PRESS RELEASE: Free Marana Parks and Recreation app now available in Apple and Google Play stores.

MARANA – Marana residents can now carry Marana Parks and Recreation services around with them in the palm of their hand. The Town of Marana has released the Marana Parks and Recreation Mobile App for both Android and iOS mobile devices.

Developed for both Marana recreation regulars and those new to the Town, this app provides residents and visitors with everything they need to stay up-to-date with park closures, programming events, and trail conditions. Users can check the status of their favorite park amenities in real time, and sign up for activities.

The Parks and Recreation Mobile app is designed as a one-stop shop for Marana Parks and Recreation information.

“Our goal with this app is to improve the service experience of Marana residents, customers, and visitors,” said Marana Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy. “It encompasses so many different services in one easy-to-use interface. This provides our Marana community with a truly unique experience of their parks.”

The Parks and Recreation app is the latest mobile app produced in-house by the Town of Marana, following the My Marana, Marana Events, Marana Pets, and Project Ina apps.

The Parks and Recreation app is currently available in the App Store and Google Play Store. 

Modern I-10/Ina Road interchange nearing completion in Marana

Technology just one way ADOT project is improving mobility


When the new interchange at Ina Road and Interstate 10 in Marana opens in the coming weeks, it will include state-of-the-art technology helping Arizona Department of Transportation engineers adjust signals to keep traffic flowing.

Work on the $128 million project, which began two years ago, includes significant improvements to the interchange and to Ina Road in a growing area northwest of Tucson. The new interchange is expected to open in early spring, while work on improvements to Ina Road and new bridges over the Santa Cruz River will continue for several months.

Traffic signals where the new I-10 ramps intersect with Ina Road will include cameras that collect data on traffic moving past. That data will help traffic engineers decide whether to alter the length of green lights to move traffic more efficiently. Marana also is adding cameras for the same purpose along Ina Road at Starcommerce Way and Camino de la Cruz.

The cameras give a 360-degree view of the intersections and replace sensors placed in cuts made in the pavement. Already is use at a number of Pima County intersections, the cameras are used only for traffic management and not for law enforcement.

The cameras are just one of the changes that will help traffic flow more smoothly through the Marana intersections.

Crews have added a lane in each direction on I-10 and on Ina Road west of the freeway. That will allow both to carry more traffic with fewer delays for drivers.

Before work began, Ina Road was at ground level and crossed railroad tracks before traveling below I-10. The new configuration includes bridges carrying Ina Road over the railroad tracks and I-10, eliminating delays when trains move through the area.

A single two-lane bridge over the Santa Cruz River has been replaced with two bridges, each carrying two lanes of traffic. The eastbound bridge opened in December 2017 and carries one lane in each direction. The westbound bridge will open this spring.

The Town of Marana is making improvements to Ina Road just east of I-10 to benefit businesses and drivers in the area.

The Ina Road improvements are just the latest in a number of interchange improvements being made along I-10 in the Tucson area. Interchanges at Prince Road and Twin Peaks have been improved in recent years. A similar project at Ruthrauff Road is expected to begin by this summer.

Download the free ADOT Alerts app to your iOS or Android mobile device and know before you go!

Marana recognizes February 7-14 as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

During their February 5 meeting, Marana Town Council proclaimed February 7-14 as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week.

During the meeting, Mayor Ed Honea presented the proclamation to Jennifer Pajor, whose son Brendan was born with a congenital heart defect that required two open heart surgeries before his first birthday.

 “I am very pleased this proclamation has been issued to raise awareness,” Pajor said at the meeting.

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Pajor, a Marana resident, approached the Town of Marana about recognizing the issue, and she told Marana News that having Town Council take the time during the meeting to recognize the issue as well as her family meant a lot.

“I feel like they care about this issue, and that they are willing to bring more awareness to a situation that’s really near and dear to my heart,” she told the paper.

Approximately 40,000 babies are born each year with a congenital heart defect. While some are minor, some require very serious and immediate surgeries. The issue hits close to home as congenital heart defects are among Arizona’s most common birth defects.

Read More about Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week at the Marana News.

