Marana to receive millions in federal funding for water projects

Interim Marana Water Director speaks at site tour visit with Congressman Juan Ciscomani

MARANA- Marana Water is set to receive four million dollars in federal funding to improve source water systems at the Marana Regional Airport as well as design and construct a new groundwater treatment facility in the Twin Peaks service area.

The funds were preliminarily secured by U.S. Congressman Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06), a member of the House Appropriations Committee in the initial stages of the FY2025 appropriations process.

One of the projects benefiting from these federal funds is the Pioneer Well. $1.75 million will go towards the Pioneer Well PFAS Treatment Project.

“The Pioneer Well, once that treatment facility is built and installed, approximately 4,800 citizens will see a positive water quality impact based on that installation,” said Interim Marana Water Director, Stephen Dean.

$2.25 million will then be used to improve source water systems at the Marana Regional Airport to utilize recovery wells close to recharge facilities and reduce groundwater pumping from other regional wells to help the aquifers continue to recover.

“When we see that local investment, proper use of funds in the past, that makes it more possible for us to continue to invest,” explained Congressman Ciscomani. “The council, leadership, our police officers. That’s what makes this community special.”

Mayor Ed Honea worked with Congressman Ciscomani to secure the money for the Town of Marana. Mayor and Councilmembers joined the Congressman along with Town Manager Terry Rozema & Deputy Town Manager Erik Montague for a tour of the Airline Lambert Treatment Campus on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Learn more about Marana Water here.