Next date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Health and Safety Institute can help you in being knowledgeable and skilled in providing CPR / AED / First Aid, which can help you to make your workplace, home and community a safer place to be.
When a person is injured or becomes suddenly ill, your quick action can prevent the injury or illness from worsening, and it may even save the person's life. Although every emergency situation is unique, understanding basic principles of giving first aid care will always serve you well.
Register Here!
Marana Community Center, 13250 N. Lon Adams Rd., Marana, AZ, 85653, View Map
13250 N. Lon Adams Rd. , Marana, AZ 85653
Marana Resident: $50.00 | Non-resident: $62.50