Marana Water News: No water. No beer.

Earlier this month, Marana Water participated in an application that was submitted to the Arizona Community Foundation’s Water Innovation Challenge. The challenge is to bring together a collaborative team in Arizona that can develop the most innovative and inventive market-based, technological, or entrepreneurial solution to advance the sustainability of water future. The winner receives an award of $250,000 to implement the submitted project.

Marana Water is participating in an application as a part of the Southwest Water Campus. The growing population and dependency on groundwater and Central Arizona Project (CAP) resources, makes the future of water reliability a bit vulnerable. Focusing on new uses for treated reclaimed water is being explored as one way to address water reliability. In this project, the members are building and touring a full scale, direct potable reuse pilot program. This pilot project will produce craft beer throughout the state culminating in a Brew Competition at the 32nd Annual WateReuse Symposium held in Phoenix in 2017. Working with breweries throughout the state, different water sources will be safely used to create a craft beer for the competition. Central, Southern and Northern Arizona will all have submissions, and will include public outreach events at each location. Be sure to watch the video at the bottom of the story for more details.

Other entities participating in the project are Tucson Water, the Pima County Water Reclamation Department, the University of Arizona WEST Center, AquaTecture, and Arizona WateReuse. These members came together after years of collaborating on technical committees and professional memberships discussing water quality and water sustainability.

Being a part of this innovative project is exciting for all of us here at Marana Water. The idea that treated water can be used in alternative ways, paints an optimistic outlook for the future of water reliability in Arizona. While this project is just a small pilot program, the results could be useful for large scale versions of this treatment type. There are public perception questions that are going to be addressed as part of the community outreach portion of the pilot program. Communicating how the water is treated, what safety measures are taken, and how the water is tested are all components of the project.

The application submission is just the first step. Now, the Southwest Water Campus members wait to see if their project is selected for a follow up interview. If chosen, the award will be given in November. Determining ways to incorporate potable reuse as a more common part of any community’s water portfolio is on the horizon.

Providing safe and reliable water is in the mission for Marana Water. Finding new paths toward meeting this mission is an exciting part of our work here. Keep an eye out to see if our project is chosen.

Summer Schooling, Part 10: Giving Back

My mentor took me under her wing while I was still completing my bachelor’s degree.  She provided me with my first internship which later turned into my first job after graduating. The time I spent working for her was about so much more than cutting my teeth as a landscape designer, it was always about becoming a great professional.  I learned many things from her, but one thing has always stuck out to me.  That is the importance of being involved and giving back to the community in which you live, work, and play. 

Being involved and giving back is very rewarding both professionally and personally.  Professionally you gain an insight into what is happening in your profession, in other offices and organizations and what new things people are trying.  You grow your professional contacts and learn about other fields that are related or may have an impact on what you are doing.  For me it was always about advancing the knowledge and awareness of landscape architecture.  It is a field that few know much about and you are not typically exposed to it as a profession until you are much older. 

Landscape architects design the spaces between buildings and roads.  Some places are designed to have a natural look, to appear as though the paths and trails have been there for hundreds of years.  This is the case of Central Park. Before Frederick Law Olmstead designed the park it was a swamp and dumping ground.  Now it is one of the most recognizable naturalistic public spaces in the world.  Other parks are designed for function much like Crossroads Park here in Marana.  It was designed as a place for active recreation with playgrounds and ball fields.  Trails, plazas, streetscapes, paths, and roadways are more things landscape architects design.  Landscape architects also do a lot of planning and it was how I was exposed to the Masters of Science in Planning program at the U of A which ultimately led to this internship.  

This internship has provided me with a great foray into the life of a civil servant.  I have always been on the fence as to whether or not I would go with a job in the private sector or public sector, but this opportunity has solidified my choice of public sector for the foreseeable future.  It will allow me to use my skills and passion in service to my community.  I consider myself fortunate to have been selected for this position and I hope that I will continue to be able to give back to the place where I live, work, and play.

Marana Water News: Repairing Those Pesky Leaks

Seeing a hydrant spraying into the air, or water running down the middle of a street are both gut-wrenching sights for any water customer or water professional. Unfortunately, these happen more frequently than we would like here at Marana Water. Repairing water main leaks is part of the work done by our distribution crew. Notification of the leak and a quick response are both important to reducing the water lost from the leak.

Leak in a Marana neighborhood

There are several reasons a water line could break; time, weather, landscaping, poor soil conditions, or public damage. Major water leaks can develop over time from a small pinhole or crack. General wear and tear, shifting ground, and the age of the line can lead to corrosion of the pipe or loosening of the fittings.

Similar to residential lines, Marana Water lines are not immune to the effects of weather or rogue tree roots in our lines. Seasonal weather changes bring the potential for cracks that lead to leaks. Poor soil conditions might not be the first thing thought of when determining a risk for leaks, but soils that are high in chloride content can lead to corrosion of pipes from the outside. This corrosion can cause a leak or potential water contamination. One of the world leaders in corrosion control, NACE International, has identified sandy soils as less corrosive than clay soils. For more information on NACE International, click here.

