
Splash into summer fun


Summer is coming and Marana Parks & Rec is inviting you to soak in the summer with us. We have a number of great activities for all interest and skill levels, as well as all ages.

“We are very excited about all the water-based activities we have to offer this summer,” said Town of Marana Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy. “There is something for every age group, including some very special programs.”

Nothing says summer like cooling off in the water. The Heritage River Park Splash Pad opened on April 7, while the pool at Ora Mae Harn Park opens on May 29.

The Marana Pool has seven swim lanes, a diving bay and ramada-style seating. The pool is 25 yards in length and has depths ranging from 3 to 12 feet. Admission is free.

There is a lot of other fun to have at the pool than just going for a swim (but who doesn’t love that?) The Marana Marlins Swim Team practices there. The Marlins are a youth swim team for swimmers 18 years and younger.

Older competitors fear not, we have events for you. Competitors of all ages can compete in our July Aquathons, which combine swimming and running, in a race for all ages.


Do you think you have what it takes to compete against other swimmers in swimming the distance of the Santa Cruz River in Marana? Then the “Swim the Cruz” Swimmer’s Challenge may be for you.

This is a self-paced swim challenge that you can participate in from any pool you'd like, including your own. Compete against yourself and others throughout the summer months, swimming the distance of the Santa Cruz River in Marana and win incentives along the way.

Marana has created a pair of aquatic programs for children with special needs. The Sensory Splash programs at both the splash pad and the pool were designed to provide a safe, positive and exclusive aquatic and social "meet up" experience. The idea was to create an adaptive aquatic experience through planned activities for the participants to enjoy in a welcoming environment.

The Town is offering swimming lessons at the Marana Pool. The lessons are designed to be comprehensive, yet affordable.

“Our philosophy is that kids should be able to go to their neighborhood pool and learn to swim,” said Conroy. “We think this is affordable for everybody in the community to have their kids learn to swim at their neighborhood pool at Ora Mae Harn Park.”

The idea was that affordable, convenient lesson are not only a benefit to parents and young swimmers, but the community as a whole.

“From a safety standpoint, swim lessons help keep the community safer by having children learn at an early age,” said Conroy. “It is a public safety benefit as we give children those tools to protect themselves around water. “

Our great lifeguards help keep the pool safe, and we are offering younger swimmers a chance to get lifeguard training. This is a great way to get the necessary skills to become a Marana lifeguard in the future.

Junior Lifeguarding program is conducted by the American Red Cross. The program is designed to guide youths ages 11-14 to the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course. The course focuses on building a foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills of future lifeguards.


The Splash Pad in North Marana has been open since early April and people have been flocking to the splash pad at Gladden Farms Community Park. This facility features a large variety of fun water features appropriate for all ages. Restrooms, shaded seating and drinking fountains are on site.

Later this summer residents will have a second splash pad option. The new splash pad at Crossroads at Silverbell District Park will open, giving Marana residents another aquatic amenity.

“We think the splash pad will provide recreation for thousands of people to cool off this summer in a fun, enjoyable, safe environment,” Conroy said.

The second splash pad will give residents in Southern Marana, specifically those in Continental Ranch and Continental Reserve, a water feature nearby.

 “That is a heavily populated area and families and kids in that area have not had an aquatic facility nearby which they can enjoy,” Conroy said.  We think the splash pad will provide recreation for thousands of people to cool off this summer in a fun, enjoyable, safe environment.”

Senior water aerobics will return to the pool at Ora Mae Harn Park. The program is offered through the Marana Senior Program, which offers a variety of services and recreation opportunities for active adults ages 50 plus. The program offers both an annual membership for $40, or a four-month membership for $20.

The pool and splash pad will also serve as movie theaters. In June and July our free Dive-in Movies return. On June 16 we will show Despicable Me 3, the latest installment of the misadventures of Gru and his hilarious Minions. On July 21 journey to a galaxy far, far away and join us for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Marana Police Department starting Youth Citizen Police Academy

The Marana Police Department is starting a Youth Citizen Police Academy, a program designed to promote and enhance our teens’ understanding and awareness of the many duties and responsibilities of the Marana Police Department and the law enforcement community.

