Marana Town Talk Episode 1: Summertime Adventures, Budgets, and Bats

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Town of Marana debuts the first episode of "Marana Town Talk", a new government podcast that balances education and entertainment with thoughtful commentary on local current events. 

Communications Manager Vic Hathaway and Communications Specialist Brad Allis kick off the series with an analysis of the Marana State of the Town Address (1:04) followed by a discussion of exciting adventures you can have in Marana this summer (9:46). In anticipation of the new fiscal year beginning July 1, listeners can then learn more about the budget process and where your tax dollars are going with Deputy Town Manager Erik Montague and Budget Analyst Michael Dyckman (22:45). Finally, as we move into the hot summer months, learn about the Town's bat studies with Environmental Project Manager Janine Spencer-Glasson (32:15).