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New Traffic Safety Programs

In order to enhance the traffic safety in the Town’s neighborhoods, the Traffic Engineering Division is in the process of developing several community-oriented traffic programs. The first of these to be developed is the Speed Awareness Program.

Speed Awareness Program

The purpose of the of the Speed Awareness Program is to assist citizens’ organizations throughout the Town in addressing chronic speeding conditions on specific sections of roadway through organized community involvement. Department of Public Works personnel will set up the Town’s speed monitoring radar trailer (displays the speeds of passing vehicles) during civic organizations’ scheduled and publicized Speed Awareness days. A Speed Awareness Day is defined as an event (typically four to six hours long) during which a group of citizens (minimum 10 persons) assembles at a safe location adjacent to the targeted roadway and demonstrates their concern about the speeding conditions on that street. Generally, the group should draw attention to their efforts by conveying a positive message to passing motorists (“Safe at 25 MPH,” No Need To Speed!,” etc.) through the displaying of pre-printed signs, posters, etc. It will be the sole responsibility of the participating organization to organize, schedule and publicize the event. The Town will provide safety vests.

The Department’s personnel will deliver and set up the speed monitoring radar trailer at the specified (and warranted) location at the scheduled date and time, remaining to monitor the radar trailer during the entire Speed Awareness Day event. In addition, our personnel will request that at least one Town of Marana Police Department officer be in attendance during the event.

If your citizens’ organization is interested in holding a Speed Awareness Day event, please contact the Department’s Traffic Engineering Division at (520) 382-2600. We look forward to working with your organization to address the speeding conditions that unfortunately exist on our streets.