Cortaro Bridge on Cortaro Rd at the Santa Cruz River

The Cortaro Bridge on Cortaro Road at the Santa Cruz River is part of the Town of Marana Bridge Painting Project.  Painting of the bridge will began Monday, April 10 through Friday, May 5, 2017.  Work will be done on east- and west-bound outside lanes, and one sidewalk will be closed at a time. This work should not affect travel lanes.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

For more information, please contact Town of Marana Public Works Office at (520) 382-2505.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

LDC Recommendations Report Now Available

A Marana Land Development Code (LDC) Recommendations Report is now available for review and includes an outline of the new code. Access it here:

Review the report online here.

The report is guided by community input from the November workshop, and includes a project overview, current policy direction, and what we’ve learned. It points out key opportunities to improve the code in terms of format and graphics, administration, flexibility, market responsiveness, and best practices. The proposed solutions include a brief introduction to the rewrite, annotated outline, next steps, timeline, downtown ideas, and references.

The code writing is underway, with a first draft expected this summer. After giving time for public review, community workshops will offer a time for feedback to make sure we heard you correctly. This ongoing community feedback will be incorporated into a second draft, expected in late 2017. Check back here, where updates will be posted as they are available.


If you need to get up to speed on the background for the code update, here is a good starting point. And you can follow each step in the process by perusing the diary updates preceding this one. They’re in reverse chronological order.

Marana Water News: Major Water Projects in 2017

The year 2017 is looking to be full of activity for Marana Water. In recognition of all our great customers, and our new ones that are coming every day, we are excited to share with you a few of the tremendous investments and actions in which your water department is engaged.

As we continue to develop from a small community of several distinct water systems and into a large municipal water and wastewater provider, it will be all about the infrastructure. In order to accomplish this, we have a number of ongoing projects. 

The San Lucas interconnect is the replacement of an aged 6-inch pipeline that is currently under I-10 between the San Lucas, Marana Estates, and Adonis neighborhoods and the rest of the water system on the westside of I-10. We are replacing this water main with a 16-inch pipeline.  That increases the carrying capacity by seven times! Once completed, the north Marana system and the San Lucas area water systems will be able to efficiently move water back and forth as one integrated system. This helps ensure reliability and redundancy for all our customers in the area.

Similar reliability and redundancy projects are also occurring in the southern Marana Water systems.  If you drive north on Twin Peaks road, near Blue Bonnet road, a brand new, one-million-gallon steel reservoir will be rising. Most of this reservoir is being funded and constructed by Vintage Partners, the developer of the Marana Center mall complex as part of their development agreement. The other portion will be funded by the water department.  This reservoir will provide not only the mall area, but all customers in the area with much needed gravity storage to keep pressure in the water system during times of power loss. In addition, this reservoir will move the department ‘further up the hill’ towards the Dove Mountain area. There are great projects scheduled for construction along Twin Peaks Road and this reservoir will allow the water to be there.

The largest project that the department is engaged in this year is the expansion of the Marana Water Reclamation Facility near Luckett Road. The current wastewater plant that was acquired with the settlement with Pima County is nearing its capacity.  The new facility under construction will be able to treat and purify up to 1.5 million gallons of wastewater per day.  Our current rate is around 400,000 gallons per day. In conjunction with this facility upgrade is the development of the Marana Water Groundwater Recharge Facility. This facility is necessary for all water customers because it will take the purified wastewater from the treatment plant next door and allow the clean water to infiltrate back into the aquifer for much needed water resource credits. The recharge facility is designed to eventually be a multi-purpose recreational area operated jointly with the Parks and Recreation Department. The town is planning to make this feature open to the public for wildlife viewing and passive enjoyment with walking paths and scenic viewing areas of the surrounding lands.

