Election Information

General Information

The Town Council is a seven member non-partisan body elected at large by the registered voters of Marana. The mayor and the town council members serve four-year staggered terms with the position of mayor directly elected by voters.
Upcoming Elections
- 2022: Four open council seats
- 2024: Mayor and two open council seats
Office of the Mayor
The position of mayor is the chief executive officer of the town. In addition to casting a vote on proposed actions brought before the Council, the mayor also presides as the chair for council meetings. The mayor is vested with the authority to make recommendations and/or suggestions to the council for consideration. The mayor's signature executes and authenticates actions passed by the town council.
Office of the Vice Mayor
The council members shall choose a vice mayor from among their number by majority vote. The vice mayor serves a two-year term. The vice mayor's terms can be extended after each election. The vice mayor serves in the absence or disability of the mayor.
Council Members
The six council members (including the vice mayor) are the elected officers of the town and are vested with corporate powers, which are exercised by ordinance, resolution, order, or motion.
As of December 2015, the mayor's annual salary is $21,000; the vice mayor and council members each receive $16,400 annually.