Living with desert wildlife

Marana's Environment

Marana is a beautiful community. Much of its beauty comes from the natural environment, including wildlife. The following wildlife can pose a threat to your pets:

  • Javelina
  • Bats
  • Raptors
  • Owls
  • Coyotes
  • Bobcats
  • Mountain Lions
  • Rattlesnakes

What Attracts Wild Animals to your Home?

  • Food sources such has pet food placed outdoors, the smell of food in the trash, or small animals such as rodents or small pets
  • Drought
  • Wildfires

Wild Animal Facts

  • Some owls and hawks can easily pick up a 5lb pet. Other very large winged wildlife could attempt to pick up pets up to 10lbs. 
  • Javelina can broad jump 6ft high, run 25 mph, and are good swimmers. 
  • Coyotes can jump over fences up to 8ft high, and bobcats can jump even higher. 
  • Snakes can climb walls and trees. They can also fit through openings as small as 1/3 inch. 

How to keep you and your pets safe: 

  • Do not approach wildlife
  • Do not feed wildlife
  • Keep pets on leashes, and watch your pets while they are outside
  • Consider covered dog runs for small dogs if left alone in the yard
  • Keep your pet rabies vaccinations current
  • Keep shrubbery and grasses trimmed
  • Carry a walking stick when out for hikes and walks

What to do when you encounter wildlife:

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