The final potential cause of a leak is damage. Large trucks that drive over or park on water meters and construction projects that fail to locate water lines prior to beginning work are two examples of external factors damaging the water system. When preparing for a construction project, contact Arizona 811 to be sure all utility lines are properly marked. Arizona 811 works with professional excavators and homeowners to meet Arizona's "call before you dig" statute requirements. Click here to learn more about Arizona 811. Be sure to bookmark their site for any future construction projects.

When a line does break, water will flow along the path of least resistance, which means that the leak might be farther up the line than where the water appears on the surface.

Once a leak has been reported or identified, Marana Water gets to work. We too need to reach out to Arizona 811 to identify all utilities in the area of the leak. Gas, electric, sewer, cable and telephone lines may all be nearby the area of the leak, and we want to be cautious of damage to these lines while working to repair our mains. Once the utilities are identified, our operators get to work finding the source of the water leak. They search for the source of the water by turning valves, which help identify the segment of the line that is broken. Once the leak has been found, the repair process begins.

Depending on the extent of the leak, a basic wrap of the pipe will stop the flows. However, there are some leaks that require complete replacement of a segment of pipe. In the event of a much larger leak, the entire service line might need to be replaced. Our distribution team works to make these repairs with as little impact as possible on the water customers.

A completed leak repair.

As can be expected, there could be a water outage while we work to repair a leak. Typically, the office or our field staff will inform those customers they might be out of water, and an estimated time the water service will return. Again, the operators do their best to act as quickly as possible, but the damaged lines need to be repaired safely and the water tested properly to meet safety requirements. Hopefully, the only impact a customer would see is a drop in water pressure.

There are many ways Marana Water works to attempt to prevent leaks. We monitor water pressure routinely, which helps to identify any potential leaks in the system. We also compare water that was billed to the customers versus water that was pumped from the wells. This is called “lost and unaccounted for water.” If there is a large, inexplicable discrepancy between these two values, it could be an indicator of a leak in the system.  Finally, we do our best to identify our lines on any construction project. By marking these lines, we are working to avoid any potential damage from construction projects.

Leaks are a part of life in the water industry, but here at Marana Water we do everything possible to mitigate issues related to leaks. The water lost during these incidents is a small percentage of what is required to run the entire system. It is important to note that the department “lost and unaccounted for water” amount is substantially lower than the amount the state allows. This is another example of Marana Water staff working hard each day to ensure water safety and reliability for our customers.

Should there be a leak, please call the office at (520) 382-2570, or the afterhours line at (520) 235-4381.


Marana Center is Blooming with new Premium Outlets

You can never step into the same river twice. Likewise, you can’t visit the same Premium Outlet Mall at Marana Center twice.  Every time you come back, you’ll find new and exciting options that pop into new storefronts like the flowers of a Texas ranger blooming after a summer rainstorm.

The changing face of the mall means that there’s something surprisingly thrilling about wandering through its courtyards. Since the mall opened last October, shoppers have enjoyed the plentiful options of Nike, Banana Republic, Under Armour, and dozens of others. Careful observers, however, will notice that interlopers have appeared, sprinkled among these founding stores. 

A Crocs store suddenly occupies the corridor between Converse and Helzberg Diamonds. Now you can bejewel both your sneakers and your sandals!

Saks 5th Avenue Off Fifth stands sentinel over the western wing of the mall, welcoming shoppers into their cavernous aisles filled with the attractive styles for men and women of all ages.

At the opposite end of this shopper’s paradise, the cheerful vibrato of a singing princess spills out of the new Disney Outlet’s doors, her trills echoing off the capacious Old Navy across the way.

Everywhere you look in the Outlet Mall, you’re guaranteed to find a novel shopping experience, unlike even your last trip to the same mall. Just in the past six months, the mall has added nine new retail and dining destinations:

·       Saks 5th Avenue Off Fifth

·       Coach

·       Journey’s

·       Crocs

·       Disney Outlet

·       Famous Wok

·       Vitamin World

·       VF outlet

·       Johnny Rockets

Add to these new options the dozens of stores that already catered to all your retail fantasies and you’ve got the kind of shopping paradise you’ve always dreamed of.

As if all this weren’t enough, the mall will soon be offering a free concert series that will run throughout the fall. With a diverse range of musical acts, all hailing from sunny Southern Arizona, this series is sure to provide an excellent soundtrack for your Saturday night shopping excursions. On September 1, groove out to the jams of Heart & Soul, a sweet and soulful duo with a sound reminiscent of Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars. On September 8, get into the mood of Oktoberfest with the Bouncing Czechs (Prague is near Germany, right?). Their accordion, clarinet, and tuba medley will keep your feet tapping all night long.

When your feet are tired from all that shopping and dancing, tuck into a scrumptious burger at the food court’s latest addition: Johnny Rockets. Their retro take on the classic American burger will leave you dreaming of the days of Frank Sinatra and Elvis.  Add to that their gingham table cloths and creamy milkshakes, and you’ll step back into the sunshine surprised that Eisenhower isn’t president anymore. 

Whatever your fancy, you’re bound to find it at the Premium Outlets at Marana Center. Only in Marana can you experience Disney magic, Coach styles, and Crocs comfort, all in the same place.  Discover all the latest when you Discover Marana.  