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Cadets of the Youth Citizen Police Academy will have the opportunity to become familiar with the day to day operations of the Marana Police Department, enabling them to gain a better understanding of the policies and laws that guide an officer's decisions and their decisions as citizens. Presentations will be made by sworn police officers or qualified personnel on a multitude of topics, such as the Marana Police Department’s mission, ethics, hiring, laws, crime prevention, community oriented policing, communications, K-9, Crisis Negotiations, SWAT, officer safety techniques and more. In addition to the lectures, cadets will be involved in physical activates each day that will challenge them and help them build skills in areas such as teambuilding, leadership, critical thinking, trust and health and fitness.

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Registration is required and is open to any juvenile who meets the following criteria. (A) The juvenile must be between the ages of twelve and sixteen, (B) must not have a pattern of criminal behavior (subject to MPD review), and (C) lives or attends a school in the Town of Marana.

Participation requires a commitment to the full week. Beginning Monday July, 16, 2018 through Friday, July 20, 2018 from 8am to 3pm. Graduation will be held on Saturday, July 21st 2018 from 9am to noon. If accepted, cadets will meet at the Marana Police Station located at 11555 W. Civic Center Drive and must be present 15 minutes prior to start time.

The Marana Police Department will begin accept applications for the Youth Citizen Police Academy starting May 25th until June 20th of 2018. The exact schedule of the of course will be provided to the students a week prior the Youth Citizen Police Academy starts.

The Academy is offered free of charge, but is limited to 20 “Cadets.”

If interested, please contact Officer Danielson of the Community Resource Unit at 520-382-2051 or ddanielson@maranaaz.gov, concerning the application process.

Pavement Preservation Program Update

During the May 1st Marana Town Council meeting, Public Works Director Mo El-Ali and staff presented a status update of the Town’s six-year Pavement Preservation Program. The presentation covered work completed in the last four years, ongoing work in the current year, and work planned for next year.


Five years ago, the Town adopted a 6-year program to preserve and treat all of the roads in Marana. The goal of the program is to maintain, repair or replace every public road in town.

Specifically, the program follows a proactive maintenance philosophy to improve pavement conditions over time, reduce overall maintenance costs and delay the rate of deterioration due to weather, chemicals and wear and tear over time.

Currently, the Town has 520 lane miles (246 centerline miles), which is about the distance between Marana and Malibu, California. The roads are divided into 1507 pavement segments, which El-Ali said are measured based on the segment’s condition and could be “a few hundred feet to a few miles” in length.

“We maintain detailed information on each segment of road,” El-Ali said, explaining that the town keeps data on the length, width, date of construction, treatments applied, and road rating of each segment. This allows the Town to make sure their attention is on the segments of road that need the most attention.

This attention to detail has resulted in an average pavement condition rating of 72, which is considered a good condition rating.

“Marana’s roads are considered to be the best in the region,” El-Ali said.

Between 2014-2017, the Town accepted 40 new lane miles, an increase of nearly 8 percent.

Since 2014, the Town has reconstructed 36 lane miles, but that includes the RTA project on Tangerine Road as well as work on Avra Valley Road.

Between 2014-2017, the Town preserved 142 lane miles, which is 27 percent of the pavement in the Town of Marana. The cost of the project was $5 million dollars. Most of that money came from state Highway User Revenue Funds (HURF), which include gasoline and use-fuel taxes, motor-carrier taxes, vehicle-license taxes, motor vehicle registration fees and other miscellaneous fees. Most of the roads repaired were in subdivisions.

This current fiscal year the Town will be preserving 66 lane miles at a cost of $1.26 million from HURF, which is 13 percent of Marana’s roadway. This year the focus has shifted more to major roads and includes crack sealing and surface treatments.

2018 also saw the Town participate in the first year of the Regional Local Road Repair Program which is funded by a county-wide property tax. Through this $1.1 million program, 100 more lane miles -19 percent of the pavement will be preserved, mostly with crack sealing.

Year two of the program will see the same 100 lane miles treated with similar surface treatments.

Currently, 77 percent of the Town’s roads have a rating between 70-100, which is considered good to excellent. Just three percent of the Town’s roads have a poor rating and they are already scheduled for improvement, including full reconstruction where needed. “Marana’s roads are considered to be the best in the region,” El-Ali restated.

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Marana Town Council supports 2018 YMCA Community Military Ball


Marana Town Council made an official proclamation on May 15 giving their support to the 2018 YMCA Community Military Ball, which will be held on November 10.

The ball is one of the biggest formal integrations of community and military that occurs in Arizona.

