TRAFFIC ALERT: Ina Road surface treatment

Published on September 18, 2023

TRAFFIC ALERT: Ina Road surface treatment

Start Date:: 9/18/2023

End Date: 9/23/2023

Ina road between the Canada del Oro wash and Silverbell Road will receive a surface treatment beginning September 18 through the 23. Portions of Camino de Oeste, Oldfather Drive and Meredith Boulevard will also be completed from Ina Road to the Town limits. One lane of traffic will remain open in each direction at all times. Work will be performed at night from 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM. Expect lane shifts and officers at signalized intersections.

For your safety and that of the contractor's personnel, please comply with traffic control devices, flagging personnel, and/or detour signs.

Travel time through the project area may increase during construction so please adjust your schedule accordingly. Construction may restrict traffic lanes and create congestion. Taking alternate routes is suggested.

If inclement weather or other events cause delays, the work may be rescheduled without further notice.

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