process prior to initiating the sales tax. “We went to the Chamber of Commerce, we went to HOA’s, we went to [the businesses]. The Chief lobbied every single person in this town. I think he spoke to all 45,000 people! We said ‘what do you think of the idea of a half-cent sales tax, so that when we build this new police facility we are not going to have a debt for 30 years?’ Everybody seemed to agree with it.”

Town Manager Jamsheed Mehta explained that the Town had a number of options as to where the facility would be build, but in the end placing it in North Marana made the most sense from a growth standpoint, as well as the facility being a perfect complement to the Marana Municipal Complex campus.

Also speaking at the dedication were Project Manager Rick Carr from Abacus, architect Michael Rosso of Architekton, and Todd Steffen, the president of CORE Construction.

Chief Rozema said some people have suggested that the building serves as his legacy, but he disagreed with that.

“I really hope that is not my legacy,” Rozema said. “I did not become a cop to build buildings. I didn’t even become a police chief and come to Marana to build buildings…Our legacy, I hope, is one where we have instilled and implemented a philosophy, an ideology and a culture of policing that transcends time. That we go out and provide a level of service to this community that is un-paralleled. To the extent that this building assists us in doing that, then that is part of the legacy.”

Plan ahead for the 2019 Special Events season

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You can now plan ahead for the 2019 special event season! Whether you want to sponsor an event, have a vendor booth at some of the largest gatherings in town, perform in front of an audience of thousands, or just have a good evening with friends and family, we have something for you.

Every year over 40,000 people attend the Town of Marana special events series. It’s easy to see why. Family-friendly venues, local community showcases, free entertainment, and unique attractions make for priceless memories, and those experiences are some of the many reasons why the Marana community has become a destination for new residents, businesses, and visitors.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD the 2019 Marana Events Engagement Opportunities book to learn more.

Vendor and performer calls will be announced leading up to each event. Please follow the Town of Marana on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to the Marana Newsroom to receive notifications.

Physical copies of the books will be distributed from the Town of Marana booth at the Dec 1 Marana Holiday Festival & Christmas Tree Lighting.


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Interstate 10 lane closures near Ina Road set for Nov. 15 and 20

Motorists on Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect overnight lane closures for road maintenance and bridge work the nights of Thursday, Nov. 15, and Tuesday, Nov. 20.

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Work is scheduled in the following locations between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. each night:

  • The right lane of both eastbound and westbound I-10 on Thursday, Nov. 15 

  • The right two lanes of westbound I-10 on Tuesday, Nov. 20 

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email Projects@azdot.gov. For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at www.az511.gov, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.

Marana begins grease recycling and collection on Nov. 19

Marana begins grease recycling and collection on Nov. 19

The Town of Marana is doing their part to protect the local sewer systems by once again hosting a Holiday Season grease collection and recycling event. 

Just a little bit of cooking grease, if poured down the drain, can clog pipes, cause sewage to back up, and lead to costly repair bills.

The Town will collect grease beginning on Monday, November 19 at the Marana Water Operations Yard at 12775 N. Sanders Road. The collection will conclude on Friday, January 4.

The collected grease will be recycled into biodiesel.

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Town staff participate in Southern Arizona Construction Career Days


The Town of Marana was well represented at the Southern Arizona Construction Career Days earlier this week. Marana Water staff, engineers and Traffic Technicians from Public Works were on site on Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8 at the Pima County Rodeo Grounds.

Southern Arizona Construction Career Days is an annual event to introduce students to careers in and related to the construction industry. Area high school and middle school students attended. 


The event began six years ago, and has grown. This year 1,880 students from at least 65 schools attended The students came from as far away as f Rio Ricco, Bisbee, Safford and Globe, as well as the Tucson area.

Vendors, including the team from Marana, were able to share their stories about their experiences in the construction industry, as well as introduce students to new careers in construction that they previously were not exposed to.


According to Public Works Deputy Director Fausto Burruel, there are a number of careers in the construction industry that are struggling to find qualified applicants and exposure to these careers are a great way to spark enthusiasm in young people who will be joining the workforce in a few years.

Vendors not only spoke to students and answered their questions, but many had hands on activities that brought the information they were presenting to life.

Traffic Signal on Arizona Pavilions to blink through Tuesday morning


The Town of Marana and PACE Electrical are happy to announce that the new traffic signal installed just south of Cortaro Road on Arizona Pavilions will be going to flash mode after the morning rush hour this Thursday, November 8, 2018. 

The traffic signal will flash throughout the weekend and Veteran’s Day Holiday and go fully functional after the Tuesday morning rush hour, November 13, 2018.  Occasional traffic signal testing will be performed prior to going to full red flash on Thursday.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

 Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

 If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

  Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit MaranaAZ.gov, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.


News Release: Town of Marana joins City of Tucson in lawsuit to protect ratepayers

MARANA – Town of Marana has joined City of Tucson in a lawsuit filed today in Pima County Superior Court as part of their ongoing effort to protect the public from any potential adverse health effects that could be caused by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) that are present in portions of the groundwater supply. The lawsuit names as defendants five (5) companies, including 3M, that manufactured, marketed and sold aqueous film-forming foam (“AFFF”), a firefighting product that contained certain PFAs, including PFOS and PFOA. The lawsuit alleges that PFAs from the Defendants’ AFFF caused contamination of public water supply wells.