“I want to thank the Town, the Mayor, the Vice Mayor and all of the Council Members for all your support for the military, our current active serving military members, as well as our veterans and retired,” said the events co-chair retired United States Air Force Major General Ted Maxwell. “This community is incredibly open to [us].”

Marana has been named a Purple Heart City based on support for the military.

“Many staff members along with many families in the Marana community, have served or have family members who have served, or continue to serve, in various branches of the Armed Forces,’ the proclamation reads.

Proceeds from the ball will be “dedicated entirely to enhance, extend, and expand access for military families to local community YMCA facilities, programs and services.”

“This ball will give back to the family members of current military members,” Maxwell said.

Maxwell also explained the importance of the Marana Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery, which opened in 2016.

That cemetery has changed more lives for veterans as well as family members to have a place of calm and respite, the ability to spend time with their loved ones who are gone,” said Maxwell. “the idea [of] knowing there is a place that our families will have a place to go in the future.”

The YMCA Community Military Ball will be held at the Tucson Convention Center.

The YMCA’s Community Military Ball recognizes the YMCA’s longstanding tradition of service to military families and is a celebration in honor of veterans, active duty, reserve, fallen, and retired servicemen and women from all military branches. 

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Video: Girders placed on Santa Cruz Bridge


Crews were out early on Tuesday to place the girders on the second bridge over the Santa Cruz River in Marana. When completed, the project will provide four lanes of traffic on Ina Road between I-10 and Silverbell Road. 

ADOT highlighted some of the work on their Twitter account. 

Marana Macro Machines celebrates Public Works Week


National Public Works Week is May 20-26, and Town of Marana is going to celebrate it in a whole new way. 

On Friday, May 25 at the Marana Heritage River Park, the town is hosting the first Marana Macro Machines event, which will let children of all ages interact with the machines that service the Town’s infrastructure and many projects. 

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“The activities will celebrate the contributions of Town employees as well as the community we serve,” said Marana Public Works Director Mo El-Ali. “Our objective is to increase awareness of the duties, practices, and goals of public works employees.”

Although the event catchphrase entices attendees to come “see what makes Pubic Works work,” the event is more than just the Public Works Department. 

“Public works employees include those who manage streets, traffic, water, sewer, public buildings, fleet, and parks,” El-Ali said. “They are the people who maintain and improve the systems and services vital to our community’s health, safety and comfort.”

The event will feature department and divisions from the town, including Streets, traffic, facilities, fleet, pavement preservation, engineering, police, water and parks and recreation, and will be a great opportunity for town employees to interact with the residents of Marana and provide educational entertainment for both children and the young at heart.

“It has been our experience that many in our community do not know exactly what the different departments in our town do.” said Public Works Superintendent Rob Grimaldo. “Most might never consider what it takes to repair a road, provide clean water, install a sign, or build infrastructure.

“We may see town vehicles on the roads, see employees hard at work, but never really thinks ‘what are they doing?’ or ‘how does that work?’” 

Marana Macro Machines is a chance to learn about the machines the town uses every day and meet the people who get to use them. 


“We want people to come out and view the equipment and see all the cool vehicles and tools at our disposal,” said Public Works Executive Assistant Jessica Archuleta, who is planning event logistics. 

Attendees can expect to see a wide variety of vehicles including a sweeper, loader, blade, striping truck, landscape truck and trailer, fire truck, police squad cars and the ARAN Road Analyzer Van.

 In addition to static displays, the Marana Water Department will demonstrate the water purification process, the Marana Police Department will have squad cars demo and the Public Works Department will provide a demonstration on how traffic signals work.

Northwest Firefighters-Local 3572 is partnering with the Town of Marana and will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers.

“We look forward to interacting with the public, explaining the services we provide, and answering questions about what we do and how we do it,” said El-Ali. “This is a great way for our employees to get out and meet the public that they serve and showcase some of the great projects we have completed.”

Marana Heritage River Park is located at 12375 N. Heritage Park Drive. The event will take place from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Mo El-Ali, Jessica Archuleta, and Robert Grimaldo of the Marana Public Works Department contributed to this article.

