Marana Police Volunteer Program celebrates 20th anniversary

Published on February 22, 2024

MARANA- The Town of Marana is recognizing its Police Volunteer Program for 20 years of service to the community.

The Marana Police Volunteer Program formerly known as VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service) was created in January 2004 to help support the police department with administrative duties and patrol.

Since then, the volunteers have contributed nearly 18,000 hours valued at more than $1.9 million in labor.

Several of the longest-serving members and founding members attended the 20th anniversary celebration on February 7, 2024.

"I started on patrol and been fingerprinting for 15 or 16 years. I enjoy it. The people in the police department are all so wonderful. It's nice to be with them and work along with them ," said Lois Dudych, 20 year volunteer with the Marana Police Department.

"I love meeting the people. I have met people from all over," said 20 year volunteer Ann Schmidt.

"I was one of the founding members of the volunteer program. I retired from the volunteer group around 2016, but I'm very pleased to be back with the reunion and the 20 year anniversary. I'm really proud of the program, what it's become. It's grown a great deal and I'm very proud of the police department and very honored to have been part of it," said former Marana Police Volunteer Jim Hagedon.

The Town of Marana and Marana Police Department would like to thank the more than 100 community member volunteers for their two decades of service and commitment to the town.

Learn more about the program and how you can sign up to become a volunteer.

Marana Police Volunteer Lois Dudych, Former Volunteer Jim Hagdeon & Volunteer Ann Schmidt

Marana Police Volunteers at breakfast

Police Volunteer Breakfast

Marana High School students serving police volunteers

Town Clerk reading Proclamation for Volunteers

Marana Police Chief with Marana High students

Marana Police Volunteer breakfast

Marana Police Volunteer members past and present

20th anniversary of Marana Police Volunteer Program

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