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Little League fields getting preseason improvements

Marana Parks and Recreation Parks Superintendent Dave Herman loves baseball. With his ever-present baseball cap and his bushy mustache, he looks like every 80’s movie idea of a baseball manager.

The rototiller breaks up the infield clay so that it may be redistributed and leveled.

The rototiller breaks up the infield clay so that it may be redistributed and leveled.

The only thing Herman loves more than baseball is his family and his parks. Fortunately, his love for the game and his love of his job came together recently.

Herman and his team have been hard at work getting the Town’s little league fields ready for the upcoming season.  Not only are they trying to make the fields as nice and playable as possible, but they are also working hard to make sure both the infield clay and the outfield grass is as safe as possible. 

It turns out a safe playing surface is also a great playing surface.

Herman and his team are spending a lot of time on the infield clay. Their first job was to determine just how deep the clay was. In many places it was 5-6 inches deep. Having that much clay can cause the ground to become very hard, which can lead to dangerous plays for young infielders.  

“We are trying to make it safer for the kids,” said Marana Parks Maintenance Supervisor Donna Chambers. “If the field gets too hard, that ball can come up at them too fast.”

To make the surface safer as well as play better for teams, Herman and his crew have a multi-step process. First, they use a rototiller to turn up the clay. Once they have the loose dirt, they redistribute it across the infield and then use a laser level and a 60” paving roller to roll out the clay and make it level.

 “It is a challenge to get it just right,” said Herman. “You want the field to have to some give, but not too much. You don’t want it so loose that it is like a sandbox, but also not so hard that it like playing on asphalt either.”  

Using the laser level, they were not only able to find the depth of the clay, but figure out where the hardest portions were. Not surprisingly, the clay was the most compacted in front of home plate and in the high traffic areas around the bases.

While the field itself will be level, the areas around home plate will be rolled so that water will drain away from home plate.

Dave Herman and the laser level.

Dave Herman and the laser level.

The outfield grass will also be in great shape this season. Parks and Recreation crews have aerated the grass, which is the process of poking holes into the turf and getting air into the soil. Herman was thrilled that they were able to use a device called a Terra-Spike perforate the grass nine inches down. Aeration gets air into the soil, and the ambient air temperature actually warms up the grass, and not only helps get more water and air into the soil, but also creates more areas for the root hairs of the grass to spread.

“It will give us both a safer playing surface and a better turf quality,” Herman said.

One issue last year with some of the fields was the presence of burrs that were difficult to remove from clothing. The burrs came from khaki weed, and Town staff was able to use a Toro Rake-O-Vac to remove nearly all the pesky burrs. The device does just what the name implies- it rakes up the burrs, then vacuums them up. Not only did the process work well last season, but this season they have virtually no khaki weed on the fields.

The Parks and Recreation staff will complete the project in time for the little league season in March, but this is not a one-time project. Next year they will start the process all over again. Herman said that this is the same process that professional and college fields undertake, and it will create the best possible playing surface for little leaguers.

Gallery: Dog day at the park

Seventy dogs and their owners came to the Ora Mae Harn dog park to receive services at the Marana Animal Services’ dog vaccination clinic held in conjunction with the Marana Council Connections event. Dogs were offered dog-friendly ice cream treats while their humans engaged with Town Council and staff.

“I love living in Marana because of things like this,” a resident commented.

Traffic Alert: Roundabout closure notice

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The Sandario Road Roundabout will close for one month beginning on February 18, 2019. The closure will occur to install a new inner curb and truck apron that will aid in smoother traffic flow for large vehicles.

Traffic will be detoured around the round-about using a paved detour. Trucks with trailers should use the frontage road to Grier as an alternate.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

 Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

 If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

 Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Marana Town Talk Episode 6: Ina Road Beautification, Pure Water Brew Challenge

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Town of Marana has released its sixth episode of "Marana Town Talk", a local government podcast that balances education and entertainment with thoughtful commentary on local current events. 

Communications Manager Vic Hathaway and Communications Specialist Brad Allis kick off the episode with a brief discussion on current events (1:05), followed by an interview and tour of the Ina Road Beautification Project with Construction Manager Mac Murray (3:30). Listeners can then learn from Water Director John Kmiec about the entertaining but important role the Arizona Pure Water Brew Challenge plays in water conservation. (24:28). 