These are only a few of the ongoing projects that we have this year. Behind all of these projects is a dedicated staff who are committed to providing excellent service across the community. The projects and decisions we are making today are in support of our total water and water reclamation plans for the future. Our objective in all our efforts is to integrate Marana Water’s activities to provide the best possible customer experience for Marana residents. Supporting the needs of customers today and tomorrow is always in our mission.

Want to stay up to date on all things Marana Water? Click the Sign Up button below!

Marana Splash Pad Opens this Saturday with Live Alligators!

April Fool’s!  Okay, there won’t actually be live alligators, but there will be lots of refreshing fun in the sun at the Marana Splash Pad. Pack your swimsuit and your rubber ducky, because it’s time to splish splash in Marana.

Two years ago, Marana opened the heritage-themed Splash Pad at Gladden Farms Community Park. Beneath the expansive shadows cast by two large shade sails, kids can frolic through gushing, alligator-free streams of refreshing water all summer long. Colorful tractors, a soaring windmill, and a menagerie of farm animals are sure to delight the young and young-at-heart who visit this joyful oasis.

Visitors to the Marana Splash Pad are encouraged to plan for a fun and safe outing. Be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, drinking water, and waterproof shoes. While the splash pad itself offers a soft, squishy pavement that’s cooled by the flowing waters, the surrounding cement can become quite hot under the summer sun. This is also a great opportunity to break out one of your favorite sun hats as both extra sun protection and a stylish accent to your swimwear. And of course, don’t forget to pack your alligator repellant.






US Flight Expo to be held at Marana Regional Airport

The US Flight Expo, held at Marana Regional Airport, is a first of its kind fly-in expo and tradeshow in the Southwest United States. Held May 3-6, 2017, the Expo will feature an indoor and outdoor tradeshow venue for venders to showcase and sell aviation and avionics equipment and services. Featuring fly-bys, seminars, contests, static displays and educational opportunities, the US Flight Expo offers something for everyone who has an eye for flight.

While Marana is excited to have this event at our airport, this is not an official Town event. For all inquiries related to this event, please visit

Images of Future Ina Road Overpass Depict Modern Interchange

In the midst of extensive construction, it's hard to imagine that someday, the dust will settle at Ina Road. However, this project has a bright future ahead. In the meantime, it can be encouraging to check out artistic renderings of what this project will eventually look like.

Artistic Renderings Courtesy of the Arizona Department of Transportation.

The Ina Road overpass will carry traffic above both I-10 and the railroad tracks, eliminating long wait times due to passing trains.

A wide sidewalk will allow pedestrians to easily cross from one side of I-10 to the other.

The new construction will include artistic elements that evoke the themes of Southwestern art and architecture.

Marana Water News: World Water Day

Each year World Water Day is about bringing attention to water issues around the world. There are close to 1.8 billion people that are drinking water that has been contaminated with water borne pathogens including cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. Beginning in 1993, the United Nations declared March 22 as World Water Day as a way to inspire people to start talking about water and take action to help make a different for those areas without access to clean drinking water or proper sanitation services. A few weeks ago, we did a story on some of the non-profit organizations that are working to address this exact issue. Check out that story here.

Each year there is a theme around the date, and this year’s theme is wastewater including ways to recycle and reuse this water. Here is a quick video showing some of the ways that water can be reused. There has been a lot of focus on the treatment and reuse of wastewater since water is such a precious resource and demand will only rise as we continue to grow. Our Water Director, John Kmiec, serves as the Vice President of the Arizona chapter of the WateReuse Association

They are focusing on ways to treat wastewater in an effective manner to be able to recycle it back into our water systems. There are some places that are already using recycled wastewater to water golf courses and parks, and to cool buildings. Currently, in Arizona, you are unable to have treated wastewater returned directly to the drinking water system.

There are several options for meeting a water demand issue including recycled water. The Arizona team explored how California has been working to achieve great results from these types of projects. The gallery below has several photos showing the projects and sites the team visited. They are learning how best to build infrastructure, manage the sites, and which treatment processes to use from those that have been leading the field.

