Marana Police Volunteers answer the call to serve community

Marana Police Volunteers on patrol, From the left: Terry Jellison, Daniel Mashburn, Thomas Cox and Kerry Schrader

MPD Volunteer Coordinator Thomas Cox and Darrel Gleddie, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

MARANA- The Marana Police Volunteers program is looking for new members to help out the police department.

There are more than 30 members right now with 10 on patrol, but the program is always in need of more support to be the eyes and ears for officers.

The volunteer program started in 2004 with a handful of people wanting to help their neighborhoods and has since grown with dozens of members.

“I’ve been with the program for six years…there are so many areas that the department just does not have the manpower to support yet they have a need so the volunteer program helps fill those needs,” said Marana Police Volunteer Coordinator Thomas Cox.

“You have to realize this is an introduction to police work and it is very interesting. It is not for everyone, but if you have an interest in what police do then this is one way to find out,” said Darrel Gleddie, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.

The volunteers are held to the same standards as officers, but they do not get involved in active crime scenes. They will patrol businesses for suspicious activity, direct traffic or block roads during traffic accidents as well as help with administrative tasks.

“Our focus is trying to help take care of the town, we live here too,” said Cox.

“The biggest thing is giving back to the community, I love doing it,” said Kerry Schrader, 8-year volunteer.

Click here to view the qualifications to join and submit your application.

Marana Police Volunteers