You can control the opportunity for the crime to be committed by being aware.  A motivated criminal is in search of a suitable target.  They are seeking an unguarded target – the perfect opportunity!  

You can deter crime by simply providing a guard (real or perceived) for the persons, places, or things that a criminal may find desirable.  

We call many of these tools “target hardening” which are the use of effective locks, lighting, and landscape to deter a would-be criminal.  Security guards, closed circuit TV, video cameras, and security systems are also tools, but may cost more than you are willing to spend.  Without any expense, you can reduce crime by simply being a vigilant neighbor or store owner.  Be aware of what is going on around you.  What looks unusual or suspicious?  Who is out of place?  Can you see or hear activities that are out of place?  Neighbors, friends, fellow businesses and employees all provide a support for preventing criminal activity.  Law enforcement doesn’t expect citizens to become involved with the person in question, but to effectively report what they have seen or heard.  

Prevention typically takes place long before a crime occurs by anticipating the risk and initiating a course of action to remove or reduce it.  When we recognize a desirable target we would expect steps to be taken to prevent a crime from occurring.  For example, if property was continually being taken from unlocked vehicles, we would expect that victims would begin by removing the articles from their cars and locking them, making it harder for the crime to be committed. 
There will never be a day that our society is crime free, but there is a lot we can do to reduce its occurrence by sending a message “don’t YOU bring crime into my neighborhood."

To help you be better prepared, the following list provides you printable information regarding specific topics.  Take the time to go through them to help you not be a victim.


Employee Safety in Leasing Offices

Gas Theft

Lock It or Lose It

Scam Alerts

Stranger Danger

Suspicious Activities

Take Remove Lock

Battery Thief

Beer Thief

Bike Safety


Charity Fraud Alerts

Crime Alert

Employee Safety in Schools