MPD trying to reunite stolen items with owners

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The Marana Police Department is attempting to locate the owners of various items that have been recovered in theft cases. Multiple unsuccessful attempts have been made to contact the owners of the recovered items. Photographs of the recovered items have been uploaded for public review. If you are the owner of any of these items:

  • Contact the Marana PD Criminal Investigations Unit (520-382-2000) if you see anything belonging to you.
  • Have the photo image number available when you contact detectives.
  • You are expected to have something showing proof of ownership.
  • This website will be available until June 4, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

More Ina Interchange Project milestones being met


As the Ina Road Interchange Project continues on, much of the progress is being measured in milestones. Two more milestones are about to be met on the project.

On Friday drivers on I-10 could see the cranes were busy installing the girders on the bridge over the railroad tracks and the new westbound lanes of I-10. Once in place these will connect the existing bridge from the west side of the freeway to the bridge being constructed on the east side of the freeway.

The way the project has been designed, the bridges can be constructed over the freeway without the need to disrupt traffic on the freeway.

Around the middle of May workers will begin installing the girders on the second new bridge over the Santa Cruz River. Once the project is complete, the two bridges will provide four lanes of traffic over the river and make give Ina four lanes on both sides of the freeway up to Silverbell Road.

“The work is continuing on time and on budget,” said ADOT Public Information Officer Tom Herrman.

There has also been a lot of progress being made getting pavement down for the new sections of Ina and the new freeway ramps.

Upon the project’s completion there will be four lanes of interstate highway in each direction and Ina Road will go over I-10 and the Union Pacific Rail Road, making travel in the area faster, but also safer.

The project is due to be completed in early 2019 and is a joint project by ADOT, the Town of Marana, Pima County, Pima Association of Governments, and the RTA.

Learn more on the project website.

UPDATED: State of the Town presentation reviews projects, honors community members

Mayor Ed Honea at the 2018 State of the Town Luncheon

Mayor Ed Honea at the 2018 State of the Town Luncheon

Originally published April 30, 2018

Updated May 4, 2018 to include video.

On Thursday, April 19 the Town of Marana and the Marana Chamber of Commerce once again hosted their State of Town Luncheon and Business Expo. The event was a chance for the Town to celebrate their success, look towards the future, and honor the past.

Mayor Ed Honea was joined in the speech by Economic Development Director Curt Woody, Communications Manager Vic Hathaway, and Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy.

Woody’s portion of the speech focused on the successes Marana is currently having, as well as new projects nearing completion.

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them,” Woody began. “From the humble beginnings of incorporation in 1977, to the robust community of today. Marana’s leadership has undeniably positioned the Town to reap the benefits of those opportunities.”

Economic Development Director Curt Woody

Economic Development Director Curt Woody

Woody focused on many of the new businesses in the Town, including the Top Golf, the Northwest Medical Emergency Center, and the soon to be open Hampton Inn and Suites.

Additionally, he focused on Marana’s ability to be the “gateway to Southern Arizona” and its place as a tourist hub in the region. He cited the Ritz-Carlton recently being named one of the top resorts in the world, the Town’s own culinary tours, and the Town’s access “to great shopping, great golf, and great trails.”

The Town of Marana continues to lead the way in Pima County for single family home permits, with a number of new neighborhoods and development on the way. Due to this growth Marana is constructing a new police facility, expanding the wastewater facility, are building two new parks and a new splash pad, and recently created their own Animal Services Division.

“We are here during an exciting time in Marana,” Woody said. “Here at the Town we value top quality public service, and our innovative staff work hard every day to make Marana a place where everyone would want to live, work, and play.”

Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy

Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy

Conroy focused his portion of the speech on the future of Marana.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself,” Conroy said.

He covered Marana’s plans for a downtown district, infrastructure upgrades to North Marana, and the further evolution of the airport.

More jobs was a major theme of this portion of the speech.

“The future of Marana hinges on bringing in new jobs and new businesses,” Conroy said.

Conroy highlighted the Town’s new economic development strategic plan, which aids the Town in seeking and retaining diverse industries and commerce to Marana. He also highlighted the Town’s reputation for being business supportive.

“New businesses continue to find Marana a great place to set up shop, and we get constant inquiries from new ventures that want to call Marana home,” Conroy said.

Businesses coming to a new municipality look for a diverse workforce, and Conroy highlighted both Marana’s growth, as well as the strong educational opportunities in the Town. Conroy noted that the Town’s population could grow by nearly 25,000 people over the next decade and that means more students needing a quality education.

“We share our community with a great school district, diverse schools and dedicated teachers,” Conroy said.

Marana attracts new residents by making the Town a special place to live, and Conroy said that the Town’s signature events and diverse parks and recreation programs help create a unique, positive quality of life.