August and September Construction Schedule on Tangerine Road

Monday, August 22 - Thursday, August 25

Crews will be working at the Tangerine Road and Twin Peaks/ Dove Mountain intersection in preparation for the Tangerine Road widening. The traveling public can expect the following restrictions:

  • The existing dedicated left turn lanes from Twin Peaks/ Dove Mountain to westbound and eastbound Tangerine Road will be closed; however, left hand turns will be permitted. Traffic control will be in place. Expect delays.
  • Barricades will be removed and travel lanes will return to their typical configuration August 26, 2016.  

Monday, August 22 - Thursday, September 1

Crews will be working on Tangerine Road between Twin Peaks/Dover Mountain and Camino de Oeste to accommodate the upcoming traffic shift. The traveling public can expect the following restrictions:

  • Temporary shoulder and lane restrictions will be in place.
  • The speed limit will be 35 mph.
  • Expect delays.

**No work will be conducted on September 5, 2016 as it is Labor Day.

Tuesday, September 6 - Thursday, September 8

Traffic will be shifted on Tangerine Road between Twin Peaks/Dove Mountain and Camino de Oeste to help facilitate the construction of the new alignment of Tangerine Road. This work will be done at night from 8 pm - 5 am.  The traveling public can expect the following restrictions:

  • One lane of travel on Tangerine will be maintained in each direction.
  • At the Tangerine Road and Dove Mountain intersection there will no longer be a dedicated right turn lane; however, right turns will be permitted.
  • At Tangerine Road and Camino de Oeste there will no longer be a dedicated right turn lane; however, right turns will be permitted.
  • The speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph on Tangerine Road just west of Twin Peaks/Dove Mountain to Camino de Oeste
  • Temporary concrete barriers will be in place to delineate the work zone as well as temporary roadway striping.

The above traffic control is anticipated to be in place for the next several months.

New El Tour Kickoff: Pima County Loop the Loop

The Town of Marana will be participating in the kickoff to the 60-day 2016 El Tour Season:  Pima County El Tour Loop the Loop, scheduled for Saturday, September 17. The event will go from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and will be held on The Loop. There will be a post-ride party after the event.

As part of this activity, riders can stop at a station in Marana, west of I-10 between Orange Grove and Ina Roads. At this location, Marana will host informational materials from the Marana Community Food Bank, Catalina Brewing Company, HMS Bikes, and Discover Marana, the Town’s tourism portal. Between now and ride day, the Town welcomes requests from other community partners to participate at this station.  At this location, participants will also be able to sign up for the 28-mile Marana Start of El Tour on November 19, 2016.

Loop the Loop is a FREE, easy, casual, fun ride open to individuals of all ages and abilities.  It’s a cycling celebration encouraging everyone to take up cycling as a means to better physical and mental health and to use The Loop to get from one end of the County to another. While on The Loop you can meet as many as 30 of the 50 non-profit organizations that will benefit from the 34th El Tour held on Saturday, November 19.

Starting and finishing anywhere on The Loop at any time during the festivities, cyclists are invited to ride any distance on the route at a leisurely pace along the multi-use paths of the Rillito, Santa Cruz, Pantano and CDO River Parks , and the Julian Wash Greenway, avoiding motor vehicle traffic on the streets.  There will be a post-ride party from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Trident Grill (2900 North Swan), El Tour’s official restaurant. There will be live music, prizes, drawings (including a Merckx San Remo Ultegra bike valued at $3999 provided by Tucson Endurance Performance Center), bicycle-valet parking, and taste the new El Tour Ice Cream created by The Screamery of Tucson. 

To earn entry into the prize drawings, cyclists will visit any or all of the 12 stations along The Loop to pick up tickets. (go to website for maps and location details here: ) Turn in all your tickets for entry into the drawings beginning at 11:15 a.m. and continuing every 15 minutes until 2 p.m.  The Merckx bicycle will be drawn at 2:00 pm. You must be present to win!

Loop the Loop will provide the chance to learn what’s new on The Loop, find out about social events on and off the bike, visit with experts who can get you geared up and ready to ride, join a charity team, sign up for El Tour or Indoor El Tour and find out about the different group rides or training events that will prepare you for El Tour. Look for free swag and advice at the 12 stops along The Loop.

For more information please call 520-745-2033, email visit, follow on Twitter @tourdetucson or find us on Facebook ElTourLoopTheLoop/

Tucson Medical Center 34th El Tour de Tucson presented by Casino Del Sol, Arizona’s largest cycling event and one of the ten largest cycling events in the United States, is produced and directed by Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc and is scheduled for November 19, 2016. Cyclists of all ages and abilities may ride 106, 76, 54, 37 or 28-miles or a Fun Ride of 11, 5 and ¼-miles. The 34th El Tour is projected to raise over $20 Million for over 50 non-profit agencies including Easter Seals – Blake Foundation and 50 supporting beneficiaries (including JDRF, Rotary – Polio Plus, Susan G. Komen for the Cure).  For a complete list of all non-profits and El Tour Information & Registration, go to

The theme of this year’s El Tour is Come Together, Ride Now.  “El Tour gives all the cyclists, sponsors and charitable agencies a chance to celebrate together, to ride together,” said Richard DeBernardis, founder and president of Perimeter Bicycling. “No matter where we come from, what age, what ability, we like to have a good time and show our community how we come together year after year for a terrific event. It is about reaching across all the boundaries that separate us from each other. We come together, ride together, share together and succeed together.”

