RELEASE: Marana seeks public input on Transportation Master Plan

Published on February 22, 2023

RELEASE: Town of Marana seeks public input on Transportation Master Plan

MARANA - The Town of Marana is actively seeking public input on the Town's Transportation Master Plan. The Transportation Master Plan will help guide the development of our streets, walking and biking facilities, and public transportation system for the next 20 years. Residents and visitors to Marana are encouraged to complete a brief survey to help the Town better understand current transportation issues and what potential solutions our residents and travelers would like to see.

Residents and visitors interested in participating can complete the online survey at: Transportation Master Plan

What is the Transportation Master Plan?

The last Transportation Master Plan Update was conducted 2001. As our town continues to grow and evolve, now is the time to review our current transportation system and develop a plan to ensure an efficient, accessible, safe, and well-connected network for all users. The Marana Transportation Master Plan will develop a 20-year vision for the Town's multimodal transportation network and will consider the needs of people who walk, bike, use a mobility device, use public transportation, drive, and deliver goods and services throughout Marana. Ultimately, the Transportation Master Plan will develop a prioritized list of transportation improvements and policies that will drive future funding decisions.

For additional information, please visit the project website at: Transportation Master Plan

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