Marana Awards Spotlight: Gary Borax

In the rugged Tortolitas, Gary Borax is tirelessly committed to keeping Marana beautiful, which is why the Town honored his dedication in 2014 with the Ora Mae Harn Crystal Legacy Award. 

Leading a hiking group deep into the hills, Gary knows what it means to labor for his community.  On any given day, he could be clearing buffelgrass, organizing volunteers, or maintaining the Wild Burro Trail.  His love for the great outdoors is matched only by his indefatigable spirit, and his legacy is etched into the hills that sound this Town. 

The Ora Mae Harn Crystal Legacy Award recognizes people or groups who promote the “Matriarch of Marana”’s commitment to the ideals of the Town and enhance its image through exemplary volunteer service.  If you know someone like Gary who embodies Marana’s values, consider nominating them for the Crystal Legacy Award.