Candidate Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a candidate in the 2024 Town of Marana Election. The Town has prepared a Candidate Handbook(PDF, 460KB) that contains relevant information related to running for municipal office, links to required nomination forms, and other helpful resources. You may obtain a copy of the Candidate Handbook along with a thumb drive containing all required nomination forms and other informational materials by scheduling an appointment with the Town Clerk: (520) 382-1961.
The next Town of Marana Election will be held on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Council Members to four-year terms.
Please note the Marana Town Clerk serves as the filing officer for local elections. All forms must be filed with the Town Clerk’s Office within the deadlines outlined in State statutes. Candidates are encouraged to review the Candidate Handbook for an overview of the requirements to run for office and to refer often to the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Marana Town Code.
Please also note that each candidate is responsible for ensuring that all legal requirements have been met. Town staff cannot provide legal or financial advice. For questions regarding their campaign, candidates should consult with an attorney and other professionals.
To run for office, a candidate must: be 18 years of age, a United States citizen, an Arizona resident, and a qualified elector; currently reside within Marana’s town limits and have resided within them or in an annexed area for at least one year prior to the election; be able to speak, write, and read the English language; not have been convicted of treason or a felony, unless civil rights have been restored; and not have been adjudicated as incapacitated. For more information, please see the 2024 Candidate Handbook.
Statement of Interest
Before collecting any signatures, a candidate must file a Statement of Interest with the Town Clerk. Any signatures collected prior to a Statement of Interest being filed are invalid and subject to challenge.
Statement of Organization
A Statement of Organization must be filed within 10 days of receiving contributions or making expenditures of at least $500, in any combination, in connection with your candidacy. Once filed, you will be required to file periodic Campaign Finance Reports.
Official Nomination Filing Requirements
Schedule an appointment with the Town Clerk to file the following required documents during the nomination filing period (March 2, 2024 – April 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM):
- Nomination Paper/Declaration of Qualification.
- Nomination Petitions containing no less than 367 valid signatures or more than 735 valid signatures.
- Financial Disclosure Statement.
A receipt will be issued noting the number of signatures received. Please note that all documents filed are considered public records.
Candidates may collect up to the minimum number of required Nomination Petition signatures online. The Arizona Secretary of State’s E-QUAL system enables registered Marana voters to electronically sign petitions and allows candidates to create a candidate profile with website links that may be shared with voters. Candidates may create an online profile.
For more information about E-QUAL, please see the E-Qual Candidate Guide(PDF, 1MB) and E-Qual Voter Guide(PDF, 417KB).
Political Signs
Candidates wishing to use political signs within the Town’s right-of-way must follow the requirements of A.R.S. § 16-1019. View an overview of the requirements(PDF, 135KB).
Forms and Additional Resources
The Town of Marana appreciates your interest in the election process. If you have any questions or need assistance throughout the process, please contact David Udall at (520) 382-3492 or at
- Statement of Interest (English and Spanish)(PDF, 424KB)
- Nomination Paper & Declaration of Qualification(PDF, 104KB)
- Nomination Petition (English)(PDF, 161KB)
- Nomination Petition (Spanish)(PDF, 73KB)
- Nomination Paper: Write-In(PDF, 104KB)
- Financial Disclosure Statement(PDF, 450KB)
- Candidate Statement of Voluntary Withdrawal(PDF, 118KB)
- Affidavit of Signature Withdrawal from Candidate Petition(PDF, 198KB)
- Statement of Organization (English)(PDF, 208KB)
- Statement of Organization (Spanish)(PDF, 52KB)
- Campaign Finance Report(PDF, 2MB)
- Termination Statement(PDF, 202KB)
- Running for Public Office - A Candidate Guide(PDF, 2MB)
- E-Qual Candidate Guide(PDF, 1MB)
- E-Qual Voter Guide(PDF, 417KB)
- Campaign Finance – Candidate Guide(PDF, 8MB)
- Financial Disclosure – A Guide for Completing Financial Disclosure Statements(PDF, 12MB)
- Campaign Finance PAC Guide(PDF, 10MB)