Summer Schooling 2017, Part 3: Supporting Community through Community Development

Marana’s Community Development & Neighborhood Services (CDNS) Department is truly diverse in the sense that they do a bit of everything! Their primary goal is to keep Marana’s neighborhoods safe, clean, and friendly. They accomplish this through a mixture of neighborhood revitalization, community outreach, and citizen education.

In the morning, I accompanied Town Staff on a follow-up visit with a resident who was a recipient of the Houses-to-Homes program. The Town was able to provide the resident with a new water heater and A/C unit just in time for the summer heat. The program assists qualifying citizens with repairs and/or replacement of water heaters, roofing, HVAC, and miscellaneous services such as electrical and plumbing.

The Town’s Code Enforcement Officers spend much of their time as educators of the Town Code. While it is their mission to “keep Marana an attractive place to live, work, and play,” the Code Enforcement Officers are adamant about finding the most effective and helpful solutions for both the Town and the citizens.  

In addition to Code Enforcement, CDNS oversees the Marana Clean-Up Trailer, Neighborhood Mediation Program, and most recently Animal Services. Beginning July 1, the Town will provide all animal services for residents. CDNS (with the help of almost everyone in Town Hall) has been vigorously planning the logistics of offering this new service. I look forward to this endeavor and I’m happy that Marana’s dedication for providing excellent service will now extend to the Town’s four-legged residents.