Marana Water News: Partnership - Marana Water & Development Services

Marana Water has two engineers on the team, the Water and Water Reclamation Engineer, and the Assistant Water Director. These two positions work across all the divisions of Marana Water, and particularly closely with the Development Services (DSC) team. Development of all types, residential, commercial, or industrial, often have multiple types of plan reviews, and our engineers work each day to ensure proper planning and design. Both work on a project from the design phase through completion of construction. This means that each day is unique and different.

Assistant Water Director, Scott Schladweiler, on a construction site on Tangerine Rd.

Assistant Water Director, Scott Schladweiler, on a construction site on Tangerine Rd.

As would be expected, the two engineers on staff have engineering specialties in water and water reclamation. As the Assistant Water Director, Scott Schladweiler oversees the water and water reclamation operations as well as the engineering division. He manages projects with the Engineering sections of Development Services. Coordinating the locations of new water infrastructure in public rights of way, and ensuring there are no conflicts during construction of drainage ways or roadway projects are two ways Mr. Schladweiler and the Town Engineering Department work together.

Capital Improvement Projects on which our engineering team is currently working.

Capital Improvement Projects on which our engineering team is currently working.

While the Assistant Director is working on the entirety of the Town, our Water and Water Reclamation Engineer, Jesse Schultz, works on the finer points of a project. He is reviewing plans for all projects checking they meet all standards and specifications set by Marana Water. He is also checking the types of materials used will meet the standards so infrastructure will last as long as expected. Mr. Schultz also coordinates the administrative portion of these construction projects. Working closely with the procurement and contacts team in the Finance department, he works on setting up initial meetings, preparing requests for information/proposal, and inspections of the site.

Water and Water Reclamation Engineer, Jesse Schultz

Water and Water Reclamation Engineer, Jesse Schultz

These two gentlemen provide their expertise on the water portion of Town projects and infrastructure. The Development Services team partners with Marana Water on these projects, and also takes care of the rest of the Town. Since most projects will begin with DSC, there are several services they provide for Marana Water. The permit staff collects certain fees on our behalf, provides copies and distribution of plans for review, collects comments from all reviewers, and acts as a primary contact for the customer. On Town projects, this incredible staff provides insight on rights of way, drainage engineering, grading, paving, traffic control, and much more.

Partnering with DSC gives all customers coming to build in the Town a streamlined and comprehensive experience. The services provided by the Development Services team help to keep Marana Water running smoothly. We are all working to provide the best customer experience possible.

Summer Schooling, Part 9: How Marana Manages Growth

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 1.45.23 PM.png

Development in and around the Town of Marana is really starting to pick up momentum. Everywhere I go in the northwest I see signs from all of the big homebuilders advertising new homes.  For sale signs are coming down on commercial properties and we have very few empty stores.  It is a great sign that our economy is getting stronger and the area of town we live in is desirable.  It is a great problem to have. However, the question becomes how do we manage the growth in a manner that is beneficial to everyone?

“Getting to Yes” is a great book about the art of negotiating.  It is an easy read that is applicable to everything from big business deals to convincing your brother to help you move.  I am bringing it up because it is something that is not stressed in my planning program at the U of A, but my experience here at the Town has shown it to be very important.  This is particularly important when it comes to new development and making sure we get everything that we need to grow efficiently and making sure it falls in line with our values and long term goals.

The south end of Marana, the areas from Orange Grove up to Cortaro, is pretty much built out.  The real growth lies in the areas from Twin Peaks all the way up to Marana Road and our northern Town limit.  There is definitely a vision and several plans for these areas that include everything from business corridors to recreational opportunities.  The details for much of these planned areas have yet to be worked out and that is where the negotiations are really important to our future. 

The Town has an obligation to existing and future residents to ensure we continue to have excellent infrastructure.  It is something that everyone takes very seriously and quite honestly the quality of our infrastructure is a source of pride around here.   In order to make sure we are not left with roads that are falling apart from overuse or ball fields with dead and dying grass, there is a fiduciary responsibility to procure these items as growth demands.

We are in need of more infrastructure, water and sewer lines in particular.  We need another park with lighted fields to accommodate our growing youth and adult sports programs.  There are roads that need widening and more roads need to be constructed.  Just like a growing family that needs a larger house or car to accommodate a new baby, we need larger parks, roads, and infrastructure to accommodate new population.  When you buy a new house or car there tends to be a lot of negotiation.  The same is true with development, only the Town does it on our behalf and in line with the values and interests of the community.  Marana has been extremely successful so far, and will continue to build upon its successes as development and growth continue.   

Real Estate Daily News: Lennar Homes Joins Other Home Builders at Gladden Farms MPC

Article by Karen Schutte

Just as the Gladden Farms Elementary School opened for classes this week, Lennar Homes purchased 60 SFR lots at Homestead at Gladden Farms for $2.64 Million ($44,000 per lot) from Crown West Realty (Dean Wingert, member). Richmond American Homes and Lennar will both be building at this subdivision, called Homestead.