Communications Manager Vic Hathaway

Communications Manager Vic Hathaway

Hathaway presented Marana’s Branding Iron and Youth Legacy Awards, which perfectly represent the Town’s past, present, and future.

While the Branding Irons recall the Town’s past, the winners, Dr. Monica Fowler and Northwest Landscaping, showcase what is so special today about the Town.

“Marana’s Branding Irons are awarded every year to one individual and one organization who has made a lasting mark on Marana,” Hathaway said.

View the full story on the Branding Iron Award recipients. 

The Youth Legacy Award honors a younger Marana resident who is doing special things today, but will go on to do great things in the future. Marana High School student Alicia Sanchez was the 2018 winner of the award.

“Recipients benefit others by addressing the hearts, bodies, and minds of their peers,” Hathaway said. “They do this by promoting a healthy and supportive environment, fulfilling essential needs such as food, shelter, and safety, or creating educational opportunities to enrich young minds.”  

View the full story on the Youth Legacy Award recipient.

Mayor Honea closed out the festivities by reiterating Hathaway’s points regarding the great young people in Marana. He also gave a special tribute to the late Councilmember Carol McGorray, and congratulated Town Manager Jamsheed Mehta for his appointment to the position following former Town Manager Gilbert Davidson's departure. 



OnesAll Band playing a free show in Marana

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On Saturday night at 7 p.m. Tucson based band OnesAll will take the stage at the Crossroads At Silverbell District Park as part of the latest Free Music in Marana Concert.

The funk/rock band from Tucson has built up a nice following and will bring their energetic show to Marana. So what can we expect from the band? We interviewed them to find out.

How would you describe your music to someone who has never seen you play live?
We play a mix of great funk/rock covers and originals. The grooves are thick, the guitars are fast and precise, the vibe is upbeat, and the vocals are rich...besides all that, we just want everyone to have a great time!

What is your show in Marana going to be like?
We want people to connect and find a sense of belonging. We want the music to speak a positive message of harmony--literally and figuratively. We are a family and the people who come to see us are very important to us. There will be songs that rock, songs that groove and soothe, and songs to dance like no one is watching!

What do think about playing in Marana?
We love playing in Marana! A lot of our friends are from Marana and we love hanging out with them. The community vibe in Marana is cool and unique--it is upbeat and welcoming. We always feel at home in Marana.

What do you like about playing all ages shows?
Like we said earlier, we are a family. We thrive on the family atmosphere where everyone is welcome and everyone belongs.

Anything else people should know who are thinking about coming out?
We want the experience with us to be uplifting and rewarding. We truly give our all each and every show. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in Marana!

MPD participates in Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run


The Marana Police Department joined their regional public safety partners in the Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run on Wednesday morning. The mission of the Arizona Law Enforcement Torch Run is to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Arizona statewide.

They assisted in carrying the Torch representing the Flame of Hope and dedicate themselves to helping Special Olympics Arizona throughout the state. Law Enforcement Torch Run is the largest fundraising vehicle for Special Olympics across the globe. In Arizona, law enforcement around the state raise over one million dollars per year that goes directly back to creating increased opportunities for Special Olympics Arizona athletes.

MPD personnel carried the torch for over 10 miles from the area of Tangerine Rd/I-10 to the Pinal County line. They passed the torch to their partners at the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The torch will be relayed via various public safety agencies until it reaches Phoenix for the Special Olympics Summer Games opening ceremonies.

Marana News: Marana breaks ground on park to celebrate Arbor Day

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The Marana News was on hand last week to cover the Arbor Day/Groundbreaking Ceremony at the new Honea Heights Pocket Park.

The Town of Marana celebrated Arbor Day last week, and used the opportunity to break ground on a new community park.

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Gathered in the Honea Heights neighborhood last Friday, April 27 town staff was joined by Mayor Ed Honea and Councilmembers Patti Comerford, Dave Bowen and John Officer to mark the beginning of the neighborhood’s new community pocket park. The celebration also fortified the town’s commitment as a Tree City USA.

The town’s parks and recreation director Jim Conroy lead the ceremony, and told the assembly that the new park would be “a jewel in north Marana.”

“What you’re looking at out here is about 33,000 square feet of park, and I think we’ve really brought a lot of great elements into this property,” he said.

