Public Records

Public Records icon

The Town Clerk's Office oversees the management of public records for the Town of Marana.

Public Records Requests

Town of Marana employees cannot give legal advice. 48 hours is required to process all requests. Please indicate the number of copies requested. There will be a minimum charge pursuant to A.R.S. §39-121.01D. and A.R.S. §39-121.03A. The Town will make a good faith effort to retrieve the documents requested to the best of the Town's ability. Nevertheless, documents may exist of which we are unaware.


Please read the following Arizona Revised Statutes prior to requesting public records:

Note: if you are requesting building plans, all requests must be accompanied with a signed Owner Authorization form(PDF, 183KB). If you are not able to contact the current property owner, please submit a Copyright Acknowledgement form(PDF, 242KB) instead.

Forms can be faxed to 520-382-1998 or emailed to

Public Records Request Form


Please read the following Arizona Revised Statutes prior to requesting public records:

Records Unit
Fax: (520) 382-2001

For background, criminal history information, DVDs, or photo requests, please call the Records Unit.

Motor vehicle accident reports are available at

Be advised all requests are processed in the order they are received and pending availability.

Police Records Request Form



Please read the Administrative order that governs public judicial records requests.

Courts Records Request Form


Archive Records

Welcome to the Marana Archives, a convenient on-line repository of town records dating from 1977 to present. Please use the search functions below to review various archived town council records, adopted and amended versions of the town’s operating codes, adopted and amended planning guidelines, and historic financial records related to the town’s operations.

For records related to building permits, building and development plans, or other administrative documents not contained within the archive, please submit a public records request.

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