On this World Water Day let’s try and focus on the global and local issues related to water. Access to clean water for billions is going to take a large effort, and there are organizations working hard to make that happen, but here at Marana Water we focus on providing a sustainable, reliable and safe drinking water system. For more information about World Water Day, click here.

Police Activity at Texas Roadhouse in Marana

When a waiter with handcuffs and a badge delivers your Cactus Blossom on Wednesday, April 5, don’t worry.  You’re not about to be arrested, and this isn’t some elaborate April Fools’ prank.  This is the annual Tip-a-Cop event, in which Marana police officers work side by side with the wait staff at Texas Roadhouse.  From 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., diners at the Texas Roadhouse in Marana, located at 8450 N. Cracker Barrel Rd, can enjoy watching Marana’s finest take drink orders and serve up tasty dishes.  As always, be sure to designate a sober driver.  The police will be out in force at this location.

Marana PD Sergeant Will Hess is organizing this year’s event, and he couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity to engage with the public.  “This is a great chance for the public to interact with local law enforcement officers,” says Sgt. Hess. “At the restaurant, patrons can meet officers in a setting of their own choosing.  This environment is conducive to forming strong relationships with the community.”

In addition to facilitating community connections, this evening will also benefit Southern Arizona participants in the Special Olympics.  The proceeds from this event will provide Special Olympians with “the opportunity to participate in activities that we often taken for granted,” says Hess.  “Special Olympians will bowl, run, and swim, but more importantly, they learn teamwork, trust, and perseverance.” 

Many of Marana’s Special Olympians are able to participate through a program at Marana High School.  The 2017 State Summer Games will take place in Glendale, and the athletes from this program will travel up to this region for the festivities.  The dollars raised from the Tip-a-Cop event will help cover their expenses.  Prior to the State Summer Games, law enforcement officers from across the state, including some from Marana, will accompany Special Olympics athletes as they complete the Torch Run that opens the annual games. 

“This event demonstrates so much about the Marana Police Department and our community as a whole,” concludes Hess. “We all love supporting these kids, and we also love letting the community see another side of us.  This event lets us do all that, and we always have a great time.”

Sergeant Hess, Chief Terry Rozema, and everyone in the Marana Police Department hope you will join them for this fun-filled evening.  And of course, don’t forget to leave a generous tip.

April 8 Service will Honor Victims of Nighthawk Crash

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On Saturday, April 8 at 10:00am at the Marana Regional Airport, the Marine Corps League Nighthawk 72 will host the 17th Anniversary Memorial Service.

A devastating tragedy occurred on the night of April 8, 2000, when an Air Force training mission went awry and an Osprey aircraft crashed at the Marana Regional Airport killing all 19 Marines on board.  The investigation into the accident took over a year, but finally the survivors were able to have some closure during a memorial service near the site of the crash.

The Town Council and staff came together to erect a flagpole flying the U.S. flag, the Arizona State Flag, and the Marine Corps flag at the memorial site along with a plaque with the names and ranks of each serviceman. Many federal, state and local officials were on hand to honor these brave men.  A memorial service has been held each year since then, and the local Marine Corps league, named Nighthawk 72 in honor of the fallen aircraft, have added memorial artifacts over the years dedicated to keeping the memory of the event alive, never to be forgotten by the families and friends.

Plans are being made to expand the site to include a memorial garden as well as an area to recognize the service of all military men and women who served to keep our country free.  It is hoped that by 2019, the families and friends and local residents who have adopted this memorial as their own will be able to hold their service under a new flagpole and among the shade trees of the new gardens.

Marana to Create Animal Services Division

On March 14, the Marana Town Council voted to begin the process of providing animal care and enforcement. As part of this new program, the Town will contract with the Humane Society of Southern Arizona to provide sheltering service, while the Town itself will hire two new animal control officers who will respond to resident calls. By adopting this new framework, the Town hopes to ensure the highest quality of support for all Marana residents.