The site will house a basketball court, open green space with trees and other vegetation, a playground structure with shade and a barbecue/ramada area for gatherings. Grating and other work has already been performed to prepare the location, but last week’s ceremony marked a point at which development starts “going vertical,” as Conroy said.

Read the rest of the story in the Marana News.

Marana In The Media: Ina Road Bridge Bats and Boxes

Janine Spencer-Glasson, Environmental Project Manager for the Town of Marana wrote an article in the latest edition of The Vermilion Flycatcher, which is Tucson Audubon’s quarterly member publication.

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In her article Spencer-Glasson takes a detailed look at the new “Bat Boxes” that are being installed in the new Ina Road Bridge over the Santa Cruz River. Her article looks at the importance of bats to the environment, and the specifics of the Ina Road Bridge project, including some of the challenges and strategies used to re-house the bats.

The rest of the issue has stories on the Year of the Bird, the Southeast Arizona Bird Calendar, Field Trip options, and more.

Bats Using Ina Road Bridge (an excerpt)

The Ina Road Bridge is one of many bridges in Tucson that provide significant roosts for bats. This bridge is home to about 15,000 thousand bats, mainly Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) and some Cave myotis (Myotis velifer) during the summer. Approximately 5,000 Mexican free-tailed bats remain in the bridge in the winter. A large culvert adjacent to the Ina Road Bridge also provides rooting habitat for bats.

Because Tucson can get very hot during the summer and cold during the winter, it was important to design bat roosting habitat that is well-insulated in order to mimic, as closely as possible, the temperature moderation provided by the thermal mass of the bridge.

A thickened bridge deck was designed with cut-outs so that Modern Bat BoxesTM could be incorporated into the bridge deck mass to moderate temperatures for the bats. Modern Bat Boxes are designed and constructed in New Mexico, from a light-weight concrete material. Each bat box is 4 ft x 4 ft x 4ft, with a crevice varying from ¾ inch to 1 ½ inches in width.

Marana Celebrates Arbor Day, new park


On Friday, April 27 Mayor Ed Honea, Council Members Patti Comerford, David Bowen, John Officer, and other Town officials participated in the Arbor Day/Groundbreaking Ceremony at the new pocket park in the Honea Heights neighborhood.

The event celebrated Arbor Day and continued Marana’s commitment to being named a Tree City USA.


Marana Parks and Recreation Director Jim Conroy led off the event with an overview of what it means to be a Tree City USA, as well as the importance of the new park.

“This is two really important things, one project and one program,” said Conroy.

Although work on the park had already begun, the project is about to “go vertical” and visible work will be done on the facility. Some of the highlights will include a shaded playground, basketball court, grassy area, and a ramada.

“We think it is going to be a jewel in north Marana,” Conroy said of the 33,000 square foot park.


The dignitaries on hand help plant the first tree on the property in honor of Arbor Day. The Marana Town Council formally recognized April 28 as Arbor Day at their April 17 meeting, and Parks Superintendent read the proclamation at the event, noting the many benefits to trees to the Marana community.

Herman is the Chairman of the local Tree City Board, who is behind the Tree City Designation, and also a member of the Southern Arizona Arborist Group (SAAG).

“One of the requirements of being a Tree City USA is celebrating Arbor Day,” Herman said. “Arbor Day is so important for the community, for the Town, and for the country. Trees bring so much to everybody, it is a beautiful thing to be under a nice shade tree.”

Marana Mayor Ed Honea also spoke at the event. He not only gave his support for Arbor Day, but was thrilled to see the park being built in the neighborhood that was named for his parents, who once owned a farm in the area.

“This is really exciting for me to be here today,” said Honea. “Not just for Arbor Day, but because this neighborhood was named for my parents, who developed this neighborhood, which was the very first actual neighborhood in Marana.”

Honea added that while many of the newer neighborhoods get a lot of attention, older neighborhoods like Honea Heights, Berry Acres, and Adonis are the "nucleus and the catalyst" of the community. 

"I am thrilled to death that we are able to provide this park for this neighborhood here," Honea said. "Giving our children a place to go and have a good time is really, really important. I am really thrilled, and it really touches me to have this beautiful park built here."

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Marana PD participating in Take Back Day 2018


On Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Marana Police Department (Marana PD) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public its 15th opportunity in 7 years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.  Bring your pills for disposal to Target at 3901 W Ina Rd.  (The DEA cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, only pills or patches.) The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Last fall Americans turned in 456 tons (912,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at more than 5,300 sites operated by the DEA and almost 4,300 of its state and local law enforcement partners.  Overall, in its 14 previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in more than 9 million pounds—more than 4,500 tons—of pills. 

