Marana Police Sergeant retiring from the department

Marana Police Sergeant Steve Johnson

Retirement ceremony for Sgt. Steve Johnson on September 7, 2022

MARANA- Sergeant Steve Johnson with the Marana Police Department is retiring after more than two decades on the force. His last day with the department was on August 31, 2022 and his retirement ceremony is on Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Sgt. Johnson served 19 years with the United States Air Force before he was hired by the Marana Police Department on August 17, 1996. He quickly moved up the organization and was promoted to Sergeant in July of 1999.

Throughout his career, Sgt. Johnson has demonstrated an exceptional degree of good judgment, initiative, and competence.

Sgt. Johnson became the department’s Emergency Management/Homeland Security Coordinator as well as supervised the Internal Affairs Unit, Crime Scene Unit, and Training Unit.

He was responsible for successfully coordinating the Town’s emergency response plan with Federal, State, County, and local jurisdictions. He also spearheaded the Town Council’s resolution and adoption of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for major events and disasters.

As the Emergency Management/Homeland Security coordinator he wrote several grants, which resulted in the Town receiving over $200,000 in funding and equipment.

As the Special Events Coordinator, he was responsible for several Town events including El Tour De Tucson, 4th of July Star Spangled Spectacular, and Founders Day; ensuring all Town events were safe for those who attended.

Sgt. Johnson received the following awards throughout his career:

·         2005 Sons of the American Revolution Outstanding Officer of the Year award

·         Chief’s Medal of Merit

·         Chief’s Citation of Excellence

·         Lifesaving award

·         The Department’s Distinguished Service Medal

This past year, Sgt. Johnson was assigned as the Department’s (First Shirt) Sergeant overseeing many operational needs within the organization.

He enjoys his time away from the police department by spending time with his family, wife Teresa, daughters Ryann and Breeana, and son Steven Jr; to include his grand-children.

Click here to view the proclamation in honor of Sgt. Johnson