Traffic Alert: Overnight lane closures set for Interstate 10 near Ina Road Feb. 11-12


Allow extra time as I-10 is narrowed to one lane in each direction

Motorists who use Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect lane closures for barrier work the nights of Monday, Feb. 11, and Tuesday, Feb. 12.

I-10 will be reduced to a single lane in each direction between Sunset and Cortaro roads from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning.

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.

Traffic Alert: Coachline Boulevard Reconstruction

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During the week of February 11, 2019, the contractor will begin work at the pedestrian crossing on Coachline Boulevard near Rivulet Drive and the Continental Ranch Community Association Center. 

 Work at the crossing is scheduled to take approximately one month to complete*. Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists in the area should expect the following:

  • Pedestrians and cyclists wishing to cross at this location will be directed to a temporary crossing location during this work.

  • Rivulet Drive, at Coachline Boulevard, will have intermittent closures during this work.

  • Coachline Boulevard will be reduced to one travel-lane in each direction. Traffic will be shifted as work progresses across the roadway.

  • Left-turn movements will be permitted but will not be from a dedicated turn lane.

  • Access to Continental Ranch Community Center will have intermittent restrictions while work is completed.

  • Sidewalk and ADA access at the intersection of Coachline Boulevard and Rivulet Drive will be restricted during this work. Residents who typically use Rivulet Drive should utilize Maple Ridge Drive for access as often as possible while the pedestrian crossing operation is underway.

  • REMINDER – Vehicles parked on Coachline Boulevard will be towed at owners’ expense.

*The new pedestrian crossing at Rivulet Drive will re-open after the final paving and striping operation is completed. Weather permitting, paving of this section of Coachline Boulevard is expected to be complete by mid-March 2019.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

 If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.


Ina Road left turn closures to Meredith Blvd

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On Monday February 11, 2019, the left-turn lane on Ina Road and Meredith will be closed from 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

The left-turn lane is being closed to install vehicle detection equipment necessary for proper functioning of the traffic signal. Please use an alternate route.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

 Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

 If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Police pull-in pooch pilferer

A local dog owner and his four-legged friend were reunited earlier this week by the Marana Police Department (MPD). The officers noticed the missing dog while working to solve a different case.


Marana police officers were looking for a “porch pirate”, a person who had been caught on a porch camera stealing packages from Marana-area homes. MPD released images of the man and his vehicle to the media and were quickly inundated with information about the suspect from both citizens and other law enforcement agencies.

“We had multiple tips,” said Detective James Jolly. 

Officers had gone to the suspect’s address and sat surveillance until they saw the suspect and another person leave in a vehicle matching the one used in the thefts. The vehicle fled the scene. The police officers chose not to give chase, and instead interviewed the home owner. 

During the interview, they noticed a white bulldog running freely around the house, and when officers tried to return to their vehicle the dog attempted to go with them. When they asked the homeowner about the dog, she informed them that it “just got here yesterday.”

Officer Kevin Trapp remembered that a white bulldog had been reported stolen from a Marana-area backyard the day before, and he reviewed the case report to make sure that the dog they were seeing matched the missing dog. He and Detective Jose De Torre were able to photograph the dog and confirm with the owner that it was indeed the missing dog.

The officers reunited the dog with his owner in a happy reunion.

“He was very happy,” Jolly said. “He said the dog was like his son.”

The dog was also very happy to be back with his family, though we are sure he enjoyed his ride with the Marana police officers as well.

The suspect in the thefts was apprehended on Wednesday night by the Tucson Police Department’s Team 1 Bravo Unit in their jurisdiction.

Detective James Jolly, Detective De La Torre, and Officer Trapp were responsible for identifying and catching the thief, reuniting the lost dog with his family, and doing so without anyone being hurt.

Marana Police Department encourages residents to have someone at home when they are expecting packages, and if that is not possible to try and use post office boxes whenever possible. Doorbell and porch security cameras can be a great way to identify “porch pirates.”

