
Real Property services include review of plans for right-of-way dedication, abandonment and utility rights in conjunction with private development, Capital Improvement Project Program and Marana Water Department. We process property rights for final plan approval and close-out with the assistance of Engineering and Marana Water Departments. We also review land title reports and legal descriptions for real property rights associated with major public projects in relation to private property and State Trust Land. Reviews include comprehensive examination of title reports commitments and supporting documents, legal descriptions, surveys and appraisals for all sub-projects associated with capital programs to determine the need for acquisitions, easements, dedication, abandonment and other property rights.

Forms, Applications & Checklist

Overdimensional Vehicles

Additional information and requirements can be found in Title 12, Chapter 12-9 of the Marana Town Code.

Right-Of-Way Use

New Ordinances in effect

Additional information and requirements can be found in Title 12, Chapter 12-7 of the Marana Town Code.

Certificate of Insurance Information

Real Property Services