Frequently Asked Census Questions


Between misinformation and new ways of filling out the 2020 Census form, it’s no surprise that people have a lot of questions about the upcoming census. Please see the information below to learn some of the ins and outs of the 2020 census. Help share the facts! 

Will I be asked about my citizenship status by the U.S. Census Bureau?

No. You will not be asked about citizenship on the census forms. Additionally, the Census Bureau will never ask you for:

·     Your Social Security number
·     Money or donations
·     Anything on behalf of a political party
·     Your bank or credit card account numbers

Who is counted in the census?

Everyone counts. Count everyone who lives in your home on April 1, 2020, regardless of age, relationship or citizenship status.

Who has access to my answers?

The law prevents the U.S. Census Bureau from sharing your information with law enforcement. Your answers cannot be used to impact your eligibility for government benefits. Your answers are only used to create statistics about the country. 


Is the census form only available online?

No. The 2020 Census will be available to complete online, by phone or by mailing in your form. Online and phone responses can be completed in 13 languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Japanese).


Will the 2020 Census be available on any device?

Yes. The 2020 Census online form will work on any computer, tablet or smartphone that has internet access.


How can I tell if someone is from the U.S. Census Bureau?

First, check to make sure they have a valid ID badge, with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark and an expiration date.

If you still have questions about their identity, you may call 800-923-8282 to speak with a local Census Bureau representative.

Respond to the census to ensure an accurate count and shape your community.

Pima Association of Governments, the region's metropolitan planning organization, is leading a 2020 Census regional awareness campaign to improve the accuracy of the April 1, 2020, count in our region. An accurate count will help position the region for quality growth and ensure that the diverse needs of our population are met, but it will take the efforts of many, not just a few.

Census Day is April 1, 2020. Starting in mid-March, you may submit your census form online, by phone or by mail.