The Town has decided to pursue this strategy after nearly a year of staff research, including site visits to nearby jurisdictions, interviews with support agencies like the Humane Society, and budget analyses of projected costs. This approach will allow Marana to provide a direct customer response to residents who request animal services. By adopting this model, the Town will be better able to achieve our community-wide vision of excellence. In the long term, Marana’s enforcement efforts will result in more animals returned quickly to their homes and fewer stray animals in need of rescue.

“Our top priority is to be responsive to resident requests,” says Town Manager Gilbert Davidson. “By managing our own animal control officers, the Town will be able to tailor animal care to the needs of our community. We will be able to respond promptly to all calls and meet the high expectations our residents have for their government.”

In addition to hiring two animal control officers and providing shelter services through the Humane Society of Southern Arizona, the Town also plans to partner with local veterinarians to provide emergency care for animals picked up by Town officers. Lisa Shafer, Marana’s director of community development and neighborhood services, will oversee the implementation and operation of this new program.

“One thing we want to emphasize is that from the public perspective, the list of services which residents currently enjoy will not change,” explains Shafer. “They will still be able to adopt pets, drop off strays, license their dogs, and so forth. The only difference is that now the Town will be able to enhance those offerings for everyone involved.”

Marana is already considering several potential enhancements which Town staff will continue to research and evaluate. For example, Marana’s Technology Services department will develop a mobile app for pet owners that will enhance the customer service experience. With projects like the MyMarana app, the Marana Events app, and the Project Ina app, the Town has demonstrated a success record in developing this type of tool.

“We’re very excited about the opportunity which this program affords,” says Shafer. “We feel very strongly that every animal in Marana deserves to be treated with care and compassion. This new program will help us achieve that vision.”

Marana Water News: Budget Prep Well Underway

The Town of Marana is in full blown budget mode. The next few weeks each department meets with Town management to discuss the budget requests and options for the fiscal year beginning in July 2017. There is a lot of effort put into generating this budget from our department as well as the Finance team and the Town Manager’s Office.

Each year all departments are asked to project their revenues and expenditures for the upcoming year. Typically, we are asked to create these projections at the same time, but this year we are trying something new and separating our revenue and expenditure entry. We entered our revenues about a month before our expenditures, which gave the Finance department a chance to review overall revenue projections for the Town to make larger decisions about employee investment, potential new positions and equipment, and much more.

On the expenditure side, our team has been working hard to identify needs for our growing utility. Maintenance of our systems is of the utmost importance, and we use our revenues to ensure our system integrity. Our tank maintenance program is continuing with a new set of projects this year, and we are constantly working to find efficiencies in energy costs and other portions of the budget.

We also include in the budget packets department accomplishments and goals for next year. The graphics below show some of the accomplishments and upcoming goals. We work hard to reach these goals each year, and will include those that we meet in next year’s budget document.

The final budget is scheduled to be approved at the Town Council meeting on June 20. In the meantime we are diligently working to provide the high quality service our customers have come to expect from Marana Water.

Want to stay up to date on Marana Water? Click the Sign Up button below!

Marana Municipal Court will hold warrant resolution court on Saturday April 8 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Pima Consolidated Court

The Marana Municipal Court will participate in a warrant resolution court at the Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, located at 240 N. Stone Avenue on April 8 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

At this event, judges from all Tucson area courts will be available to assist people with the resolution of outstanding warrants and other pending court matters.

Many of the outstanding warrants issued by these courts are for failure to appear in court on prior charges or for non-compliance with court sentencing orders.  Outstanding warrants often result in the suspension of a person’s driver’s license, and possible incarceration. Warrant Resolution Court will be an opportunity to quash these warrants and have driver’s licenses reinstated by the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicles Division.

Assistance setting up payment plans or re-establishing a payment plan already in place will also be available. 

Past events have been attended by more than 3,775 persons where 729 warrants have been quashed and 545 driver’s license suspensions have been lifted.   