Marana Water News: Partnership - Parks & Rec and Water

Here at Marana Water, we work closely with all departments across the Town. Departments such as Technology Services and Human Resources work closely on projects regarding the department internal workings, while the Parks and Recreation, Engineering, and Public Works departments more frequently collaborate with Marana Water on projects that are out in the community. This week, we are going to highlight the partnership between Marana Water and the Parks and Recreation department.

One of the Focus Areas of the Town's Strategic Plan III is Recreation. The Focus Area goal says the Town shall "provide diverse recreational opportunities that create economic benefits and a healthy lifestyle." The Parks and Recreation department works diligently toward this goal through a diverse program listing across all parks and facilities.

Marana Water provides the water service to six of the nine parks in the department's inventory. Irrigation, drinking fountains, restroom facilities, and special amenities are all powered by Marana Water in these six parks. Overall, Marana Water provides service to over 250 acres of parks.

In the Heritage Park is the new Marana Splash Pad now in it's second summer of operation. This facility provides fun water features for all ages. For more information, including hours of operation, click here.

There are a lot of activities happening at Ora Mae Harn District Park. This 35.16 acre park, in Northern Marana, is the home of the Marana pool. Water Aerobics, Aqua Zumba, and lap swim are all available at the pool. During June and July, the pool hosts Dive in Movies and the annual Splash N' Dash aquathon event. Information about pool operations can be found here.

The second district park in the Town is Crossroads at Silverbell District Park. This park is the home of the annual Star Spangled Spectacular as well as park activities throughout the year. Flag Football, Pee Wee Soccer, and the Game Day Cornhole Tournament are all held here in the fall. As would be expected, this 48.9 acre park is one of the largest water users in the Southern portion of the Town. Keeping a balance between water conservation and maintaining the high quality of the park facility is something our two departments are consistently aware of and working to achieve.

In addition to the summer Splash N' Dash, each year the Parks and Recreation department holds three run events, the Turkey Trot, the Egg Nog Jog, and the Mother's Day 5k. Each of these races are held in a park served by Marana Water. If participating this year, be sure to bring a water bottle and fill up at one of the Marana Water drinking fountains. This year, in addition to the race events, the Town is also hosting a leg of the El Tour de Tucson bicycle race. This 28-mile leg of the race will begin at Heritage Park with festivities beginning at noon. 

The Town's Parks and Recreation team does an incredible job of promoting a diverse set of programming. Marana Water is proud to help support all the activities throughout the Town each year. For more information about the Parks and Recreation department, please click here. If all these activities seem too good to resist, click here for registration details.

These are just a few examples of how Marana Water is working with Town departments on providing the excellent customer service our customers and residents have come to expect.

Independent voters can choose a primary ballot

Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriguez would like to remind Pima County voters who are not registered as one of the major political parties (otherwise known as Independent voters or Party Not Designated voters) that they can choose ONE political party ballot to vote for the Primary election. They can choose to vote a Democratic, Republican, or Green party ballot

Selecting a political party ballot will NOT change your Voter Registration to the political party ballot you requested. You will remain a Party Not Designated (PND) or Independent registered voter. If you would like to review your voter information including: Registration Details, Precinct/Districts, and Eligible Election Details you can access your voter information anytime at under “Check your Registration”

The easiest way to order a Vote-by-Mail ballot is to call our office and speak directly to a staff member at (520) 740-4330. You simply need to let the operator know which political party ballot you would like to receive. To order your Vote-by-Mail ballot online, go to the Pima County Recorder’s web site at and click on the link for “Early Ballot Request.” The link has a place for you to designate which political party ballot you would like to receive. 

Independent voters now constitute 31% of the registered voters in Pima County. Ms. Rodriguez encourages Independent Voters to exercise their right to vote. “Independent Voters have a very large influence in some contested primary races," states Ms. Rodriguez. 

For more information or to see a list of early voting sites in Pima County, visit the Recorder’s web site at or call the office at (520) 724-4330. 

Marana Citizens' Forum Accepting Applications


 The Town of Marana has open positions for the

 Marana Citizens’ Forum

The Marana Citizens’ Forum (Forum) brings residents, business owners and community partners together to study and address multidisciplinary issues facing the Town.  Outcomes and recommendations are presented to the Town Council.

The Forum meets for two sessions each calendar year.  Each session consists of six 1 ½ hour meetings, held on Thursdays in the Conference Center at the Marana Municipal Complex beginning at 5:30 p.m.  The next session will begin September 29, 2016 and conclude November 15th.

All applications will remain active for one year from the date of receipt. 

Applications are available at  Applications can be submitted online by Friday, September 9.  Call 382-1960 for additional information.


Tangerine Road Work on Aug 8

Beginning Monday night, August 8th, from 8 pm to 5 am, crews from Tangerine Corridor Constructors will be conducting utility work on Tangerine Road from Camino de Oeste to just west of Dove Mountain Boulevard. The traveling public can anticipate the following impacts:

  • There will be intermittent lane restrictions on Tangerine Road between Camino de Oeste and Dove Mountain Boulevard. Traffic will be guided through the impacted work area one direction at a time. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic through the work area.
  • The speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph.
  • Expect delays

This night work is anticipated to continue throughout the week of August 8th; no work will occur on the weekends.  