This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue.  Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs.  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows year after year that the majority of misused and abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including someone else’s medication being stolen from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.

For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the October 28 Take Back Day event, go to www.DEATakeBack.com

Alicia Sanchez receives 2018 Marana Youth Legacy Award

Alicia Sanchez accepts the Youth Legacy Award from Mayor Honea on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

Alicia Sanchez accepts the Youth Legacy Award from Mayor Honea on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

As part of the 2018 Marana State of the Town Luncheon last week, the Town handed out their second annual Youth Legacy Award.

Award History

The Marana Town Council created the Youth Legacy Award in order to acknowledge youth in the community who make Marana a better place for everyone. Recipients of this award benefit others in the community through acts supporting:

Heart: promoting a healthy and supportive environment for youth;

Body: Fulfilling essential needs such as food, shelter, and safety; or

Mind: Creating educational opportunities enriching young minds. 

This year the nominees were evaluated by a panel made up of Town staff and members of the Marana Citizens Forum.

Alicia Sanchez

Alicia Sanchez is a Marana High School alumni and is highly engaged in her community. Passionate about public safety, her involvement began when she participated in the Criminal Justice Career and Technical Education course at Marana High school. During her senior year, she participated in the Marana 2.0 internship program where she hosted an event to create relationships between Marana Police Officers and Marana high schoolers.

By bringing officers and students together, Alicia has contributed toward promoting a healthy and supportive environment for youth and has created an educational opportunity to enrich the minds of her peers. Alicia plans to pursue a career in Criminal Justice to eventually become a detective.

Dr. Monica Fowler and Northwest Landscaping receive the 2018 Marana Branding Iron Awards

As part of the 2018 Marana State of the Town Luncheon, the Town handed out their Branding Iron Awards. The Marana Branding Irons are awarded to on individual and one organization who have made a "mark" on the community.

Some of the past recipients of the awards  include former U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, former Mayor Ora Mae Harn, Wheeler & Charlene Abbett, and Sargent Aerospace & Defense. 

This year the nominees were evaluated by a panel made up of Town staff and members of the Marana Citizens Forum.

Individual: Dr. Monic Fowler

Dr. Fowler receives the Branding Iron Award from Mayor Honea on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

Dr. Fowler receives the Branding Iron Award from Mayor Honea on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

Dr. Monica Fowler is a Marana resident and owner of Fowler Chiropractic. She is a licensed chiropractor specializing in sports medicine and prenatal care. In addition to providing care throughout the region, she takes every opportunity to give back to the community.

Every holiday she collects the names of children in need and will hand-deliver purchased and donated items to well over 800 children. She is a devoted member and ambassador of the Marana Chamber of Commerce as well as the Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee.

Northwest Landscaping LLC

Greg Brchan and Chris Fisher accept the Branding Iron Award from Mayor Honea on behalf of Northwest Landscaping on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

Greg Brchan and Chris Fisher accept the Branding Iron Award from Mayor Honea on behalf of Northwest Landscaping on the 2018 State of the Town stage.

Northwest Landscaping LLC is owned by Chad Berg, Glenn Brchan, and Steven Chrismer and was founded in 2000 as “Landscaping by Northwest”. They serve residential and commercial markets from Nogales to Casa Grande and have based the company’s services on a proactive approach to Sonoran Desert landscape services. 

In the case for Gladden Farms and Saguaro Bloom neighborhoods, they are considered a true community partner. They have a strong commitment to community values and go much further than just providing professional landscape services.

Northwest Landscaping regularly participates in neighborhood events, often volunteering to set up, tear down, and provide staff members in order to ensure a successful event for the community. They support residents in hard times by volunteering their services to those enduring medical hardships or deployments.

This organization has made themselves an essential part of the community and serves as an excellent example of how businesses can create impactful relationships with their neighbors.

John Officer appointed Marana Town Councilmember

John Officer.jpg

On Tuesday, April 17, Marana Town Council appointed John Officer to the Town Council. Officer will serve the remainder of the term left vacant by the passing of Councilmember Carol McGorray.

Officer was one of nine applicants for the position, eight of whom made presentations to the Council at the  April 17 meeting.

