Everyday Heroes Create Endless Possibilities in Marana’s Parks: Episode 1

Across the country, cities and towns are celebrating Parks and Recreation Month throughout July.  As part of Marana’s recognition of the community’s outstanding recreation facilities, the Town Council unanimously approved a proclamation recognizing Parks and Recreation month. This honorific acknowledges the profound contributions of parks to civic well-being.  They encourage outdoor recreation, help ensure the health of all residents, and maintain a high quality of life in Marana. 

Not all superheroes wear capes, and in Marana, a dedicated corps of Parks and Recreation staff perform heroic feats every day. They are lifeguards, landscapers, and Pilates instructors.  They maintain trails, create special event decorations, and plan programs for seniors.  For many, they are the most public faces of local government and provide the embodiment of tax dollars at work. Each week for the rest of July, we’ll be highlighting one of these remarkable, everyday superheroes. We encourage park visitors to say hi to our staff out in the field. These friendly employees love seeing residents take advantage of these beautiful spaces.  They love these parks as much as you do, and they’re eager to tell you why.

The Amazing Argonaut: Quintin Jones

As he gazes down from his lofty perch, you know Quintin means business. Children shall not run beside the pool, divers shall not leap into shallow water, and everyone—yes, everyone—shall enjoy a refreshing, safe afternoon at the Ora Mae Harn Park Pool. 

Tucked amid spreading eucalyptus and elm trees, the pool offers a cool oasis during the summer heat.  With swimming lessons for the kids, water aerobics for seniors, and Dive-in Movies for all ages, pool-goers from all walks of life can find a compelling reason to escape the torrid summer temperatures of the desert in Marana’s refreshing waters. 

And whenever the pool is open to the public, lifeguards like Quintin are there to ensure the safety of all users. 

“My main goal is to allow everyone to have a great time while preventing dangerous behaviors,” explains Quintin. As he describes his daily activities, his eyes dart distractedly around the pool.  Even when he’s not on duty, he’s on duty.

This is Quintin’s second summer as a lifeguard in Marana, and during his two stints with the Town, he’s developed a fondness not only for pool users, but for the culture of Marana as a whole. 

“I love working with everyone around here.  The events we have both at the pool and across Marana are great for the community, and I’m really proud to be a part of that.”

Last year, Quintin completed his first year of college at Northern Arizona University after graduating from Mountain View High School in Marana Unified School District.  During his freshman year of college, he participated in the Reserve Officer Training Corps, and this fall, he plans to enlist in the Air Force. 

“I’m very interested in the medical field,” says Quintin. “Lifeguarding has given me a small window into what that kind of career would be like.  In the future, I’m hoping to become a nurse.”

It’s clear that Quintin aspires to even higher levels of superhero-dom, and we in Marana are proud that he’s started his journey here.  Today, he’s a lifeguard.  Tomorrow, a cadet, perhaps.  Someday, a nurse, saving lives. For now, The Amazing Argonaut watches over our pool and protects our waters.  Just keep swimming, Quintin.  Just keep swimming.