Additionally, crews will continue ongoing daytime work. The speed limit will be resumed to 35 mph during the day.  

Summer Schooling, Part 8: Representing Marana

Being a representative of a business or an ambassador and advocate can sometimes be a daunting undertaking.  Now try doing this as a representative of an entire town.  This is the situation I find myself in right now. 

As part of this internship I will be representing the Town of Marana at the Arizona League of Cities and Towns conference that is taking place later on this month.  I have been tasked with generating a theme, designing a booth, and drawing the attention of conference attendees.  This is the capstone moment of my internship and I feel as though there has been a lot of emphasis put on how the booth turns out and how it will be bigger and better than all of the others.  At first, it seemed as though it was a daunting and insurmountable task that I would never be able to complete in an adequate manner, but as time has passed I have chipped away at it bit by bit and now have a working concept that is really taking off. 

The theme I decided on is “Soaring into the Future” where I will be highlighting the tech and aviation companies that make Marana their home.  We have several companies in Town that make parts and equipment for NASA, the defense industry, general aviation, and branches of the armed forces.  I have been fortunate enough to tour some of these facilities and be exposed to cutting edge technology that is hiding in plain sight.  Most of these facilities are located off of I-10 and around the Marana Airport and if you didn’t know what you were looking for or recognize a name you wouldn’t have a clue as to what is actually taking place inside. 

Many of the companies I visited are growing and appear to be doing very well.  Three of them have recently finished up or are in the process of expanding their facilities.  Some of the companies collaborate on projects and others use each other’s products in their manufacturing process.  The growth and collaboration between these companies is a great thing for the town.  They provide us with excellent jobs in tech related fields, excellent revenue streams, and I think most importantly a collaborative and innovative business climate.  We should all want to see their continued success and more companies joining their ranks.

This project has given me a good look into the tech and aviation companies that exist in Marana.  It has also provided me with an opportunity to meet some quality people that are eager to help me out.  For a project that started off as daunting, it has turned out to be delightfully rewarding.   

Marana Water News: The Monsoon

The Monsoon is in full swing this summer, and here at Marana Water, we wanted to give some facts and tips on the best ways to be ready.

Over the past few weeks, the Tucson region has seen dramatic downpours leading to flash flooding, or other road hazards, resulting from these tremendous storm systems. In the months of June through September, the Arizona desert sees the powerful winds, incredible lightning displays, and heavy rains of the annual monsoon. While these storms can provide beautiful scenes, they also require some precautions to ensure everyone safety.

The National Weather Service (NWS) works to provide up to the minute information about weather around the county. At the University of Arizona, meteorologists collect data from atop the Environment and Natural Resources building on campus for analysis. The scientists here are part of a global system that simultaneously send up weather balloons twice a day gathering data to help with issuing the weather alerts on the radio, cell phones, and television. For more on the team at the U of A, click here.

Flash flooding is one of the biggest results of these monsoon storms. Our flat desert landscape is not as adept at absorbing that much water so quickly, and streets and washes can flood very fast. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information about how to protect yourself and your property in the event of of a flood. More information on the CDC can be found here. Additionally, the Town's Public Works department has put together a map showing areas where flooding could occur. Click here to access this map when planning any trips throughout the Town during these storms. "Turn Around, Don't Drown" is used by many entities when promoting flood safety. Be aware of your surroundings while driving, especially at night when it might be more difficult to see the water levels. If the flooding as affected traffic signals, be sure to treat each intersection as if it were a four-way stop.

Dust storms and lighting can also cause problems during these storms. Dust storms can hinder visibility while driving. The Arizona Department of Transportation put together some helpful tips to stay safe during a dust storm. Check them out here.

Lightning can be beautiful to watch from the safety of your home. If you are close enough to hear thunder, then the lighting is not as far away as you may think. The National Weather Service provides facts, tips and amazing images on their lighting safety pages here.

As these last few summer monsoon months come to a close, be sure to take the time to prepare. Creating a disaster plan and preparedness kits, including water, for your family are an easy start to keeping safe during these storms. On behalf of the Town, Marana Water wishes everyone a safe end of summer.


Everyday Heroes Create Endless Possibilities in Marana’s Parks: Episode 3

Across the country, cities and towns are celebrating Parks and Recreation Month throughout July.  As part of Marana’s recognition of the community’s outstanding recreation facilities, the Town Council unanimously approved a proclamation recognizing Parks and Recreation month. This honorific acknowledges the profound contributions of parks to civic well-being.  They encourage outdoor recreation, help ensure the health of all residents, and maintain a high quality of life in Marana. 

Not all superheroes wear capes, and in Marana, a dedicated corps of Parks and Recreation staff perform heroic feats every day. They are lifeguards, landscapers, and Pilates instructors.  They maintain trails, create special event decorations, and plan programs for seniors.  For many, they are the most public faces of local government and provide the embodiment of tax dollars at work. Each week for the rest of July, we’ll be highlighting one of these remarkable, everyday superheroes. We encourage park visitors to say hi to our staff out in the field. These friendly employees love seeing residents take advantage of these beautiful spaces.  They love these parks as much as you do, and they’re eager to tell you why.

