Marana Community Award 2015 recipients

Last week, the Town of Marana recognized three recipients of the Marana Branding Iron and Crystal Legacy Awards at the annual Marana Rotary awards dinner. The recipients were selected from a list of nominations made by the community and were awarded based on their volunteer service and community impact. 

The Town of Marana is proud to partner with the Marana Rotary Club to honor the tremendous men and women who are making a difference in this community. Marana's dedicated residents are what make this community so special. Every day, passionate teachers prepare our students for the future, nonprofit leaders serve the needy, and business owners forgo higher profit margins so that they can give back to those around them. 

Sally Hard- Crystal Legacy Award

Every year, Marana is proud to acknowledge an individual whose dedication and service improve the lives of others.  This year, no one better encapsulates that description than Sally Hard.  For years, Sally has led by example through her work with Honor Flights of Southern Arizona. 

As a result of her service, countless World War II veterans have flown to Washington, D.C. to visit the World War II Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, and many of the other sites that pay homage to their sacrifice.  As a Purple Heart Town, Marana deeply appreciates both Sally’s efforts and the veterans she serves. 

James Attebery- Branding Iron Award- Individual

This award recognizes individuals who “make their mark” on Marana.  As a long-time music teacher at Marana High, James Attebery not only makes significant personal contributions, but also imparts powerful lessons on innumerable students. 

“With Mr. Attebery, it isn’t just music and lyrics,” writes a former student, “It’s an attitude.  He always stresses that when we put on that ‘MHS Band’ t-shirt, we don’t represent just a band, but also our community.  We owe it to everyone to be the best that we can be—on and off the field, in and out of school, in every part of life.”

M.Y. Martial Arts- Branding Iron Award- Organization

As a martial arts facility, it would be easy for M.Y. Martial Arts- Marana just to run its Taekwondo classes, but this is an organization that seeks to serve the whole community.  Because of this passion, Marana is pleased to award them the Branding Iron- Organization Award.

Their commitment to service has driven M.Y. Martial Arts- Marana to host the first ever community safety day.  With free trainings on bullying prevention, fire safety, and self-defense, this event will help participants feel more confident and comfortable wherever they go.  That feeling of empowerment is an integral part of Marana’s community spirit.