Through the lawsuit, Town of Marana and City of Tucson seek to recover all costs associated with the PFC contamination, including the costs for treating and removing PFA contamination from public drinking water supply wells, and to ensure those costs are borne by the responsible parties, not ratepayers.Town of Marana is currently pursuing the design and construction of treatment facilities for two of its affected water systems. This lawsuit will seek reimbursement for the costs of Marana’s efforts to date and for future costs associated with removing these products from Marana’s water supplies.

For additional information about the lawsuit, please contact Louise Caro, Partner, Napoli Shkolnik PLLC at (212) 397-1000.

As construction winds down, remember to Shop Ina

Between the Ina Road Interchange Project and the Ina Road Beautification Project, things have been very busy on Ina Road between I-10 and Thornydale. There is light at the end of the tunnel and things are going to get better in a hurry, but area businesses are still feeling the pinch and could use the public’s support.

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One major component of the Ina Beautification Project was the milling and resurfacing of a long stretch Ina Road. While the improved roadway will benefit all of those who live, work, and shop in the area, it also causes a number of delays and difficulties for drivers. There was no convenient time to do the project, but the decision was made to do that portion of the project during the larger Project Ina work and before the holiday shopping season began. Knowing that traffic delays were an unavoidable portion of the project, it seemed best to piggy back with the existing interchange project, rather than wait until after the project was completed and extend construction in the area even longer.

The good news is that the resurfacing portion of the project was completed on Monday, November 4, which will make travelling in the area easier. The previous week was the worst of the project and from now until spring 2019 when the projects are completed, things will get incrementally better.


Although travelling in the area can still be difficult at times, local businesses have remained open and need customer support now more than ever. While many have made it through the construction with only small losses in revenue, others have been hit hard during the project and need a strong holiday season to make it until the project is completed and access to the freeway is restored. 

The Project Ina area includes a wide variety of businesses, from craft breweries to mechanics, a bowling alley to restaurants. There are all kinds of shops and stores, and with the final repaving of Ina, access is improved.

We invite you to Shop Ina and support these locally owned businesses. Go get an oil change or a beer. Go buy some cookies or take the family out to dinner. Buy a dozen donuts or a dozen tacos. Heck, make it two dozen.

We understand travel in the area can still be difficult, but it is getting better. Let’s help our fellow Marana business owners this holiday season and Shop Marana.

A full list of area businesses, as well as project updates and details, download the Project Ina App.

Things to do in Marana in November and beyond

November and early December is a busy time in the Town of Marana. Over the next month, the Town will host one of their biggest signature events, their annual Thanksgiving road race, a Marana specific leg of the El Tour de Tucson, and another edition of the Marana Game Day Cornhole Tournament.

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UPDATED Traffic Alert: Ina Road resurfacing extended

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The Town of Marana’s Milling and Paving operations has been extended on Ina Road thru Monday  November 5, 2018. Construction will begin at 6:00A.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. Expect lane closures, heavy delays, and increased truck traffic. The Town will mill 3 inches of the existing asphalt and then repave the section of Ina road, between Ulene Place and the Canada del Oro wash

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit MaranaAZ.gov, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Traffic Alert: W. Starry Night Lane

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Construction on W. Starry Night Lane will begin Monday, November 5th, 2018 and continue for approximately one week.  Workers will be removing the existing pavement on Starry Night west of Sunflower in its entirety.  In addition, cement stabilization of the subgrade and regrading will occur prior to placing new asphalt.  Existing utilities will be adjusted to final grade once paving is completed.  Crews will typically be active Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

During the project, all traffic on Starry Night will be prohibited.  Parking is available on N. Sunflower Park Dr. and/or on Starry Night east of Sunflower.  Access for emergency vehicles and personnel shall always be available.   On trash day, please place your containers at the curb as you would normally do so.  Tucson Asphalt field personnel shall identify and move containers for pickup and return to your location once empty.
For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with all traffic control devices, and flagging personnel.  If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit MaranaAZ.gov, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

New Finance Director Yiannis Kalaitzidis begins at Town of Marana

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After an extensive and competitive recruiting process, Finance Director Yiannis Kalaitzidis began his service at the Town of Marana on Monday, October 29.

“We are very fortunate to bring Yiannis to our Marana team,” said Deputy Town Manager Erik Montague. “His years of technical accounting experience and well-rounded knowledge of municipal best practices in the areas of finance will provide immediate and long-term benefits to the Town.”

Kalaitzidis replaces Montague, who previously served as Finance Director before accepting the position of Deputy Town manager.

“Moving to Marana is homecoming for me,” said Kalaitzidis. “I am excited to join a team of exceptional leaders that have helped the Town of Marana build a solid reputation as one of the best run municipalities in the State of Arizona.”

Kalaitzidis has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona, with degrees in Finance and Accounting and has worked in a variety of government roles over the last 18 years. He began his career with the Auditor General, State or Arizona before becoming the Deputy Finance Director and eventually the Finance Director for Pinal County.  After a short time in California as the Accounting Manager for the City of Santa Monica, he spent the last four years as the Accounting Supervisor for the City of Peoria.

Kalaitzidis is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association Committee on Treasury and Investment Management, and a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Arizona.