Reporting all crimes, no matter how small, can be a great way to discover a pattern of criminal behavior. MPD would also like to remind people to lock their homes and to remove all valuable and lock their vehicles. Getting to know your neighbors and helping to look after them and their property is also a great way to keep a neighborhood safe.

Things to do in Marana for February and beyond

Marana In The Media: Travel Guide highlights Marana Gastronomy Tours

Fodor's Travel Guide, one of the leading authorities on travel, had an article on their website regarding Tucson being designated a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. The story devoted several paragraphs to Marana and the Marana Gastronomy Tours.


Located just northwest of Tucson, the river valley town of Marana is a modern-day haven for local farmers and producers, but what makes it especially unique is that it is home to easily accessible archaeological sites linked to the first evidence of modern agriculture in the United States. On a Marana Gastronomy Tour, participants get an immersive, full-circle experience that rolls the Tucson area’s food history and the current innovations of the local dining scene into one afternoon. Seasoned experts with personal connections to the region lead these outings.

our participants can pick from one of two tours, depending on their tastes. The traditional, slightly highbrow, Marana Gastronomy Tour, visits two archeological sites, including the recently discovered Las Capas, which is oldest known agricultural irrigation system in the U.S. The tour concludes with a small plate and cocktail tasting at The Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain, which is known for creating innovative dishes featuring heirloom and wild ingredients such as the ancient tepary bean, cholla cactus buds and barrel cactus seeds.

The other, more salt-of-the-earth tour option, titled “A Taste of The Wild: The Marana Wild Foods Gastronomy Tour,” also visits Las Capas, but then delves into the more than 450 edible wild foods that grow in the Sonoran Desert. After participants get a chance to do a little foraging of their own, the tour concludes with a tasting at Marana’s Catalina Brewing Company, where folks can sample beers made using local ingredients, including the brewery’s flagship Mesquite Agave Ale. Food for this tour’s tasting menu is brought in from the local Bean Tree Farm, which specializes in wild-crafted foods featuring ingredients sourced from the Sonoran Desert. Local Fiore di Capra goat cheese and heirloom grain loaves from Tucson’s Barrio Bread bakery round out this wild feast.

Read the full story HERE.


For tour information visit .

For tour reservations visit .

Solar project to generate enough power for 3,000 homes


On Tuesday, January 22, Trico Electric Cooperative formally introduced the Avion Community Solar Project at a dedication ceremony.

Avion is a 10-megawatt alternating current photovoltaic solar generating facility located on West Avra Valley Road within the Town of Marana. Trico and Torch Clean Energy are partners on the project, which began construction in August 2018 and began producing power in December.

Avion Solar has 40,716 solar photovoltaic modules and sits on approximately 80 acres of land previously used for farming and owned by Avra Plantation, Inc. Avion will produce more than 30,000 megawatt-hours of electric energy each year, or enough to power over 3,000 average residential homes in the Trico service territory.

Avion is the first community scale solar project for Trico. They also have SunWatts Community Sun Farm, a 227 kW, ground-mounted solar power system at its facility located at their office on Tangerine Road.

In 2005, less than 1 percent of the energy produced was from solar. Today, it is just under 14 percent with another 5 percent provided by hydro power.

“It is safe, reliable, environmentally responsible clean power,” said Trico Board Member Nick Buckelew.

“Changes in technology and the market have contributed to making renewable energy more cost-effective,“ CEO Vincent Nitido explained. “This, along with increased interest among our embers, has Trico and co-ops across the country finding new ways to bring the benefits of solar to our service areas.”

Marana Mayor Ed Honea was one of many Marana Town officials and staff at the event. Honea’s father was on the Trico board alongside Buckelew’s father, and he believes they could not have envisioned the evolution of Trico.

“They would be amazed that you could put solar panels out here and servicing over 3,000 homes,” Honea said.

Mayor Honea noted that the projects fits in well with the other solar projects in Marana. The Town of Marana has put solar panels in two of the parks and is in the midst of building solar parking structures at the Marana Municipal Complex. MHC and Marana Unified School District also have large solar presences in the community.

“I think it is really great that we are able to generate power that is renewable,” Honea added.