The Miraculous Maintenance Man: Jesus Carrillo, Jr.

All summer long, countless Little Leaguers will step up to the plate in Marana.  They’ll dig into the batter’s box, knock the dirt from their cleats, and get ready to take a rip.  Swing after swing, batter after batter: the scars left behind on the field are unmistakable. These are the hard marks of childhood manifest.  And the next day, when it’s time to return the field to its former glory, to prep the land for another epic ballfield battle, there’s only one person for the job: Jesus Carrillo, Jr.  Maintenance Man.

Actually, Jesus is the first person to point out that there are dozens of Maintenance Men and Women.  “I love Marana as both a place to work and live. My passion is being outside, and here I get to work with a great team of people who all think the same way.”

Parks and Recreation crews tirelessly maintain the Town’s many facilities, from the Heritage River Park Splash Pad to the dog parks at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park.

“It’s clear that visitors and residents here really appreciate our parks,” says Jesus. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise to him, though, since often, when he isn’t working, he’s also one of those park users himself.

Jesus has lived in Marana since he was just five years old.  When his family immigrated to the US from Mexico, his father, Jesus, Sr., worked first at a dairy farm in the area, and then at Evergreen Maintenance Center, one of the largest operators at Pinal Airpark.  Jesus, Jr. attended Marana schools and graduated from Marana High before getting into the landscape business.

“I’ve got family all over the place—some in California, some up in Eloy, all over, and they all love to come visit Marana.  This is just a great community.  It’s peaceful, friendly, and safe.  I’ve got two children, and the older is just about to start in Marana schools.  I can’t think of a better place for us to live.”

And with that, the Miraculous Maintenance Man fades into the night.  Or rather, into a shockingly hot day. Jesus and his colleagues maintain Marana’s parks rain or shine, hot or cold.  That steadfast commitment, that uncompromising willingness to serve, is what makes them superheroes.  Keep fighting the good fight, friends. A grateful Town appreciates your efforts.

Town of Marana Premiers El Tour 28-Mile Distance from Heritage River Park

Perimeter Bicycling Association of America is pleased to announce the Town of Marana as the sponsor for a newly created, 28-mile distance in the Tucson Medical Center 34th El Tour de Tucson presented by Casino Del Sol, which will take place on November 19, 2016.

The new 28-mile leg will make its debut for the 2016 El Tour in the Town of Marana, creating an appealing distance for anyone who wants to take on a shorter leg than the 106, 76, 54, or 37-milers. Organizers expect that 500-1,000 cyclists will find the distance and the later start time an attractive alternative.

Cynthia Nemeth-Briehn, director of parks and recreation in Marana, explains “Marana Heritage River Park is the perfect location for this event.  This park and its neighbor, Gladden Farms Community Park, showcase some of our most beautiful open spaces, and El Tour offers a terrific opportunity for us to bring the community together in this picturesque location.” 

"We are pleased to debut in 2016 this new partnership between the Town and El Tour. The partnership showcases Marana as a great bicycling community that values healthy living and outdoor recreation. The goal is for cycling aficionados and casual riders alike to return and enjoy Marana’s outstanding cycling opportunities,” said Richard DeBernardis, founder & president of El Tour. “Marana is doing a great job promoting health, wellness and safety in this community. They are a perfect fit and a great addition to El Tour.”

To register for the Town of Marana 28-Mile distance in El Tour, go to:

To register for all El Tour distances go to:

In preparation for this major event, Marana is also offering a Group Ride Safety Course presented by the Pima County Bike Ambassador Program. In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of riding in large group events. The class will start out in the classroom and finish with our own group ride.


Directions to the Town of Marana 28-Mile Start:

From I-10, exit Tangerine Road, and head west for approximately 3.6 miles.  Turn south at the northwest intersection of Heritage Park Dr/Gladden Farms Rd. 

The theme of this year’s El Tour is Come Together, Ride Now.  “El Tour gives all the cyclists, sponsors and charitable agencies a chance to celebrate together, to ride together,” said DeBernardis. “No matter where we come from, what age, what ability, we like to have a good time and show our community how we come together year after year for a terrific event. It is about reaching across all the boundaries that separate us from each other. We come together, ride together, share together and succeed together.”

About Perimeter Bicycling

Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax exempt organization responsible for the production and promotion of four major cycling events – El Tour de Tucson, El Tour de Mesa, Loop The Loop, Cochise County Cycling Classic and Indoor El Tour – as well as an annual Bicycle, Fitness & Health Expo, and El Tour Fun Rides. Perimeter Bicycling also supports and promotes El Tour de Mt. Fuji and El Tour de Kusatsu, held annually in Japan. Both events are modeled after El Tour’s concept of cycling in pursuit of wellness.

For more information on Perimeter Bicycling please call 520-745-2033, visit,

follow on Twitter @tourdetucsonand @PerimeterBike or find us on Facebook ElTourdeTucson and PerimeterBicycling

About the Town of Marana

As a unique crossroads of culture, industry, and innovation, Marana claims a rich and diverse history.  From the Native Americans who settled the banks of the Santa Cruz River thousands of years ago to the railroad workers who laid miles of tracks through the community in the 1800s, Marana embraces a heritage that is strongly connected to the beautiful landscapes that surround it.  To learn more, visit or

Marana Water News: WateReuse and the water portfolio

On this day in 1921, Congress named the wonderful western border of Arizona the Colorado River. Originally called the Grand River, the Colorado River continues to be a major part of all aspects of life in the West. Understanding the demands on the river, and how to meet them in a sustainable and responsible manner are national issues being addressed in a variety of ways.

