Independent voters can choose a primary ballot

Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriguez would like to remind Pima County voters who are not registered as one of the major political parties (otherwise known as Independent voters or Party Not Designated voters) that they can choose ONE political party ballot to vote for the Primary election. They can choose to vote a Democratic, Republican, or Green party ballot

Selecting a political party ballot will NOT change your Voter Registration to the political party ballot you requested. You will remain a Party Not Designated (PND) or Independent registered voter. If you would like to review your voter information including: Registration Details, Precinct/Districts, and Eligible Election Details you can access your voter information anytime at under “Check your Registration”

The easiest way to order a Vote-by-Mail ballot is to call our office and speak directly to a staff member at (520) 740-4330. You simply need to let the operator know which political party ballot you would like to receive. To order your Vote-by-Mail ballot online, go to the Pima County Recorder’s web site at and click on the link for “Early Ballot Request.” The link has a place for you to designate which political party ballot you would like to receive. 

Independent voters now constitute 31% of the registered voters in Pima County. Ms. Rodriguez encourages Independent Voters to exercise their right to vote. “Independent Voters have a very large influence in some contested primary races," states Ms. Rodriguez. 

For more information or to see a list of early voting sites in Pima County, visit the Recorder’s web site at or call the office at (520) 724-4330.