Marana In The Media: Marana film initiative expands with Modern Studios opening


The Marana News published a story on the opening of Modern Studios and how that fits into the goals of the Marana Film office.

The Marana Film Office started in 2017 to provide information and location scouting to film producers, and of course to market Marana as a filming location. This local film initiative formed in response to Arizona’s Office of Film and Digital Media, launched in an effort to bring filming back to Arizona. Levin and Davey say Modern Studios is the next step in bringing that Marana film initiative to fruition. 

“A lot of local talent is interested in having this as their home base, instead of having to fly out to LA for production,” Levin said. “Content is king right now, and therefore so is having a place that can create it and produce it.” 

While Marana is receiving a fair bit of attention of-late, town manager Jamsheed Mehta said the region has played a major role in the film industry for years due to its ideal locales and open spaces. 

“We’re trying to capture as much attention as we can,” Mehta said. “In terms of what the film industry does for the community—it puts us on the map.”

Red the full story at the Marana News.

Manager's Message: Help us prepare for Marana’s future

This originally appeared as a Manager’s Message in the Marana News/Explorer News.


Happy new year! While it may seem like 2019 has only just begun, the Town of Marana is busy preparing for year 2020 and beyond. This means taking a closer look at all our town services and programs, identifying new areas for strategic growth, and continuing to prepare our community for 20 years into the future.  

This January we completed our third planning workshop for the Make Marana 2040 General Plan Update. Through this public process community members were invited to take part in strategizing sessions that will help to set the vision for the next several decades. Those who were unable to attend the workshops shouldn’t worry; the survey is now open for the general public on our website at How can Marana preserve and enhance its existing qualities while reaching its fullest potential as a community? That’s one of many questions to be explored as part of the process of updating Marana’s General Plan.

This year, Marana’s population reached 47,000 people. The town is experiencing an economic resurgence, and projects previously explored prior to the recession are slowly being revived. To anticipate this continued growth, Marana has to evaluate our most fundamental services, including water delivery, sewer collection, transportation systems, and parks and recreation amenities.

This is the year for strategic planning. Town Council has already approved the Downtown Overlay District, and this year they will review the Land Development Code, the Sewer Conveyance Plan, the North Marana Drainage Study, the Potable Water Plan, the General Plan Update and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Collectively, these documents will help pave the way for how the Town prepares for the future, and will reflect the community’s essential needs.

Those interested in participating in this civic process are encouraged to do so by following the Town of Marana on Facebook and Twitter to learn of upcoming events and meetings. You can also subscribe to the Marana Newsroom and other various Town alerts by visiting

This will be a very busy year, but once these plans are established, the Town of Marana will be prepared even more growth as we look to a promising future.

Jamsheed Mehta is the Marana Town Manager

Marana In The Media: an active and healthy 2019

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The Marana News/Explorer News recently ran an article on the great offerings from Marana and Oro Valley’s Parks and Recreation Departments.

The Town of Marana’s Parks and Recreation Department is offering a wholesome bounty of outdoor programs sure to suit everyone in the family, including Tots & Me Story Art Classes that run every Thursday through April 25 at the Marana Community Center (13250 N. Lon Adams Road). There’s also the Nature to You - Garden Education Series, teaching Marana’s youngest residents the different varieties of bugs and gardening tips that can serve them well down the road, on Feb. 9 and March 9 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Marana Heritage River Park (12375 N. Heritage Park Drive).

Marana Parks and Recreation Department Superintendent Cory Larriva said the town’s programming this spring offers something for everyone, with an eye on making sure residents get outside.

“A lot of the new programing this year has been kind of targeted for these gap areas that we weren’t really providing services or programs for in the past,” Larriva said. “So, we’ve done a really good job of expanding into those age groups, or those family types that maybe didn’t have services before from Marana Parks and Rec.”

Other department offerings this spring include Marana Police Kids Academy, held at the Marana Police Department (11555 W. Civic Center Drive) on Thursday, Feb. 21 and Saturday, April 13 from 9 to 11 a.m. The town is also offering a variety of teen-oriented programs this spring, including the Marana Police Teen Academy, which runs during the Marana Unified School District spring break, March 18 to 22.