This week, water professionals from around the state, Marana Water Director John Kmiec included, are attending the annual state WateReuse Conference in Flagstaff. During these few days, presentations are made on potable reuse applications, advancements in technology, public outreach, and much more.

The conference is presented by the Arizona section of the national WateReuse organization. Their mission is to "educate policymakers and the public about the benefits of water reuse and to advocate for laws, policy and funding to increase water reuse." Water reuse is exactly what it sounds like, recycling water to be used again in another capacity. This water is typically treated domestic wastewater and used more than once before passing back into the water cycle. Places that participate in water reuse are replicating the water cleaning process faster than the water cycle, therefore allowing the water to be used again more quickly. Reuse options include water that is unsafe to drink but can be used for irrigation or industrial use, mixing the recycled water with other sources such as rivers or reservoirs before being reused, or purified to meet drinking water guidelines. For more information on potable reuse in Arizona, watch the video above.

At this year's conference, Mr. Kmiec is presenting on the history of water resources in Marana, and how the department is continually searching for renewable resources to serve our customers. The Town provided water service beginning in 1990, seven years before the water department was founded. Beginning with approximately 500 customers, the department now serves over 6,500 water and over 2,500 wastewater customers. Initially, Marana water only had an allocation of 47 acre-feet (AF) from the Central Arizona Project (CAP). This water was transferred from the Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District when the department took over some of the service area. Until the mid-2000s, groundwater was used to supplement this supply until a second transfer of 1,481af. This transfer from the Flowing Wells Irrigation District brought the renewable supply for the department to 1,528af, which is where the CAP allocation for the department is today.

The CAP allocation is a vital renewable part of the water portfolio, and incorporating water reuse processes will only expand this renewable portion. Marana Water is in development of an effluent recharge basin project that will allow for treated wastewater to be introduced into the aquifer in Marana.

Marana Water's annual water usage by type. The purple area is the projected recharge recovery once the project is completed

Marana Water's annual water usage by type. The purple area is the projected recharge recovery once the project is completed

Using aquifer recharge basins for groundwater replenishment is one method of reusing water. Others forms of water reuse include agricultural or turf irrigation, industrial process water, and surface water replenishment. Treatment technologies such as advanced oxidation, dual media filtration, granular activated carbon, ozonation, and reverse osmosis. Each of these processes treat water differently, but the outcome is very similar; water that has been processed and ready to be treated for reuse. To learn more about these different procedures to produce and to reuse water, and about the WateReuse organization, click here.

Water reliability and sustainability are tenets of the Marana Water mission. Ensuring an affordable renewable water supply is part of every strategic discussion made. Working closely with state agencies, regional water providers, and our water resources coordinator, Marana Water is dedicated to securing water supplies to sustain the Town's future growth planning.

Marana Water News: Happy New (Fiscal) Year!

After months of work from all the Town departments, especially the Finance Department, the new budget was approved on June 21. This new budget went into effect on July 1, 2016. This budget approval sets the limits on what each department can spend in the next year, and projects how much revenue the Town is expecting to collect to offset these expenditures. For more information on the overall Town budget, click here. 

In the Marana Water department, there are two distinct budgets. One for the water department and one for the water reclamation department. Each department projects their own revenues from rates and fees, and prepares a balanced budget to meet all personnel, maintenance, and other expenditures throughout the current fiscal year.

Over the past two years, Marana Water has been working on a preventive maintenance program to ensure that our infrastructure is running as efficiently as possible, which allows us to keep rates as low as possible. The inclusion of a tank maintenance program this year is a great example of this program at work. Over the next five years, the first phase of this new program will be implemented. The adoption of the new fiscal year budget provides the funds to get this program off the ground. These tanks are vital to the consistency and reliability of our water system. Ensuring they are maintained well extends the life of the equipment for as long as possible. Painting or refurbishing a tank is much less expensive than construction of a new one. The images below display the before and after of one of the tanks we were able to work on last year.

Reservoir before

Reservoir before

Reservoir after completed painting and maintenance

Reservoir after completed painting and maintenance

Across the Town there are many ongoing construction projects that can span over several fiscal years, and Marana Water is no exception. The map below shows the projects our department is currently working on; that are in some stage of construction. Some are designed and are just preparing for a contractor, while others are well underway in construction of the new infrastructure. Keep checking the News page for future stories on these construction projects. The ongoing funding for these projects is included in the capital budget that was also approved on June 21.

While the beginning of a new fiscal year is an exciting time for us, it is also a reminder that we are the stewards of the rates our customers pay. A duty we do not take lightly. These rates are used to fund all the necessary expenses we incur to provide water service in a safe and reliable manner. From water sampling costs to the tank maintenance program, the majority of theses costs for service are covered by rates. Balancing the need to provide safe and reliable water service with affordable water rates is constantly at the forefront of all budget decisions.