CAP Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Trail Race

On Saturday, October 30, 2021, Marana Parks & Recreation held the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Marana portion of the CAP Trail. After the ceremony, bikers and runners participated in the Mad CAP Trail Race.

Bikers could choose between a Gravel Grinder distance of six or 16 miles, and runners could choose between a fun run of three or six miles. Participants were invited to show up in costume and win giveaways, and themed aid stations were located along the course to pass out refreshments.

A special thank you to our stakeholders and the government partners that helped bring this resource to Marana residents: Pima County District #1, Central Arizona Project (CAP), and the Bureau of Reclamation.

See below for photos and video of the event.


Watch the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:


See photos of the event: