Marana Council Recognizes August as "Drowning Impact Awareness Month"

Mayor Ed Honea (left) with Recreation Supervisor Kevin Goodrich (right)

Mayor Ed Honea (left) with Recreation Supervisor Kevin Goodrich (right)

Mayor and the Marana Town Council declare August 2021 as "Drowning Impact Awareness Month," and urge all communities and citizens of Arizona to participate in efforts to reduce drowning risk, strengthen families, and protect children and teens.

Arizona's future prosperity depends upon the long-term health, safety, and well-being of the nearly two million children and teens in our state. Drowning is a top cause of injury and death for children and teens in Arizona, affecting not only the victims, but also families, emergency personnel, and our society as a whole.

Child drownings are nearly 100 percent preventable. Research-proven strategies that can save lives, including constant and capable supervision, restricting access to water, using life jackets, swimming lessons for adults and children at the appropriate age, and rapid emergency response, including CPR. Awareness of the problem is just the first step; evidence-based programs to bring these strategies to families is the best way to save lives.

During the month of August, the Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona, in collaboration with state and local governments, community organizations, and private citizens, will be engaging communities throughout Arizona in a coordinated and comprehensive response.

Read the proclamation.