Adults have a variety of options this spring, too, including Paint Nights in the Park, held at Marana Heritage River Park on Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 28 and April 25 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Marana Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy said another key aspect of fitness in Marana revolves around the trails that link various sections of the sprawling town. A few of the trails Conroy highlighted included the walking paths built along Gladden Farms, Dove Mountain and along various parts of south Marana.

“We’re really trying to make it as much as we can a walkable community,” Conroy said. “We’re actively trying to connect our trail system as much as possible. We’re continuing to do that all the time.”

There are plenty of opportunities to stay active in town, including the Cape Chase Fun Run (March 9), the Marana Mother’s Day 5K & Fun Run (May 11) and the Marana Meltdown: Mountain Bike Time Trial (May 4).

Conroy said the town’s plethora of outdoor-related programs speaks to the department’s emphasis on health, and on giving residents the best amenities possible to accomplish their wellness goals.

“Recreation is one of the major initiatives to the Town of Marana,” Conroy said. “Under that area is also keeping a healthy community.”

Read the full story at Tucson Local Media

Marana In The Media: Marana HS students learn consequences of substance abuse

KOLD posted a story about an interesting event that the Marana Police Department participated in at a local high school. 

In collaboration with the Marana Prevention Alliance, the Marana Police Department and the Pima County Sheriffs Office took part in a “Teen Maze” event at Marana High School to highlight the potential legal, health, and social dangers that are associated with substance abuse.

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More than a half dozen law enforcement vehicles were lined up outside the school Tuesday, as officers and deputies volunteered their time to give students an inside look at the consequences of their actions involving substance abuse. Held at high schools across the area, it is a 30-minute interactive event where students go step-by-step.

“So it starts off with they are all at a party,” said Officer David Danielson, Community Resource Officer with Marana PD. “Based on their choices it leads down a different path. So they pretty much follow their consequences and see where it goes from there.”

Scenarios include leaving the party intoxicated and then getting pulled over, or being involved in a serious injury accident.

Read the full story on the KOLD website.

Traffic Update: Coachline Boulevard Reconstruction

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Coachline Boulevard Reconstruction – from Twin Peaks Road south to Silverbell Road and from Twin Peaks Road north to Silverbell Road

The Town of Marana and their contractor, Sunland Asphalt Construction Inc., have begun work to replace curb, sidewalks, and repair drainage issues at the intersection of Silverbell Road and Coachline Boulevard/Continental Reserve Loop. Work is expected to be completed by mid-February 2019.

Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclist traveling through the area should plan for the following:

  • Travel will be reduced to one-lane in each direction. This traffic control will remain in place through mid-February 2019.

  • All turn movements will be permitted, however dedicated turn lanes may be restricted.

  • Portions of sidewalks will be closed during removal, replacement and while the concrete cures.

  • All business access will be maintained.

In preparation of the upcoming paving operation scheduled for late February, the contractor will begin milling (removing) the asphalt along Coachline Boulevard from Twin Peaks Road south to Silverbell Road.

  • There will be temporary side street closures as equipment moves through the work area.

  • All business access will be maintained.

  • The milling operation is scheduled to begin in mid-February 2019.

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Traffic Update: Overnight lane closures set for I-10 near Ina Road

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Also: Overnight work scheduled on Ina Road near I-10 Jan 30 and Feb. 1

Motorists who use Interstate 10 near Ina Road should expect lane closures for barrier work the night of Wednesday, Jan. 30.

I-10 will be reduced to a single lane in each direction between Cortaro and Ina roads from 10 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, to 2 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 31.

Ina Road is also scheduled to close overnight between Camino de Oeste and Camino de las Capas for paving work the same night. Paving is scheduled between 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30 and 5 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 31. Drivers can use Camino de las Capas as an alternate route during the closure.

And, a new traffic shift is scheduled for Ina Road early on Friday, Feb. 1. Ina Road is scheduled to open in a new lane configuration between Camino de Oeste and Camino de las Capas starting at 3 a.m.

Drivers should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.

Schedules are subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen factors. For more information, please call the ADOT Project Information Line at 855.712.8530 or email� For real-time highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT's Traveler Information Site at�, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except when driving.
