Public Notice: MPD seeking ALEAP re-accreditation
Published on August 07, 2023
MARANA- The Marana Police Department is seeking re-accreditation through the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP)'s Arizona Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ALEAP).
Accreditation is a progressive and time-proven method of assisting law enforcement agencies in measuring and improving their overall performance. ALEAP is intended to provide law enforcement agencies in the state with an avenue for demonstrating that they meet commonly accepted best practices and industry standards for efficient, effective, productive, and quality operations.
Assessors will be conducting an on-site assessment of MPD's compliance with the ALEAP standards as part of the voluntary ALEAP accreditation. As part of the on-site assessment, members of the community and agency employees are invited to offer comments regarding MPD during a Public Call-In Session, on Thursday, August 17, 2023, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Calls can be made to (520) 382-2065. Calls will not be recorded and callers will speak directly with ALEAP assessors. Comments should be limited to five (5) minutes and address the agency's ability to comply with ALEAP standards.
What Are the Standards?
The 175 ALEAP Standards emphasize high-risk, high-liability areas such as:
- Role and Authority
- Use of Force
- Management, Staffing & Utilization of Personnel
- Records Management
- Information Technology
- Fiscal Management
- Recruitment and Selection of Personnel
- Performance Evaluations
- Code of Conduct
- Internal Affairs / Professional Responsibility
- Patrol Functions
- Evidence and Property Control
- Detainee Security
- OSHA Requirements
- Policing in Indian Country
A copy of the standards is available for review at:
Marana Police Department
11555 West Civic Center Drive
Marana, Arizona 85653
Questions may be directed to the department accreditation manager, Lieutenant Tim Brunenkant,