TRAFFIC ALERT: N. Mountain Stone Pine/N. Douglas Fir Intersection

Published on September 29, 2023

TRAFFIC ALERT: N. Mountain Stone Pine Way / N. Douglas Fir Dr. Intersection

Start Date: 10/2/2023
End Date: 11/28/2023

The Town of Marana has contracted with KE&G Construction for roadway improvements at The Pines, Phase 1 subdivision at the intersection of N. Mountain Stone Pine Way and N. Douglas Fir Drive beginning October 2nd, 2023. Road work is expected to continue through November 28th, 2023. Work hours will be 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on week days (Monday - Friday). No work is anticipated on weekends. During construction the intersection will be closed to normal traffic operations with the exception of those accessing in/out at the northeast leg of N. Douglas Fir Dr., off of N. Continental Links Drive. Resident access will be maintained at all times and other traffic is encouraged to seek alternate routes.

For your safety and that of the contractor's personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

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