The position is one of four that will be part of this year’s election and his term will last until the winner of the election is sworn in.

John Officer has lived, worked, and volunteered in the Town of Marana for 25 years. He was raised in Buckeye, Arizona and moved to the Marana area in 1990. He spent over 30 years working with the Central Arizona Project, and currently owns a weed control business. He volunteers regularly for the Marana Public Works Department and hadserved on the Parks and Recreation Commission. He served on the Planning Commission before being appointed to the Marana Town Council.

Officer also volunteers with Marana Little League and helps to find donors to build additional facilities at Ora Mae Harn Park. He also worked with the Marana Heritage Conservancy, formerly serving as the group’s president for two years. He currently serves on the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona Advisory Board.

Parks & Rec: Plenty to do this summer

As the Director of Marana Parks and Recreation Department, my Recreation team and I are very excited to invite you to participate in our summer programs. The lineup of recreation programs and activities are designed to provide summer fun opportunities for all members of our community.

Also keep an eye out for the opening of our new Tangerine Sky Community Park and  Honea Heights Pocket park as well as our new Splash Pad in Crossroads District Park all scheduled to open this summer.

Jim Conroy
Marana Parks and Recreation Department

Summer is coming and Marana is inviting you to soak in the summer with us. We have a number of great activities for all interest and skill levels as well as all ages. As Director of Marana Parks and Recreation, my team has created programs designed to provide fun opportunities for all members of our community.


We finish our Tortolita adventures as the weather gets warmer with two more Guided Horseback Rides of the Tortolitas. On June 2, we will host the Headlight Hike, our nighttime headlight hike. Come out and enjoy the beauty of the southwest with us.

Saturday, May 12 is our annual Mother’s Day 5k, and this year we are adding a half mile fun run. This fifth annual race is a great way to celebrate all moms, grandmothers, and moms-to-be. Or you can just come out, strap on the shoes, and race for the love of it.

We are also providing a number of adult sports leagues and lessons. Co-ed Softball League begins in May, and Men’s Basketball League at the Leman Academy begins in July. Get ready to dust off your high tops and bring your basketball skills to the court.

Not sure you want to commit to a basketball league? There are weekly open gyms for both basketball and volleyball. Racquet sports more your style? Then join our Pickleball League or sign up for tennis lessons.

There are also a number of sports options for kids including leagues, lessons, and camps. We offer golf and tennis lessons for all ages, and for athletes wanting to take their skills to the next level there is speed, agility, and quickness training at the end of the summer. We will also offer clinics for youth football, basketball, and volleyball players, as well as horse riding camps for burgeoning equestrians.

We are again partnering with Pima Community College this summer to offer courses in photography, retirement planning, and BBQ 101. There are full and half day youth STEAM Camps as well.

Another summer camp option is our popular Create with a Beat Creative Camps. These camps have been very popular during holiday breaks, and they will continue all summer long for students looking for something fun to do.

Still haven’t found an activity? Marana Parks and Recreation is offering parent/tot classes, Community Music Theatre Choir, Make & Take Crafts, a needlework group, music workshops, and dog obedience classes. For our seniors, we’ve planned trips to Biosphere 2, Mount Lemmon, and the Gaslight Theatre.

There is plenty to do in Marana this summer. Our Parks & Rec Department has a little something for everyone, and maybe a lot just for you.

Our Parks & Rec Department has a little something for everyone, and maybe a lot just for you. For more information and to sign up, visit MaranaAZ.gov/recreation .

Sneak Preview Photo Gallery: Tangerine Sky playground

Construction has gone vertical at Tangerine Sky Park. Located just south of Tangerine road, between Camino de Oeste and Camino de Manana, Marana’s newest park project will be the largest park in east Marana.

The project is due to be completed later this summer. The park will feature a play area, a basketball court, a large turf area, two dog parks and several ramadas, as well as access to the neighboring trail system.

The location of the park is conveniently located near both Dove Mountain and the Twin Peaks Corridor, benefiting a wide array of visitors. The Town of Marana recently wrapped up their portion of the project to widen Tangerine Road between Dove Mountain Blvd and La Cholla Drive. As part of this project, a shared-use path will allow cyclists, walkers, joggers, and any other non-motorized users to enjoy a car-free pathway. Tangerine Sky Community Park, when complete, will serve as an ideal trailhead for this route.

Work is currently being done on installing the play area equipment. See the images below to get a sneak peek at all of the fun.