The Housing Rehabilitation Program assists qualifying Marana residents with repairs and/or replacement of major systems that prevent safe and healthy habitability of the property. Such repairs can include: roofing, heating and cooling, electrical, and water heaters.
A few of the qualifications for the Housing Rehabilitation Program are:
The property must be located within the Town of Marana incorporated limits.
The property must be owned and occupied as the primary residence of the applicant for at least one year at the time of application.
The total annual household income (gross) must not exceed the limits listed below.
For a full list of qualification and eligible repairs, please refer to the CDBG Policies and Procedures.(PDF, 396KB)
Please note: The submission of an application does not guarantee assistance under the Housing Rehabilitation Program. If an applicant meets the basic eligibility criteria, the application will be placed on the wait list. Once the applicant's number is reached on the wait list, the case will move forward to the next steps in the process which include final verification of eligibility and initiation of services.