Marana Water News: The Monsoon

The Monsoon is in full swing this summer, and here at Marana Water, we wanted to give some facts and tips on the best ways to be ready.

Over the past few weeks, the Tucson region has seen dramatic downpours leading to flash flooding, or other road hazards, resulting from these tremendous storm systems. In the months of June through September, the Arizona desert sees the powerful winds, incredible lightning displays, and heavy rains of the annual monsoon. While these storms can provide beautiful scenes, they also require some precautions to ensure everyone safety.

The National Weather Service (NWS) works to provide up to the minute information about weather around the county. At the University of Arizona, meteorologists collect data from atop the Environment and Natural Resources building on campus for analysis. The scientists here are part of a global system that simultaneously send up weather balloons twice a day gathering data to help with issuing the weather alerts on the radio, cell phones, and television. For more on the team at the U of A, click here.

Flash flooding is one of the biggest results of these monsoon storms. Our flat desert landscape is not as adept at absorbing that much water so quickly, and streets and washes can flood very fast. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information about how to protect yourself and your property in the event of of a flood. More information on the CDC can be found here. Additionally, the Town's Public Works department has put together a map showing areas where flooding could occur. Click here to access this map when planning any trips throughout the Town during these storms. "Turn Around, Don't Drown" is used by many entities when promoting flood safety. Be aware of your surroundings while driving, especially at night when it might be more difficult to see the water levels. If the flooding as affected traffic signals, be sure to treat each intersection as if it were a four-way stop.

Dust storms and lighting can also cause problems during these storms. Dust storms can hinder visibility while driving. The Arizona Department of Transportation put together some helpful tips to stay safe during a dust storm. Check them out here.

Lightning can be beautiful to watch from the safety of your home. If you are close enough to hear thunder, then the lighting is not as far away as you may think. The National Weather Service provides facts, tips and amazing images on their lighting safety pages here.

As these last few summer monsoon months come to a close, be sure to take the time to prepare. Creating a disaster plan and preparedness kits, including water, for your family are an easy start to keeping safe during these storms. On behalf of the Town, Marana Water wishes everyone a safe end of summer.