Saguaro Bloom joins Neighborhood Watch Program

From left to right: Lt. Tim Brunenkant, Volunteer Patrol Coordinator Donald Staub, Volunteer Coordinator Thomas Cox, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Darrel Gleddie, Saguaro Bloom Neighborhood Watch representative John Burton, Community Resource Officer, Officer Ashley Espinoza, Community Resource Supervisor Sgt. Joseph Miller

MARANA- The Saguaro Bloom community is now an official Neighborhood Watch Community.

On Monday, August 23rd, John Burton, a Saguaro Bloom resident, met with several Marana Police Department officers and volunteers to watch the installation of neighborhood watch signs in the community. This comes after several weeks of Burton working to collect the 50 percent resident signatures needed to qualify Saguaro Bloom as a Neighborhood Watch Community.

The town provides the signs for the Neighborhood Watch program.

“This is important because it’s all part of building communities and helping neighbors to know each other and to communicate with each other and to communicate with the police department if there is some sort of issue or problem within the community, they call the police department and let them handle it,” said Darrel Gleddie, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for the Town of Marana.

The purpose of the Marana Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Program is to create an alert neighborhood by using simple crime prevention methods and acting as additional eyes and ears for the police department.

Saguaro Bloom is the first community to be designated as a Neighborhood Watch Community in about five years.

If you would like to join the program contact the Marana Police Department Community Resource Officer at 520-382-2051 or email