Although walk-ins are welcome, those with outstanding warrants are strongly encouraged to call the court in advance to ensure prompt resolution.  Individuals with warrants or driver’s license suspension issued from Marana Municipal Court should call (520) 382-2700.  Individuals with warrants or driver’s license suspensions issued from Pima County Justice Court should call (520) 724-3171. 

Please contact the Marana Municipal Court at or at (520) 382-2700 for information.

Marana to make traffic improvements on Cortaro Road west of I-10

In order to accommodate increased traffic, the Town of Marana will be restriping sections of Cortaro Road west of I-10 on March 14. The Town anticipates that these adjustments will greatly improve the flow of traffic in this area. This work will increase both turn-lane and through-lane capacity on Cortaro.

During the roadwork on March 14, there will be intermittent lane restrictions outside the hours of heaviest traffic.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

For more information, please contact the Town of Marana Communications Office at (520) 382-2602.

Stay up-to-date on Town of Marana news, projects, and events. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Marana Ranked as one of the Safest Cities in Arizona

Every year, the National Council for Home Safety and Security evaluates cities and towns across the country to determine which communities are safest for residents and visitors. This year, Marana was ranked as one of the safest communities in Arizona. 

In order to create these rankings, the Council examined the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting statistics, population estimates, and their own internal research.

Click here to read the full report.

Float Through Time at Marana’s Founders’ Day

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Marana’s Founders’ Day, on March 25 at Ora Mae Harn Park, is just a few weeks away, and there’s a lot to look forward to at this year’s event. The Town’s partnership with the Marana Heritage Conservancy is sure to make this day a fun celebration for all attendees.

All day long, from the pancake breakfast in the morning to the beer garden in the evening, we’ll be celebrating the community spirit that inspired Marana’s founders to establish this Town forty years ago. Don’t miss this opportunity to watch Marana’s past come alive.

The Marana Community Food Bank, a venerable institution working to eliminate hunger in our region, will start the event with a pancake breakfast. Chow down on a syrupy, flaky stack of goodness, and wash it all down with a glass of orange juice or cup of coffee.

Once you’re fueled up for the day of festivities, claim your spot to watch the Founders’ Day parade. With floats representing Marana’s heritage, as well as the thriving community surrounding us today, this stream of creatively decorated exhibitions is sure to entertain one and all. The theme of this year’s parade is celebrating Marana’s 40th birthday, and each float will represent that heritage in its own unique way.

After the parade, you’ve got a whole afternoon to experience a range of fun activities. There will be live performances from our stage, a beer garden serving up all your favorite brews, and even a car show displaying a wide variety of vehicles, from classic hot rods to powerful hogs.

Throughout the day, you won’t have to worry about going hungry, either. We’ll have 16 food trucks serving up tasty treats, including ice cream, burgers, and even authentic German currywurst.

Founders’ Day is one of Marana’s most popular events every spring. To get in all the action, be sure to mark your calendar for March 25! We can’t wait to see you out there.

Overnight striping work on I-10 frontage roads begins March 12

The Interstate 10 east- and westbound I-10 frontage roads from Orange Grove Road to 29th Street (mileposts 250-260) and the westbound I-10 ramps at Tangerine Road will have nightly rolling lane closures from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning Sunday night, March 12, and ending Friday morning, March 17.

With Arizona Department of Transportation crews restriping the frontage roads, rolling lane closures are scheduled as follows:

Sunday, March 12

  • Eastbound I-10 frontage road from Orange Grove Road to Grant Road.

Monday, March 13

  • Eastbound I-10 frontage road from Speedway Boulevard to Cushing Street.

Tuesday, March 14

  • Eastbound I-10 frontage road from Cushing Street to 29th Street.
  • Westbound I-10 frontage road from Orange Grove Road to Ruthrauff Road.

Wednesday, March 15 

  • Westbound I-10 frontage road from Miracle Mile to Congress Street.

