Who's representing Marana?

Name: Alexis Hayes
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "Mr. Popular And I"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Christina Aguilera
What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher
What do you love most about Marana? The people. They're so nice. 

Name: Malachi J. Brewster
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "A Farewell to Arms"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Nelson Mandela
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be in the Marines marching band. 
What do you love most about Marana? The supporting community and the arts programs. 

Name: Evanna Rouhani
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "Grapes of Wrath" and "Les Miserables"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Julie Andrews
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to work in social services or family therapy, or anything that I can help to build strong family units.
What do you love most about Marana? I love the environment of love and mutual support that surrounds the Marana community. 

Name: Tyler Godowski
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "The Mountain"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Mozart
What do you want to be when you grow up? Writer
What do you love most about Marana? The community love

Name: Iliana Vasquez
Age: 15
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: Nothing at the moment
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Albert Einstein
What do you want to be when you grow up? Surgeon or economist
What do you love most about Marana? How kind everyone is

Name: William Z. Klein
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "The Hobbit"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? NIkola Tesla
What do you want to be when you grow up? Photographer/writer
What do you love most about Marana? The community

Name: Angie Muscoreil
Age: 15
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "Me, Earl and the Dying Girl"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Barack and Michelle Obama
What do you want to be when you grow up? Something to do with music
What do you love most about Marana? The sense of community

Name: Cody Smith
Age: 15
Incoming grade: 10
What book are you reading: "Harry Potter"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Payton Manning
What do you want to be when you grow up? NFL player
What do you love most about Marana? The music programs

Name: Katie Nixon
Age: 15
Incoming grade: 10
What book are you reading: "Me Before You"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Audrey Hepburn
What do you want to be when you grow up? Neo Natal Surgeon
What do you love most about Marana? The community and love that they spread

Name: Jonathan Emmerick
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "An Abundance of Katherines"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Harriet Tubman
What do you want to be when you grow up? I am interested in singing, fashion, acting, and theatre. 
What do you love most about Marana? I love the diversity and acceptance. 

Name: Hannah Stock
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "It's Kind of a Funny Story"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? N/A
What do you want to be when you grow up? Pediatric oncology nurse with eccentric hobbies
What do you love most about Marana? The opportunities

Name: Jose Gonzalez
Age: 17
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "The Martian"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Elvis Presley
What do you want to be when you grow up? Comedian or computer engineer
What do you love most about Marana? How close everyone is. 

Name: Emma Winters
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: I really like reading the back of the Chipotle cups
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Adele, for sure
What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm not sure yet, but I'm figuring it out
What do you love most about Marana? How connected we are as a community

Name: Mariano Hinojos
Age: 17
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "Holes"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Toby Mac
What do you want to be when you grow up? Game tester
What do you love most about Marana? The music programs

Name: Dimon Sanders
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "Thirteen Reasons Why"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Misty Copeland
What do you want to be when you grow up? Pediatric nurse
What do you love most about Marana? The arts programs

Name: Mauro Grijalva
Age: 17
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "Breakfast at TIffany's"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Louis Armstrong and Audrey Hepburn
What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor and artist
What do you love most about Marana? The music programs

Name: Arianna Nuno
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: N/A
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Barbra Streisand
What do you want to be when you grow up? Singer/Actress
What do you love most about Marana? How great of a community it is

Name: Nick Victoratos
Age: 14
Incoming grade: 10
What book are you reading: "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Beethoven
What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be a choir director
What do you love most about Marana? The schools and Marana's career and technical programs and arts programs. 

Name: Taylor Nixon
Age: 17
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "Life of Pi"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Tom Hanks
What do you want to be when you grow up? Elementary school teacher
What do you love most about Marana? How we all support one another

Name: Moises Hernandez
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: A big fat SAT practice book
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Bill Nye
What do you want to be when you grow up? An actor. Or maybe a computer hardware engineer
What do you love most about Marana? The teachers

Name: Iona Isachsen
Age: 15
Incoming grade: 11
What book are you reading: "Memory Keepers Daughter"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? My grandfather, Yngvar Isachsen
What do you want to be when you grow up? Biomedical engineer
What do you love most about Marana? Everyone is incredibly friendly and you never feel unsafe

Name: Madison Miller
Age: 18
Incoming grade: freshman in college
What book are you reading: The original Grimm Fairytales
If you can meet one person, who would it be? I really want to meet President Obama, but if it's allowed to be someone that's gone, I'd choose MLK.
What do you want to be when you grow up? My dream is to be a foreign service officer for the United States, but I want to first be a pediatric physical therapist. 
What do you love most about Marana? I love that they want to see you do well. I know that no matter where I am in the future, I have my whole town behind me. 

Name: Alexis Gibbs
Age: 16
Incoming grade: 12
What book are you reading: "Looking For Alaska"
If you can meet one person, who would it be? Lea Michele
What do you want to be when you grow up? Actress
What do you love most about Marana? Very welcoming to everyone