Stop the Bully
Use these four steps of action to stop the bully
- Ignore
- Ignore the bully. Do not respond to their actions. Hold back the anger and never get physical.
- Walk Away
- Walk away from the situation quickly. Avoid making contact with the bully.
- Say “Stop”
- Look the bully in the eyes, stand tall, and tell the bully to “please stop.”
- Get Help
- If the bully won’t stop, tell an adult. Talk to a teacher, family, of friends. Let someone know you are being bullied
What is a Bully?
- Come in all sizes.
- Can be a boy or girl.
- Thrive on power.
- Are mean to others.
- Control their victims.
- Are selfish.
- Hurth others
- Want things their way.
- Are aggressive.
Types of Bullying
There are three major ways a person can bully.
- Physical Bullying:
- Pushing
- Kicking Hitting
- Pinching
- Breaking Stuff
- Verbal Bullying:
- Teasing
- Name Calling
- Insults
- Threats
- Emotional Bullying:
- Exclusion
- Tormenting
- Rumors
- Humiliation
Anti-Bullying Pledge
I promise not to be mean or pick on others. I will treat my friends and classmates with respect and stick up for them if they are being bullied. Sticking up for someone is the right thing to do.