Thursday, March 16

  • Westbound I-10 frontage road from Congress Street to 29th Street.
  • Westbound I-10 on- and off-ramps at Tangerine Road. (Ramps will remain open.)

ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions and closures, but it’s possible that unscheduled impacts might occur because of weather or other factors. For the most current information about highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT’s Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except while driving.

For more information, please call Paki Rico, ADOT senior community relations officer, at 520.388.4233 or email

Maintenance work will restrict lane on I-10 at Orange Grove Road Mar. 8

The right lane on westbound Interstate 10 at Orange Grove Road (milepost 250) will be closed from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 8, for maintenance work. The westbound I-10 off-ramp at Orange Grove Road has been shifted to Sunset Road. All remaining ramps and Orange Grove Road underneath I-10 will be open.

ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions and closures, but it’s possible that unscheduled impacts might occur because of weather or other factors. For the most current information about highway conditions statewide, visit ADOT’s Traveler Information Site at, follow ADOT on Twitter (@ArizonaDOT) or call 511, except while driving.

For more information, please call Paki Rico, ADOT senior community relations officer, at 520.388.4233 or email

Marana Receives Government Financial Officers Award for 2017 Budget

For the 10th consecutive year, Marana has received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award. This honor recognizes the Town’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and operational transparency.  

This award represents a significant achievement for the Town of Marana. It reflects the commitment of the Town to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, Marana had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well the Town’s budget serves as:

  • A policy document
  • A financial plan
  • An operations guide
  • A communications device

Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all four categories, and the fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories, to receive the award.

For budgets beginning in 2015, 1565 participants received the award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America.

The GFOA is a major professional association servicing the needs of nearly 19,000 appointed and elected local, state, and provincial-level government officials and other finance practitioners. It provides top quality publications, training programs, services, and products designed to enhance the skills and performance of those responsible for government finance policy and management. The GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting.



Surface treatment on Silverbell Road, March 8-13

The Town of Marana has contracted Sunland Asphalt to apply a surface sealant on Silverbell Road between Twin Peaks Road and Sunset Road starting March 8 – 13. Expect daytime lane restrictions.

For your safety and that of the contractor’s personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

For more information, please contact Town of Marana Public Works Office (520) 382-2505.

Marana Water News: What's the 811?

With the construction projects around town, have you ever wondered what those multiple colors on the pavement and sidewalks might be? The Arizona 811 program helps to decorate our streets and sidewalks with colored paint to help avoid any damage to underground utilities. Established in 1974 as a non-profit organization, Arizona 811 helps contractors and homeowners identify what might be lying below the surface.

The 1973 law states that Arizona 811 must be contacted before “…any operation in which earth, rock or other material in the ground is moved, removed or otherwise displaced by means or use of any tools, equipment or explosives, and includes without limitation, grading, trenching, digging, ditching, drilling, auguring, boring, tunneling, scraping, cable or pipe plowing, and driving.” So, what does this mean for Marana Water and our customers? Well, when anyone, including homeowners, is going to do some work requiring digging, a call to Arizona 811 should be made. The professionals there will help identify what utility company or companies should be called depending on the area of the project. They will help to locate pipes, cables, underground lines to help dig safely.

According to their website, Arizona 811 processes 522,000 tickets for location each year throughout the state, all free of charge. These tickets are divided into the various utilities, which each have their own color identifying what is below the ground. These colors are uniform across the country. The image above shows the specific colors associated with Arizona 811. Here at Marana Water we mark water (blue) and sanitary sewer (green) systems. In January, Marana Water marked 284 water lines and eight sewer lines that were received from the Arizona 811 system.

By reaching out to Arizona 811 the integrity of water, telephone, electric, gas, and other utility lines remains intact and injury to anyone onsite can be avoided. Marana Water both provides marking for our water and sewer lines, but also will contact them when we are working on our own construction projects.

Want to stay up to date with Marana Water? Click the Sign Up button below.