Know the Code
Each link below will direct you to that specific section of the Town or Land Development Code.
Leave Town Rights-of-way Free of Cluttered Signage

(Town Code, Chapter 17-10)
Except for political signs and Temporary Qualifying Event Directional signs, no signs are allowed in the Town's right of way because they:
- Create a distraction to drivers/pedestrians
- Mislead people seeking to locate addresses
- Endanger public safety
Ensure Property is Free of Unkempt Weeds, Other Vegetation and Refuse

(Town Code, Chapter 18-3-4)
Help keep our town beautiful by cutting weeds exceeding 9 inches in height, removing dead trees/shrubs and preventing vegetation that interferes with sidewalk space or roadway.
Please bag garbage before putting it in trash cans and make sure that trash, unsanitary and unsightly items do not accumulate on your property.
Help Keep Our Town Free of Graffiti and Other Vandalism

(Town Code, Chapter 18-3-3)
If your home or business has been vandalized with graffiti, please notify the Marana Police Department or Code Enforcement. If you see graffiti around the Town, please report it using the Marana Clean app, available via Google Play or the App Store. We will work with you to help remove the damage and stop it from happening again.
Animal Welfare

(Town Code, Chapter 6-5)
The Town has equipped our parks with pet waste bag dispensers. Please use these to keep our parks beautiful for everyone to enjoy. Remember, any pet waste on public property/property of another must be immediately cleaned up and any pet waste on your private property must be cleaned up on a regular basis.
Any animals kept on property for economic value or otherwise must be enclosed in safe, healthy and appropriate structures, as outlined in Land Development Code 17-4-3. Water must be accessible at all times.
Storage of Inoperable Vehicles

(Town Code, Chapter 18-3-2)
Any abandoned or junked vehicles or watercraft, shall be stored in an enclosed area so the vehicle or watercraft are not visible from any point outside of the land.
Maintaining Your Property

(Town Code, Chapter 18-2)
Protect your investment by keeping your land or business in a condition that is not harmful to the life, health or safety of individuals or the public.
Always Park in a Legal Space

(Town Code, Chapter 12-3)
Help keep Marana's roadways safe and accessible by never parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, on a sidewalk, within an intersection or alley way, or in any manner that obstructs sight visibility near an intersection.
Please only park your vehicle on improved surfaces on your own property, and only park an oversized vehicle, trailer, boat or RV in a residential zone during loading and unloading.
Escaping Water

(Town Code, Chapter 14-9-3)
When water escapes from your property it can create a potentially hazardous condition on the streets and sidewalks, as well as cause damage to your neighbor’s property. To prevent this, please keep all used water confined to your property. If you see these conditions, please report them to Code Enforcement.
Town Code / Land Development Code
Public Nuisance and Property Preservation Code
Code Enforcement Policy